Zone1 And Jesus said "Depart from me, all you..." What? Evil believers? No, "Evildoers"

so you disagree with James chapter 2?

figures... totally figures

Anti-Catholic Protestants only accept the scriptures that don't sound too Catholic.. So much for sola scriptura (but the Catholics never taught that rot )
Until you can reconcile Jame 2 with Romans 4:1-5, you're setting up a false conflict that doesn't have to be. When you understand them in the right context, it all becomes clear, faith justifies us before God, and works or deeds are the evidence of that faith.

Works do not justify us before God.
Because you responded angrily to a post I made in response to something another poster had said, as if I had replied to you.
Oh! I see what you mean, and I apologize. Had about three other things going on at the time and obviously got distracted. forkintheroad7 and I sometimes have different perspectives of the Catholic Church.

Again, my apologies.

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