Should cops who kill be named? Ontario court to consider if police not charged should be kept anonymous


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
We are informed of EVERY accused Canadian in any crime. Often we see their mug shot and they have to wait in prison when they await a trial in which the majority are deemed innocent.

In a Police State, they receive special privileges. As Americans, you should kiss the ground you walk on, hold your hand on your heart and cry at the sight of the Statue of Liberty or your Constitution.

From the RCMP on down we are your enemy.

Should police officers who fatally shot a mentally ill man in crisis have their names shielded from the public?

That's the question facing Ontario's Superior Court of Justice as a hearing gets underway Tuesday in a lawsuit by the family of Ejaz Choudry, a father of four with schizophrenia shot and killed by police west of Toronto after his family called a non-emergency line for help.

Lawyers for the five Peel Regional Police officers involved in the death of the 62-year-old in June 2020 — including one who fired two bullets into Choudry's chest after his family called a non-emergency line when he was in crisis — say publishing their names could put them and their families at risk.

During submissions Tuesday, Justice Paul M. Perell called the request by police "remarkable" and "quite large encroachment on the open court principle."

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