Zenger, Not Zuckerberg


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Peter Zenger should be the hero, the 'patron saint,' of journalists.
Real Journalists......not the crop that is leading America down the path of totalitarianism.
"John Peter Zenger, (born 1697, Germany—died July 28, 1746, New York City), New York printer and journalist whose famous acquittal in a libel suit (1735) established the first important victory for freedom of the press in the English colonies of North America. "
"Zenger printed The New York Weekly Journal.[1] He was accused of libel in 1734 by William Cosby, the royal governor of New York, but the jury acquitted Zenger, who became a symbol for freedom of the press ."

2. Today, the Fourth Estate has become a Fifth Column, with an incestuous relationship with the party not 1° of separation from the agenda and doctrines of the Soviet Bolsheviks.
Can you imagine???? Journalists supporting and shielding the part that wants to end free speech.

3. For months, and growing in intensity as we approach the election, the Democrat associates in the press have censored, blocked and lied about arguments from the Right.
The Founders wrote the press into the first amendment, based on assumptions about the press telling the truth, or at least publishing both sides of an issue.
That is clearly no longer the case.

4. "What is Section 230?

The Communications Decency Act is an obscure law passed by Congress in 1996 that has profoundly shaped today’s internet.

It's a provision of that law that's so hotly contested. Section 230 was intended to protect free expression on the internet by shielding internet companies from liability for much of the content their users post on their platforms, and granting companies legal immunity for good faith efforts to remove content.

That provision helped fuel the rise of the modern internet. Companies such as Facebook, Twitter and Google-owned YouTube say they could not exist in their current form without its protections."

5. With the truth about their candidate, Quid Pro Joe, about to be revealed.....that he sold American foreign policy to the highest bidder, the NYPost story has been throttled by social media. (Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad)

6. Here's the best news yet:
"Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas said this month that lower courts have interpreted Section 230 too broadly, giving internet companies “sweeping protections” that were not intended by the statute. "

What do you suppose will happen to any reform if Joe wins the election?
Liberal Legal Scholar Jonathan Turley: Social Media is Like Communist China’s State-Run Media for Biden Cover-Up

"Censoring the Biden story: How social media becomes state media

Chinese citizens watched President Xi Jinping deliver an important speech this week not far from Hong Kong. Well, not the whole speech: Xi apparently is ill, and every time he went into coughing spasms, China’s state media cut away so that he would be shown only in perfect health.

Xi’s coughs came to mind as Twitter and Facebook prevented Americans from being able to read the New York Post’s explosive allegations of influence-peddling by Hunter Biden. The articles cited material reportedly recovered from a laptop; it purportedly showed requests for Hunter Biden to use his influence on his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, as well as embarrassing photos of Hunter Biden."

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