Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces Record Over $16 Billion in Support for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

There are historically white colleges just like there are historically black colleges. See, this is the dishnoest way whites like you try using on race. White is a race and colleges that did not allow blacks into the student body until 60 years ago are historically white colleges.

Yes, and thank you for admitting that today there are no white colleges.
You know come to think of it black people should be outraged by this as it's going back to segregation in public schools. This is one freaking racist administration.
Why is it that white racists think they can tell us what we should be outraged about? Blacks can't have coleges that are ran by and staffed by blacks? Whites are not denied entry into these universities. So where is the segregation?

Dumb racist.
Doubt all you want but Howard is 30 percent white and that's just one.
Where’d you pull that number from? The percent of white students is….1.34%.

When you add xidenflation, it’s actually less then what trump provided in funding
No it isn't and there is no xiden much less xidenflation. If you were black, you shoud be happy this administration is willing to invest in HBCU'S. So once again, we see a lie.
It's true.
"President Trump made permanent a commitment of $255 million in annual funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities..."
"President Donald Trump on Thursday signed a bipartisan bill that will permanently provide more than $250 million a year to the nation’s historically black colleges and universities, along with dozens of other institutions that serve large shares of minority students."
He didn't make a 255 BILLION dollar investment. That s what was said. Furthermore, the deal was 255 million not just to HBCU'S but to HBCUS and colleges with large numbers of minority students.

That is way less than 16 billion specifically for HBCU'S.
There are historically white colleges just like there are historically black colleges. See, this is the dishnoest way whites like you try using on race. White is a race and colleges that did not allow blacks into the student body until 60 years ago are historically white colleges.
But there not white college's anymore? You say for 60 years? That makes you a racist, you still see it, when you probably wasn't alive when it happened.
How about some money for YeshIva University? I mean, as long as Biden is trying to buy black votes, why not buy Jewish votes to make up for his pandering to Muslims for THEIR votes? And then, to get the illegal votes, he can offer them free food and shelter. Oh wait….
You don''t ask that about federal funds to HWCU'S so don't ask now.
Wait, there are HWCUs? Really?

Also..I’m against federal funding for ALL universities. Most of these colleges have heavy endowments…they don’t need federal funding. Unless it’s some kind of research grant that the government has interest in…i don’t see the point of taxpayers giving money to colleges who raise their tuition to ridiculous levels….because the government gives them money.
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exactly what is the money being spent on?
There are historically white colleges just like there are historically black colleges. See, this is the dishnoest way whites like you try using on race. White is a race and colleges that did not allow blacks into the student body until 60 years ago are historically white colleges.
Yeah, there used to be white colleges.
This is a record. That means no other administration has EVER invested this much money into Historically Black Coleges.

FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces Record Over $16 Billion in Support for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)​

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration announced a new record in Federal funding and investments in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) totaling more than $16 billion from Fiscal Years (FY) 2021 through current available data for FY 2024. This new reported total is up from the previously announced over $7 billion, and captures significant additional actions already undertaken. The total of more than $16 billion includes over $11.4 billion between FY2021 and FY2023 through Federal grants, contracting awards, and debt relief for HBCUs; over $4 billion between FY2021 and FY2023 for HBCU-enrolled students through federal financial aid and educational benefits for veterans; and, so far in FY 2024, over $900 million has been secured for Department of Education programs strengthening HBCUs as institutions. President Biden and Vice President Harris are committed to ensuring whole-of-government investment efforts in HBCUs continue at full momentum through the rest of FY 2024.

Another example of Black Privilege in America. If you are Black, graduate high school and have a pulse your college is paid for, just like yours was.
No it isn't and there is no xiden much less xidenflation. If you were black, you shoud be happy this administration is willing to invest in HBCU'S. So once again, we see a lie.
Yes actually take the time to do the numbers. If you actually cared you would have.

I am always happy to see that, I was just pointing out this isn’t as much as trump gave, due to xidenflatin
Upon further inspection of the link in the OP, you know beyond the headline, most of what the xiden demklan is calling funding for HBCUs isn’t. It’s funding for Vets, fin aid programs for all students etc

Another head line not facts

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