How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment?

I'm not wasting more time, boy. Like I said before what you say or think on this message board doesn't matter.
in the amount of time youve wasted telling me youre not going to waste your time we could have already been through this and on to other things,,

oh well,,

its best you run away,, dont want you looking like a cowardly moron and a baby killer,,
For years Republicans have said that Congress should pass a law legalizing abortions because the Courts are no place to do that.

And now they say differently

They said for years that Roe was settled law and then over turned it

And oh yea… they want to pass a law outlawing abortion nationally

They will say all sorts if shot and none of it can be trusted
For years Republicans have said that Congress should pass a law legalizing abortions because the Courts are no place to do that.

And now they say differently

They said for years that Roe was settled law and then over turned it

And oh yea… they want to pass a law outlawing abortion nationally

They will say all sorts if shot and none of it can be trusted

You agree that Republicans are not to be trusted ever?

First smart thing you ever posted
fuck yes thats exactly what I am saying,,

those establishment fucks will stab you in the back every chance they get,,

look what that speaker has done just in the last few weeks,,

and dont get me started on the democrats,,

those baby killing pricks will sellout their own mother for a chance to steal from tax payers and piss on the constitution,,

that said,,
it doesnt change anything on the abortion issue,, its still the intentional killing of a human child,,
in the amount of time youve wasted telling me youre not going to waste your time we could have already been through this and on to other things,,

oh well,,

its best you run away,, dont want you looking like a cowardly moron and a baby killer,,
Run away from what? Abortion will always be legal in some form in America. You lose yet AGAIN.
hey look whos back,,

the coward thats to afraid to post his so called proof,,

now run away little boy adults are talking,,
You're beneath me. I dont have to show you anything. You think posting someone elses thoughts (which we all know you didnt read) gives you the win. But that's just how stupid you are to think that.
You're beneath me. I dont have to show you anything. You think posting someone elses thoughts (which we all know you didnt read) gives you the win. But that's just how stupid you are to think that.
I posted research from 23 different sources spanning decades of research,,

have a nice day,,
The 10A in its entirety says:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to
the people."

Since abortion is never mentioned or implied anywhere in the constitution, it is a state issue. Any attempt by the feds to legalize it will be struck down by the Supreme Court.


If the people vote for politicians to pass national abortion laws, then it's not a "states' matter".

And since abortion has nothing to do with the state - it's a matter between a woman and her doctor, and usually, her husband.

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