The ignorant masses


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Most people who vote are ignorant of politics. They have "opinions" but these "opinions" are usually not from this person's own thought process, but just someone else telling them what to think.

I think there are plenty of examples of this on this board. We'll see as we get closer to the election in November how the two sides will continually manipulate and people will say silly things that make no sense.

But here's an example from the current political climate with the Israel/Palestine issue.

It often amazes me that people support either side, when most have no real reason to do so. The narratives coming out of both Israel and Hamas are strong, sweeping the western world, at the very least. China and Russia seem to just use the issue to provoke the west into having internal conflicts about external matters and it seems to work. Their own people don't seem to give a damn.

This guy, says he won't watch Eurovision, which in itself is trash, but he won't watch it because Israel, being in Asia, is in Europe for most things, like Soccer and for the Eurovision, because too many Muslim countries want to wipe Israel off the map.

The dude says "Lefties are boycotting this weekend’s Eurovision Song Contest, and so am I – though for subtly different reasons. The protesters are turning off because they say it elevates Israel, giving primetime to the “racist” state, even as it commits “genocide” in Gaza. I just think the whole show is pants."

But here's a gay Palestinian talking about Hamas

"'If you are gay, you should be hiding. It’s so hard. I was so scared. Scared from everything you know?'"

It's amazing how ignorant people are. Every day it amazes me. I know it's there, I know it happens. That almost everyone in the US will be voting for either Trump or Biden just goes beyond logic, beyond belief. If aliens landed on our planet and saw this, they'd probably just ask for Earth to be wiped out as being totally unsaveable.
My general opinion of those that look down upon the ignorant masses is that they have swelled heads.

Yeah, I was thinking about writing a bit at the bottom of post that was something along the lines of "let's see how many fucking stupid replies we get for this"

You got in there at number two with your shriveled head. Well done.
That almost everyone in the US will be voting for either Trump or Biden just goes beyond logic,

Voting for President Biden is perfectly logical.

‘Both sides’ are not ‘the same.’

Voting for Trump is ignorant madness; voting for President Biden is not – particularly to keep the likes of Trump out of the WH.

If someone like Haley were the GOP presidential nominee, voting for either Haley or President Biden would be appropriate and warranted – voting for Trump is not.
Most people who vote are ignorant of politics. They have "opinions" but these "opinions" are usually not from this person's own thought process, but just someone else telling them what to think.

I think there are plenty of examples of this on this board. We'll see as we get closer to the election in November how the two sides will continually manipulate and people will say silly things that make no sense.

But here's an example from the current political climate with the Israel/Palestine issue.

It often amazes me that people support either side, when most have no real reason to do so. The narratives coming out of both Israel and Hamas are strong, sweeping the western world, at the very least. China and Russia seem to just use the issue to provoke the west into having internal conflicts about external matters and it seems to work. Their own people don't seem to give a damn.

This guy, says he won't watch Eurovision, which in itself is trash, but he won't watch it because Israel, being in Asia, is in Europe for most things, like Soccer and for the Eurovision, because too many Muslim countries want to wipe Israel off the map.

The dude says "Lefties are boycotting this weekend’s Eurovision Song Contest, and so am I – though for subtly different reasons. The protesters are turning off because they say it elevates Israel, giving primetime to the “racist” state, even as it commits “genocide” in Gaza. I just think the whole show is pants."

But here's a gay Palestinian talking about Hamas

"'If you are gay, you should be hiding. It’s so hard. I was so scared. Scared from everything you know?'"

It's amazing how ignorant people are. Every day it amazes me. I know it's there, I know it happens. That almost everyone in the US will be voting for either Trump or Biden just goes beyond logic, beyond belief. If aliens landed on our planet and saw this, they'd probably just ask for Earth to be wiped out as being totally unsaveable.
Nailed it.

I voted for Trump in 2016, and was generally pleased with the job he did. I'll be voting for him again this time around, but ONLY as an Anti-Biden vote - not because I think Trump is going to actually be able to get anything accomplished. The swamp won't work with him, this has been proven already. The forces that want to destroy our system are too strong and too ingrained by now in almost all of our institutions. A Trump vote really isn't going to matter in the long run.
A lot of people are simply spending time with daily living. They're going to work. They're raising their kids. They are doing errands. There is often not enough at the end of the day to sort it all out. Marketers and others know this. This is why messages tend to be the so-called sound bite or simply a pic.

