(mytown) local site-no comments yet. Is (mytown (yourtown?)


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
I changed the name to (mytown).

I don't like riding my bicycle near (mytown) New Hampshire. Sure it's the city I grew up in but today it has devolved into an itellectual disaster area. I was watching a video of Joe Biden, the current US president who is big in (mytown). Biden was musing about his Uncle Ambrose Finnegan, whom he said was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea. The most striking thing about the video was the stupefied, adoring, facial expressions on the servile listeners behind him. This reminded me of many (mytown) voters and their belief that this dunce got 81 million votes.

I skirt the south side of (mytown) on my bike but I do not feel safe on roads in a city where neurons and synapses have deteriorated to morons and relapses. Did you know that (mytown) is high on the list of alcohol-induced early Alzheimer's Disease victims? It may be first in the state. While we are on that subject did you know that a massive new state liquor store is under construction in the Market Basket mall?


"Hey, did you know that alcohol brain damage is so rampant in (mytown) that people die early from Alzheimer's Disease?" "Yup". "What are we gonna do about it?" "We're gonna build a bigger liquor store that's what we're gonna do!"

This would be like the people in the 16th century discovering that infected rodents caused the Bubonic Plague and deciding to fight the sickness by importing bigger rats. But that's Joe-Biden loving (mytown).

I'm nigh onto 80 years old and I scarcely recognize the (mytown) I grew up in. Maybe I am being paid back. My guttersniped friends and I did a lot of property damage in (mytown) that we never got caught for so maybe I am partly to blame. I swear on my 1960's Roller Derby skateboard That I am sorry for my adolescent transgressions. However, I will not be writing a check.

Now lets get back to (mytown's) current population. They love to be told stories and imagine Ambrose sitting in a pot with a fire underneath like a cartoon. They are riveted on old Joe's speaking style and dream of a woke nirvana where diversity, equity, and inclusion are the new colors of the rainbow. Meanwhile, if you have been to a supermarket lately you will see that the country is going to hell in a hand basket quickly.

I think the guy I voted for in 2016 is coming back.


Carry on.
I changed the name to (mytown).

I don't like riding my bicycle near (mytown) New Hampshire. Sure it's the city I grew up in but today it has devolved into an itellectual disaster area. I was watching a video of Joe Biden, the current US president who is big in (mytown). Biden was musing about his Uncle Ambrose Finnegan, whom he said was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea. The most striking thing about the video was the stupefied, adoring, facial expressions on the servile listeners behind him. This reminded me of many (mytown) voters and their belief that this dunce got 81 million votes.

I skirt the south side of (mytown) on my bike but I do not feel safe on roads in a city where neurons and synapses have deteriorated to morons and relapses. Did you know that (mytown) is high on the list of alcohol-induced early Alzheimer's Disease victims? It may be first in the state. While we are on that subject did you know that a massive new state liquor store is under construction in the Market Basket mall?


"Hey, did you know that alcohol brain damage is so rampant in (mytown) that people die early from Alzheimer's Disease?" "Yup". "What are we gonna do about it?" "We're gonna build a bigger liquor store that's what we're gonna do!"

This would be like the people in the 16th century discovering that infected rodents caused the Bubonic Plague and deciding to fight the sickness by importing bigger rats. But that's Joe-Biden loving (mytown).

I'm nigh onto 80 years old and I scarcely recognize the (mytown) I grew up in. Maybe I am being paid back. My guttersniped friends and I did a lot of property damage in (mytown) that we never got caught for so maybe I am partly to blame. I swear on my 1960's Roller Derby skateboard That I am sorry for my adolescent transgressions. However, I will not be writing a check.

Now lets get back to (mytown's) current population. They love to be told stories and imagine Ambrose sitting in a pot with a fire underneath like a cartoon. They are riveted on old Joe's speaking style and dream of a woke nirvana where diversity, equity, and inclusion are the new colors of the rainbow. Meanwhile, if you have been to a supermarket lately you will see that the country is going to hell in a hand basket quickly.

I think the guy I voted for in 2016 is coming back.


Carry on.

Is your bicycle MAGA red?
The most striking thing about the video was the stupefied, adoring, facial expressions on the servile listeners behind him. This reminded me of many (mytown) voters and their belief that this dunce got 81 million votes.

Carry on.

Sadly, Ray, the irony of your stories is lost on you.
"Yourtown" is America.

Get used to it or move to a place more suited to your intellect.

Perhaps Bikini Bottom or Diminsburg is more your style.
Love it or leave It? Where have I heard that before?
The KGB, secret police, the Stasi. It's only been about 30 years. How did they end up in American politics and education? Why are these things not recognized? No one dares to say anything. What does that tell you?
So basically the guy I voted for is in league with the Devil? I think I understand where you are coming from.
Don't know who you voted for
I only know you can't seem to follow a topic or maintain a train of thought.
I changed the name to (mytown).

I don't like riding my bicycle near (mytown) New Hampshire. Sure it's the city I grew up in but today it has devolved into an itellectual disaster area. I was watching a video of Joe Biden, the current US president who is big in (mytown). Biden was musing about his Uncle Ambrose Finnegan, whom he said was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea. The most striking thing about the video was the stupefied, adoring, facial expressions on the servile listeners behind him. This reminded me of many (mytown) voters and their belief that this dunce got 81 million votes.

I skirt the south side of (mytown) on my bike but I do not feel safe on roads in a city where neurons and synapses have deteriorated to morons and relapses. Did you know that (mytown) is high on the list of alcohol-induced early Alzheimer's Disease victims? It may be first in the state. While we are on that subject did you know that a massive new state liquor store is under construction in the Market Basket mall?


"Hey, did you know that alcohol brain damage is so rampant in (mytown) that people die early from Alzheimer's Disease?" "Yup". "What are we gonna do about it?" "We're gonna build a bigger liquor store that's what we're gonna do!"

This would be like the people in the 16th century discovering that infected rodents caused the Bubonic Plague and deciding to fight the sickness by importing bigger rats. But that's Joe-Biden loving (mytown).

I'm nigh onto 80 years old and I scarcely recognize the (mytown) I grew up in. Maybe I am being paid back. My guttersniped friends and I did a lot of property damage in (mytown) that we never got caught for so maybe I am partly to blame. I swear on my 1960's Roller Derby skateboard That I am sorry for my adolescent transgressions. However, I will not be writing a check.

Now lets get back to (mytown's) current population. They love to be told stories and imagine Ambrose sitting in a pot with a fire underneath like a cartoon. They are riveted on old Joe's speaking style and dream of a woke nirvana where diversity, equity, and inclusion are the new colors of the rainbow. Meanwhile, if you have been to a supermarket lately you will see that the country is going to hell in a hand basket quickly.

I think the guy I voted for in 2016 is coming back.


Carry on.
In every single OP, you never seem to stop complaining about America. :rolleyes:

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