Debate Now Should Gay Couples Be Able to Adopt?

Gay couples perversion destroys children's lives WE KNOW THIS
ompared with off-spring from married, intact mother/father homes, children raised in same-sex homes are markedly more likely to…

  • Experience poor educational attainment
  • Report overall lower levels of happiness, mental and physical health.
  • Have impulsive behavior
  • Be in counseling or mental health therapy (2xs)
  • Suffer from depression (by large margins)
  • Have recently thought of suicide (significantly)
  • Identify as bisexual, lesbian or gay
  • Have male on male or female on female sex partners (dramatically higher)
  • Currently be in a same-sex romantic relationship (2x to 3x more likely)
  • Be asexual (females with lesbian parents)
  • As adults, be unmarried; much more likely to cohabit
  • As adults, more likely to be unfaithful in married or cohabiting relationships
  • Have a sexually transmitted infection (STI)
  • Be sexually molested (both inappropriate touching and forced sexual act)
  • Feel relationally isolated from bio-mother and -father (Although lesbian-parented children do feel close to their bio-mom – not surprisingly – they are not as close as children with a bio-mom married to father)
  • Be unemployed or part-time employed as young adults
  • As adults, currently be on public assistance or sometime in their childhood
  • Live in homes with lower income levels
  • Drink with intention of getting drunk
  • To smoke tobacco and marijuana
  • Spend more time watching TV
  • Have frequency of arrests
  • Have pled guilty to minor legal offense
It's always better for children to grow up in an intact family with two involved parents, but, unfortunately that is not what most children experience. Can you explain why you point out your list as specific to children of gay parents without acknowledging that all children who grow up in less than ideal circumstances suffer the same disadvantages? When you compare children with two stable loving involved parents who happen to be gay to children of an overworked underpaid single mother, the children of gay parents are much better off.
It's always better for children to grow up in an intact family with two involved parents, but, unfortunately that is not what most children experience. Can you explain why you point out your list as specific to children of gay parents without acknowledging that all children who grow up in less than ideal circumstances suffer the same disadvantages? When you compare children with two stable loving involved parents who happen to be gay to children of an overworked underpaid single mother, the children of gay parents are much better off.
Gays suffer from a metal distortion - therefore it's obvious that a gay couple will pass (even intentionally) that mental distortion/fixation onto an adopted child.
Just as e.g. social lowlifes, MAGA's, Lefty/Libs, normal people or religious fanatics pass their mentality and "conviction" onto their children.

As such if two mentally distorted people or extremists want to marry each other - fine with me.
Demanding or claiming to be responsible and as such suitable parents to an adopted child - no way !!
First of all I'm not good with adding rules so the only one that I got is stay on topic. Second of all even though homosexuality is against my religion, as long as a child is being loved and cared for properly and not indoctrinated I honestly don't really care if they're being raised by gorillas.

However B. Tatum is also making some sense here. The poor baby girl in this video is being robbed of her mother and every child deserves to have a mother or a motherly figure in their lives just as well as every child deserves to have a father or a father figure. So what do you guys think? Should gay couples be allowed to adopt infants and children?

If we DEMAND every child has a fatherly and motherly figure in their lives, then we must take kids away from single parents.

If a mother dies of cancer, we take the kid away from the father, if you think this is RIDICULOUS then clearly it's better for kids to have parents than it is for them to be in care without parents at all

14% in Alabama don't have a family, they're in a "Group home or institution"

This seems to go up to 19% in one state. That's a lot of kids who can't get homes. What's the best home for a kid? It might be with a gay couple.
It's always better for children to grow up in an intact family with two involved parents, but, unfortunately that is not what most children experience. Can you explain why you point out your list as specific to children of gay parents without acknowledging that all children who grow up in less than ideal circumstances suffer the same disadvantages? When you compare children with two stable loving involved parents who happen to be gay to children of an overworked underpaid single mother, the children of gay parents are much better off.
Who happen to be gay....IF you cared about children then perversion would matter, even rich disgusting perverts should not have kids.

When kids find out about who the perverted disgusting crazed demons are the parents of Elton John's kids, they will be hated and beat up ...and that is wrong...but the pervs dont care

These are those parents if you are interested
Who happen to be gay....IF you cared about children then perversion would matter, even rich disgusting perverts should not have kids.

When kids find out about who the perverted disgusting crazed demons are the parents of Elton John's kids, they will be hated and beat up ...and that is wrong...but the pervs dont care

These are those parents if you are interested
View attachment 928113
They will only be hated and beat up if their parents raise them to be racist bigots like you.
My concern remains…..
Why do we allow Conservatives to adopt?

We know they make horrible parents, indoctrinate children with their hate and bigotry and shouldn’t even be allowed to procreate let alone adopt.
My concern remains…..
Why do we allow Conservatives to adopt?

We know they make horrible parents, indoctrinate children with their hate and bigotry and shouldn’t even be allowed to procreate let alone adopt.
You really need top explain how we teach them hate and bigotry!
There is only one reason gays want to adopt kids and it ain't good.

Isn't this supposed to be a debate zone ?

Can you please tell us the basis of your claim ?

Is there a survey or some police data or something that back you up ?
Homosexuals can never provide for kids what a normal heterosexual family can provide.

But kids are not ALL being adopted.

The question was asked "Isn't something (2 gay parents) better than nothing (an orphanage or foster care) ?

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