You Didn’t — and Don’t — Care About the Truth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
MSM: Recognize Your Sins and Apologize to the American People

The whole monologue is outstanding. Here is a part:
Let me explain it to you, media.

You really didn’t care about the Whitewater scandal. You didn’t care about that. That was, what, 30 years ago? You kind of cared about it. And there were a few things like Chinagate or Filegate that actually rose to the level of a “gate” for you.

But the Clinton rape scandals? You say you care about women and oppression of women — but you didn’t really care about that. You didn’t care about Paula Jones. You didn’t care about the most powerful man on earth exerting his oppressive white privilege power over Monica Lewinsky, a young, impressionable intern. You didn’t care about that.

You didn’t care about Sandy Berger after 9/11. You didn’t care that he went in and stole documents from the National Archives, that he put them in his socks and underpants and left the archives — something that you and I would go to jail for. You didn’t care about that story. You didn’t care that he got his national security clearance back. But boy, did you care that George Bush gave a speech with a sign that said, “Mission accomplished,” behind him. Oh, my gosh, that was the biggest scandal on the planet, when an aircraft carrier that went to war with a mission, completed their mission and came home, my gosh, did you care.

You didn’t care — you still don’t care — about Van Jones and his organization starting the entire “Bush hates black people and lets them die” campaign. You didn’t care about that. In fact, you’ve hired Van Jones and welcomed him into your ranks.

You didn’t care about Michael Moore’s integrity or his hateful rhetoric or Cindy Sheehan’s hateful rhetoric. But, boy oh boy, somebody puts out a campaign piece where they say, “We’re targeting these districts,” and it’s the most violent, awful rhetoric of all time.

Collusion with Russia? Okay, how about this one: Ted Kennedy, at the height of the Cold War, going over and colluding with Russia. You didn’t care about that. How about this one? The Secretary of State going around the law and selling uranium to Russia. You didn’t care about that. But, oh my gosh, Donald Trump? Russia?

You used to love Russia. For the last eight years, we only heard about how great Russia and Vladimir Putin were — while he was throwing reporters off rooftops! “He’s a great guy.” But now Donald Trump thinks Putin is a good guy? Oh, the horror!

You didn’t care that Americans were being targeted intentionally by the IRS. You didn’t care.

You didn’t care about Benghazi. You didn’t care about the Hillary scandal with all of the emails and all of the secure information that she had to cut and paste to be able to get out of secure, locked rooms. You didn’t care about that. But, oh my gosh, have you heard of Valerie Plame? Valerie Plame, oh my gosh, it’s the greatest tragedy since Ronald Reagan blew up the moon!

You go on and on and on about dangerous weapons and how dangerous weapons will fall into the hands of terrorists and killers. Yet you don’t care about the attorney general taking guns and illegally selling them over the border in Fast and Furious. Those guns fell into the hands of someone who killed an American border guard and are being used by terrorists in France — but you didn’t, and still don’t, care about that. Where were the calls for our former attorney general to pay and answer for his crimes and collusion?

Former Vice President Dick Cheney, I mean Darth Vader, he was the worst man ever. “He was our father.” He was the worst.

Did you hear about all of the no-bid contracts that Dick Cheney gave to Halliburton? Halliburton! They’re bidding the Death Star. Halliburton, no-bid contracts, Dick Cheney, Star Wars, run for your life!

Let’s not mention that Barack Obama was also giving no-bid contracts to Halliburton. That’s okay. But if George Bush ever used the “H” word, you sure reminded us of the evils of no-bid contracts with Halliburton.

By the way, Hillary’s her right-hand woman, Huma Abedin, has deep family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and some of the most extremist Muslims in the Middle East — but that’s no big deal. You didn’t — and don’t — care about that. And her freaky husband who always has a wiener in his hand also had Hillary’s emails, but I’m sure he’s trustworthy. Let’s not make anything out of that. Let’s just not talk about it. Because if we get into that, we might have to talk about how Hillary was an actual disciple of Saul Alinsky.

Saul who? Oh, have you seen that new show Better Call Saul? That must be what they’re talking about. It’s so funny. Or Obama’s ties to Reverend Wright, probably the least radical person in his childhood. Why would you talk about Obama’s childhood when Mitt Romney gave some kid a haircut in 1965? How could you possibly bring something up about Barack Obama’s childhood when you have something on Mitt Romney from 1965 — a haircut, a dog on the roof. I mean, at the time, you could put your dog or your cat or your children in the car without seat belts, practically strap them on the radio antenna or the hood of the car while you were driving down the highway — and nobody would have said anything in 1965. But look into the past of Barack Obama? Only a racist or bigot would do that
Fake news bullshit!

A man named Bill Oreilly said the following: "you don't excuse your bad behavior by point out worse behavior ".

Stop being crybabies . For 8 years you tourtured obama for nothing . Paybacks a bitch ! Karma is comin for ya !
Fake news bullshit!

A man named Bill Oreilly said the following: "you don't excuse your bad behavior by point out worse behavior ".

Stop being crybabies . For 8 years you tourtured obama for nothing . Paybacks a bitch ! Karma is comin for ya !
Do you remember how many days did Hannity spent wondering if "Lyin' Ted's" dad helped murder JFK? :rofl:

LOL! God help us :laugh:
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Fake news bullshit!

A man named Bill Oreilly said the following: "you don't excuse your bad behavior by point out worse behavior ".

Stop being crybabies . For 8 years you tourtured obama for nothing . Paybacks a bitch ! Karma is comin for ya !

So you admit the media and democrats have worse behavior.

I know you guys like to pretend Obama lead some utopia and was just persecuted by all of us. But many people were suffering these past eight years. So much so that most of the country thought Donald Trump looked good. And shockingly he has done better so far.
Fake news bullshit!

A man named Bill Oreilly said the following: "you don't excuse your bad behavior by point out worse behavior ".

Stop being crybabies . For 8 years you tourtured obama for nothing . Paybacks a bitch ! Karma is comin for ya !

So you admit the media and democrats have worse behavior.

I know you guys like to pretend Obama lead some utopia and was just persecuted by all of us. But many people were suffering these past eight years. So much so that most of the country thought Donald Trump looked good. And shockingly he has done better so far.

You ain't suffered nothing !

Seriously, the stuff you bitched about obama is more laughable than ever compared to the daily screw ups by Trump and company .

"Obama saluted with a coffee cup in his hand."
"Obama had a marine hold an umbrella for him!"
"How much does it cost to have the obamas go to Martha's Vineyard !"
Nobody ever heard of Saw A Lin Ski until con media decided they needed a new go to demon as the others were getting old. And cons have eaten that shit up even though they had never heard of him/her before either. And nobody cares.

Fox News is THE fake news. Nobody can even come close to the phoney bullshit they ladle out to their geriatric watchers. Fox News was founded on lying, in court. Their defense was a news organization doesn't have to tell the truth and oh lord have they run with that ever since. Lying and breathing at Fox News are one and the same. Republicans have fully embraced the lie. It's as if a light bulb went off in their head and they decided "we can just say anything, any lie, and not even pretend it's true anymore".

Lincoln and Eisenhower would never belong to the current republican party. You have to have lying in your DNA to be a conservative these days.
Yeah, and the media had no interest in the Hildebeast's Wellesley College senior thesis on Saul Alinsky entitled "There Is Only the Fight...: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model." Access to which was limited by the college at the behest of the Clinton White House.

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