Zone1 Captain Obvious-WHITE IS A RACE!


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
“Whiteness is what I call the “transcendental norm,” which means that whiteness goes unmarked. As unmarked, white people are able to live their identities as unraced, as simply human, as persons. And this obfuscates the ways in which their lives depend upon various affordances that black people and people of color don’t possess.”23

George Yancey puts the finger on the cause of the amnesia that seems to exist in parts of the white community. When this subculture sees a mental picture of an American, they see a white person.Part of the white community has conflated the word American to mean white and claim they do not see race when that is all they see. They do not think twice about how white is a race. Right-wing whites are angry, blaming the left for paying identty poitics because we menton race, or whine about DEI because non whites are included with whites who aready have the jobs because of their race.

White is a race, therefore DEI includes whites. Affirmative Action included whites, and when whites talk about non whtes they are playing the race card. America has been a society based upon identity and identity politics begain on July 4, 1776.

White people have a race — but everyone flips out when we talk about it​

In other words, you really have to understand the idea of whiteness to even begin to talk about race in America. As Columbia University historian Barbara J. Fields told the producers of PBS's series Race: The Power of An Illusion, it was self-identified white Americans of European descent who "invented race during the era of the American Revolution as a way of resolving the contradiction between a natural right to freedom and the fact of slavery." Slavery is over, but whiteness remains the identity against which ethnic groups are compared and the identity that racism protects.

One white teenager profiled in the new MTV documentary White People put it in plain language: "White is the default. It's the default race."

White is a race, therefore DEI includes whites.

Except it doesn't and that's the problem and many times it excludes Asians.

If you need to rely on your skin pigmentation to get a job then you probably aren't qualified for it in the first place.

Captain Oblivious doesn't realize it's 2024. I saw REAL systemic racism in the 60s. Like I've told you 100 times systemic racism was replaced by systemic favoritism decades ago.
I was in short pants in the 60's Mike , but i do recall the ado over racism, women's lib, etc

It was more real and honest back then

I'm not black so I can't speak to how blacks were treated in the past as opposed to now.

But I can say that whites are trying very hard to be fair now, including me.

I told IM2 I had a black girlfriend, and he made an obscene comment about our relationship.

This convinced me that IM2 is a hateful person and the most racist of all of us on this forum.
Except it doesn't and that's the problem and many times it excludes Asians.

If you need to rely on your skin pigmentation to get a job then you probably aren't qualified for it in the first place.
Whites are included in DEI because they are aready hired. And that's the problem with the way you idiots think.. DEI doesn't exclude Asians either. You can drop that white supremacist narrative. Asians, just ike every other non white group, were helped by Affirmative Action, but the number one recipient were white femaes like Lisa and the others in here who think they gothired because of "merit". LOL!. In the case at Harvard Asians were 25.9 percent of the student body while backs were 15 percent, Hipanics 12.5 percent and Native Americans 10 percent. Yet the case was taken under the pretense that Asians were being discrimnated against for less qualified blacks and Hispanics.

Furthermore, Asians immigrate into this country and are guaranteed jobs because of the H1B Visa that black Amercans don't get even if they have STEM degrees.

Stop being the white mans coolie.

And according to your second sentence then the majority of whites should not have a job.

White is a skin color fool and most whites are hired only because of that skin color. Like I said in the OP,

"Stop being the white mans coolie." says IM2.

He also says "most whites are hired only because of that skin color."

IM2 is a delusional racist hater.
No, what I am is right.
I didn't get any of my jobs because I'm white. I got them because the prospective employer liked my resume and my presentation at the job interview.

If you would focus on what's important, instead of wasting so much time on an internet forum, you'd be more successful.
I didn't get any of my jobs because I'm white. I got them because the prospective employer liked my resume and my presentation at the job interview.

If you would focus on what's important, instead of wasting so much time on an internet forum, you'd be more successful.
I think that since I no longer have to work, that I have done pretty well for myself. The fact is that you don't know if you got hired because of your race. But those like you are the first to talk about how those who aren't white get hired because of their skin color. The fact remains no matter how much you deny it is that white is a race, that whites get hired because of their race, and that the majority of whites have been hired only because of their race.
I think that since I no longer have to work, that I have done pretty well for myself. The fact is that you don't know if you got hired because of your race. But those like you are the first to talk about how those who aren't white get hired because of their skin color. The fact remains no matter how much you deny it is that white is a race, that whites get hired because of their race, and that the majority of whites have been hired only because of their race.
You're spewing racist nonsense.

I told you I had a black girlfriend and you made an obscene comment about her and our relationship.

This proves you have no intent to make peace between blacks and whites.
You're spewing racist nonsense.

I told you I had a black girlfriend and you made an obscene comment about her and our relationship.

This proves you have no intent to make peace between blacks and whites.
No, I'm talking reality. It is the reality those like you cannot face. I don't remember you telling me you had a back girfriend and after you make racist comments telling me you have a back girlfriend means nothing. I don't think you can tell me what I want between the races when you can't even admit that white is a race and that whites get hired because of their race. Because that's how it has been, and it is not racist to say that.

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