While the Right obsesses with college campus protests the Biden admin has widened its gaze.

To move towards stabilizing the ME. You don't think ending the war in Gaza and having SA recognize Israel's right to exist is a worthy goal?
The Abraham Accords were a move to stabilize the Middle East. The most progress ever was being made. Biden fucked that up.
There should be no swap. Bomb Gaza until they release every living or dead hostage. Keep bombing until they turn over everyone who participated
That is a best case scenario

But I think the final result will be less than that
The Abraham Accords were a move to stabilize the Middle East. The most progress ever was being made. Biden fucked that up.
Sorry, I forgot that in Trumpworld everything the Orange Messiah did was perfect and everything done by others is rubbish. How nice it must be for you to live a such a simplistic world where others do your thinking for you.
There should be no swap. Bomb Gaza until they release every living or dead hostage. Keep bombing until they turn over everyone who participated
I get the feeling you have adopted the Trumpian view that Palestinian men, women, and children are less than human. Otherwise, how could you condone the genocide you are proposing?
To move towards stabilizing the ME. You don't think ending the war in Gaza and having SA recognize Israel's right to exist is a worthy goal?
Not really...dont trust muslims one second. Gazans get what they deserve ...dont want none...dont start none. All you will accomplish is more ward own the road.
I get the feeling you have adopted the Trumpian view that Palestinian men, women, and children are less than human. Otherwise, how could you condone the genocide you are proposing?
No one said that. And there is no genocide. If Israel wanted those people dead they would be, and they are not.
As an old saying, often attributed to President Dwight Eisenhower, goes, “If a problem cannot be solved, enlarge it.”

Given how torturously difficult it has been to reach a ceasefire deal to halt the fighting in Gaza, it might seem like the height of hubris that even as the Biden administration is trying to curtail the war, it is simultaneously hoping to reach an agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia that would fundamentally reshape the politics of the Middle East. But advocates say such a deal may be the only way to convince Israel to step back from the war and recommit to a wider peace process with the Palestinians.

Under the potential deal, the basic details of which have been reported, Saudi Arabia would agree to formally recognize and establish diplomatic relations with Israel, Israel would take meaningful steps toward a Palestinian state, and the US would grant security guarantees to Saudi Arabia.

Negotiators have suggested a deal may be imminent. One anonymous diplomat told Haaretz that the government of Saudi Arabia “has decided to go for an agreement with Israel … as part of the rapprochement with the US.” According to the New York Times, the Saudis made clear they were “eager” to conclude the deal during Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent visit to the kingdom. Bloomberg has reported that “officials are optimistic that they could reach a deal within weeks.” CNN reports that Saudi and US diplomats are “finalizing the details” of the accord.

US and Saudis Near Defense Pact Meant to Reshape Middle East

I seem to recall reading speculation the barbaric Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas was meant in part to disrupt these negotiations. If they are successful it would be quite an achievement and a step forward for ME peace.
They are going nowhere. Xiden f ups everything he touches
No one said that. And there is no genocide. If Israel wanted those people dead they would be, and they are not.
"Bomb Gaza until they release every living or dead hostage. Keep bombing until they turn over everyone who participated."

That's the promotion of genocide.
I get the feeling you have adopted the Trumpian view that Palestinian men, women, and children are less than human. Otherwise, how could you condone the genocide you are proposing?
I've adopted the view that these people DANCED IN THE STREET over the massacre and kidnapping of these innocent civilians.

I've adopted the view that these people know where these hostages are and refuse to help.

I've adopted the view that they are accessories to a capital crime
As an old saying, often attributed to President Dwight Eisenhower, goes, “If a problem cannot be solved, enlarge it.”

Given how torturously difficult it has been to reach a ceasefire deal to halt the fighting in Gaza, it might seem like the height of hubris that even as the Biden administration is trying to curtail the war, it is simultaneously hoping to reach an agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia that would fundamentally reshape the politics of the Middle East. But advocates say such a deal may be the only way to convince Israel to step back from the war and recommit to a wider peace process with the Palestinians.

Under the potential deal, the basic details of which have been reported, Saudi Arabia would agree to formally recognize and establish diplomatic relations with Israel, Israel would take meaningful steps toward a Palestinian state, and the US would grant security guarantees to Saudi Arabia.

Negotiators have suggested a deal may be imminent. One anonymous diplomat told Haaretz that the government of Saudi Arabia “has decided to go for an agreement with Israel … as part of the rapprochement with the US.” According to the New York Times, the Saudis made clear they were “eager” to conclude the deal during Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent visit to the kingdom. Bloomberg has reported that “officials are optimistic that they could reach a deal within weeks.” CNN reports that Saudi and US diplomats are “finalizing the details” of the accord.

US and Saudis Near Defense Pact Meant to Reshape Middle East

I seem to recall reading speculation the barbaric Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas was meant in part to disrupt these negotiations. If they are successful it would be quite an achievement and a step forward for ME peace.

The Soros funded antisemitic protests intentionally took the Open Borders off of the front pages
I've adopted the view that these people DANCED IN THE STREET over the massacre and kidnapping of these innocent civilians.

I've adopted the view that these people know where these hostages are and refuse to help.

I've adopted the view that they are accessories to a capital crime
No one cares.

Saudi Arabia has refused to recognize Israel since the Jewish state’s founding in 1948. The Sunni kingdom backed other Arab countries in their early wars with Israel and was long a strong supporter of the Palestinian cause.

In recent years, however, as the Israeli-Palestinian stalemate has dragged on and Iran’s regional influence has grown, Saudi priorities have shifted. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, now Saudi Arabia’s de facto leader, is also reportedly less attached to the Palestinian cause than his father, King Salman. Riyadh has also cut its financial aid to the Palestinian Authority.

It’s an open secret in the region that there is already extensive security and intelligence cooperation between Israel and Saudi Arabia with the aim of containing their mutual adversary, the Shiite government of Iran. This cooperation paid dividends for Israel during the Iranian missile attack last month, when Israel’s overwhelmingly successful air defense was reportedly aided by intelligence cooperation from Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.

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