Voting for President Biden is perfectly logical.

‘Both sides’ are not ‘the same.’

Voting for Trump is ignorant madness; voting for President Biden is not – particularly to keep the likes of Trump out of the WH.

If someone like Haley were the GOP presidential nominee, voting for either Haley or President Biden would be appropriate and warranted – voting for Trump is not.
Just because one of these guys has 88 felony charges hanging over his head and has been sued 3,500 times is no reason to........never mind. :)
Most people who vote are ignorant of politics. They have "opinions" but these "opinions" are usually not from this person's own thought process, but just someone else telling them what to think.

I think there are plenty of examples of this on this board. We'll see as we get closer to the election in November how the two sides will continually manipulate and people will say silly things that make no sense.

But here's an example from the current political climate with the Israel/Palestine issue.

It often amazes me that people support either side, when most have no real reason to do so. The narratives coming out of both Israel and Hamas are strong, sweeping the western world, at the very least. China and Russia seem to just use the issue to provoke the west into having internal conflicts about external matters and it seems to work. Their own people don't seem to give a damn.

This guy, says he won't watch Eurovision, which in itself is trash, but he won't watch it because Israel, being in Asia, is in Europe for most things, like Soccer and for the Eurovision, because too many Muslim countries want to wipe Israel off the map.

The dude says "Lefties are boycotting this weekend’s Eurovision Song Contest, and so am I – though for subtly different reasons. The protesters are turning off because they say it elevates Israel, giving primetime to the “racist” state, even as it commits “genocide” in Gaza. I just think the whole show is pants."

But here's a gay Palestinian talking about Hamas

"'If you are gay, you should be hiding. It’s so hard. I was so scared. Scared from everything you know?'"

It's amazing how ignorant people are. Every day it amazes me. I know it's there, I know it happens. That almost everyone in the US will be voting for either Trump or Biden just goes beyond logic, beyond belief. If aliens landed on our planet and saw this, they'd probably just ask for Earth to be wiped out as being totally unsaveable.
At the end of the day, someone is going to be sworn in on 1/20/2025. In the absence of perfection, what do you recommend we do as voters?

If the answer is "Not vote at all" What would that solve? Someone is still going to be voted in.
At the end of the day, someone is going to be sworn in on 1/20/2025. In the absence of perfection, what do you recommend we do as voters?

If the answer is "Not vote at all" What would that solve? Someone is still going to be voted in.
Well, if this election is anything like the last one - with gazillions of mail in votes that propel a certain horrible candidate to a last minute, come from behind victory -- then I won't be voting again. 2024 might be the last for me.
It happened, whether you would care to admit it or not.
A gazillion votes were not cast.
That is exactly what happened, Trump was well on his way to wining re-election, but lefty had the cure for that.
Yeah, more people voted for Biden than your blob. Sinister plan.
LOCKDOWNS that necessitated mail in voting without ID because it was "too dangerous' to go to the polls and vote.
The President declared a national emergency.

You had to show ID to get on the voter rolls to get a ballot mailed to you

You simply are either brazenly stupid or woefully misinformed/brainwashed.
A gazillion votes were not cast.

Yeah, more people voted for Biden than your blob. Sinister plan.

The President declared a national emergency.

You had to show ID to get on the voter rolls to get a ballot mailed to you

You simply are either brazenly stupid or woefully misinformed/brainwashed.
"Show ID"?
Oh wait, you're serious?
Here, let me laugh harder,
A gazillion votes were not cast.

Yeah, more people voted for Biden than your blob. Sinister plan.

The President declared a national emergency.

You had to show ID to get on the voter rolls to get a ballot mailed to you

You simply are either brazenly stupid or woefully misinformed/brainwashed.
Lies, lies, lies. Fauci declared the emergency, Fauci ran the entire show, and if Trump hadn't listened to him you would have attacked him viciously for that too.

You sound very nervous heading into 2024 election, and you should be.
Lies, lies, lies. Fauci declared the emergency,
Fauci can't declare a public health emergency.
Fauci ran the entire show,
No. Fauci works for the Secretary of HHS.
and if Trump hadn't listened to him you would have attacked him viciously for that too.
Yes. Because it was a public health emergency...the blob did the right thing by declaring an emergency. He shouldn't have undermined his CDC at every turn along the way after doing it.
You sound very nervous heading into 2024 election, and you should be.
LOL..thanks for the chuckle.

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