Zone1 Yale Jewish Student in Hospital after Antisemite Stabs him in Eye…

Oh please. Stop with the absurd support of a genocidal senile maniac. Israel couldn’t commit genocide without US support and you know it.
I don't think Biden is senile and he is not responsible for Netanyahus bullshit. So like I said, Biden needs to cut him off.
You are an ignorant bigot. You just revealed yourself as completely uninformed.

I bet you know absolutely nothing about The
Nakba, Operation Cast Lead, Operation Protective Edge, Mowing the lawn, etc.

Israel commits numerous pogroms, but dummies know nothing of them because they only consume state controlled media.
No these guys don't know. They think poor Israel is an innocent child and that the Palestinians only want to wipe them out. If they knew anything about the Nakba, they might understand why Palestinians think the way some of them do about Israel. They were the ones forced out of their homes by Jews. Of course we'll hear the excuses and I'm sure Lisa will whine about my anti semitism.
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No these guys don't know. They think poor Israel is an innocent child and that the Palestinians only want to wipe them out. If they knew anything about the Nakba, they might understand why Palestinians think the way some of them do about Israel. They were the ones forced out of their homes by Jews. Of course we'll here the excuses and I'm sure Lisa will whine about my anti semitism.
Well, you DID say that Gd is punishing the Jews because of our behavior. You don’t think that smacks of antisemitism?

You‘d have fits if some white person said that blacks in the ghetto, living in poverty and crime, are stuck there because Gd is punishing blacks for what they‘ve done.
You‘d have fits if some white person said that blacks in the ghetto, living in poverty and crime, are stuck there because Gd is punishing blacks for what they‘ve done.
Honestly, that sounds exactly like something black people like IM2 would say. They would do everything they can to avoid all personal responsibility. They pass the buck to someone else, blame them for their situation. I can imagine IM2 calling God a “white racist” and accusing God of unfairly favoring white people and disadvantaging black people since the beginning of creation. Then accusing God of punishing black people just for being black. Being black is like having God’s knee on your neck all the time.

Islamic State group targets gays with brutal public killings​

June 13, 2016

REYHANLI, Turkey (AP) — The Islamic State group, which on Monday called the Orlando mass shooter Omar Mateen ‘one of the soldiers of the caliphate in America,’ has a history of targeting gays with brutal public killings.

Many Muslims consider homosexuality to be sinful. In some parts of the Arab world, homosexuals have been arrested and sentenced to prison on charges linked to “debauchery.” In Iran and Saudi Arabia, they have been lashed...

The Islamic State group has reserved one of its most gruesome methods of killing for suspected gays -- throwing them to their death from building rooftops.

You post one link to a terrorist group FROM 2016. LMFAO. Where are all the state approved executions of gays? You must have hundreds of links more recent that 2016. Please post them.
6 of the 7 countries that have capital punishment for homosexuality are Islamic Theocracies. And those are just the countries where killing homosexuals is the law. Extrajudicial killings of homosexuals is even more wide spread throughout the Muslim world.

I assume you are denying this?
Post links to all these executions you believe are occurring. Got any?
Honestly, that sounds exactly like something black people like IM2 would say. They would do everything they can to avoid all personal responsibility. They pass the buck to someone else, blame them for their situation. I can imagine IM2 calling God a “white racist” and accusing God of unfairly favoring white people and disadvantaging black people since the beginning of creation. Then accusing God of punishing black people just for being black. Being black is like having God’s knee on your neck all the time.
This from a full blown self admitted bigot.

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