Yet another factual example of CNN's Fake News

I recall a good while back when CNN actually covered news pretty well. Now they've gone the way of Fox News and are far too reliant on their "political analysts" to force feed their interpretation of what today passes as news. Imagine the ratings and especially the economics have forced things this way. It has to be much cheaper to hire a few talking heads to sit in a studio and fill time with their interpretation of the "why's" of a few matters rather than having a multitude of reporters out there gathering the who, what, where and when's.

All cable news uses the same format of using "analyst" talking heads to fill in most of the air time. The primary cause of this is the modern 24 hour news cycle tailored to persistent breaking news despite the absence of substantive news developments during most day to day events. Something must be talked about, even when there is nothing to talk about. This causes news outlets to compete for ratings by increasing sensationalism to sustain interest despite a lack of relevance.

Either concurrently with that, or perhaps (partially) because of it, the public has become increasingly divided and politically segregated, which led to the development of adversarial opinion and analysis programming, such as the old Crossfire show on CNN. And from adversarial programming developed echo chamber programming.
President Donald Trump is right as usual.

CNN glorifies JFK's womanizing while IN THE WHITE HOUSE as "Legendary Love Life" while Trump's alleged affair 10 years before he became POTUS is vilified. JFK was a womanizer who would be vilified in today's Me Too movement.

the only thing worse than a liar, is a liar who is also a hypocrite. CNN is both. there is no disputing that.

CNN: JFK had "Legendary Love Life" but Trump Is a Monster

JFK was a deplorable, disgusting, drug-addicted and philandering tomcat.

He was screwing Marina Oswald, who was far better looking than Jackie.

Lee Harvey found out and JFK got what was coming to him.
President Donald Trump is right as usual.

CNN glorifies JFK's womanizing while IN THE WHITE HOUSE as "Legendary Love Life" while Trump's alleged affair 10 years before he became POTUS is vilified. JFK was a womanizer who would be vilified in today's Me Too movement.

the only thing worse than a liar, is a liar who is also a hypocrite. CNN is both. there is no disputing that.

CNN: JFK had "Legendary Love Life" but Trump Is a Monster
It’s funny; the left probably would go after JFK, while the right is almost applauding Trump for fucking that prostitute
Lying as bad as usual. Everyone I've seen on the right either denies the affair or says they don't care. I've not seen one person celebrating the purported sexual affair.

Why lie when everyone can do obviously recognize the lie?
President Donald Trump is right as usual.

CNN glorifies JFK's womanizing while IN THE WHITE HOUSE as "Legendary Love Life" while Trump's alleged affair 10 years before he became POTUS is vilified. JFK was a womanizer who would be vilified in today's Me Too movement.

the only thing worse than a liar, is a liar who is also a hypocrite. CNN is both. there is no disputing that.

CNN: JFK had "Legendary Love Life" but Trump Is a Monster
It’s funny; the left probably would go after JFK, while the right is almost applauding Trump for fucking that prostitute

Liar. Not one person is applauding him. But that is beside the point. the point of this thread is CNN's fake news.
Sorry, Marla Maples is no Marylin Monroe. Hiring a prostitute to fuck every once in a while is not “legendary.” Note that CNN does not call Bill Clinton's sex history “legendary” either.
No they just try to ignore his transgressions
President Donald Trump is right as usual.

CNN glorifies JFK's womanizing while IN THE WHITE HOUSE as "Legendary Love Life" while Trump's alleged affair 10 years before he became POTUS is vilified. JFK was a womanizer who would be vilified in today's Me Too movement.

the only thing worse than a liar, is a liar who is also a hypocrite. CNN is both. there is no disputing that.

CNN: JFK had "Legendary Love Life" but Trump Is a Monster
It’s funny; the left probably would go after JFK, while the right is almost applauding Trump for fucking that prostitute
Lying as bad as usual. Everyone I've seen on the right either denies the affair or says they don't care. I've not seen one person celebrating the purported sexual affair.

Why lie when everyone can do obviously recognize the lie?
Men Like Trump More After Stormy Daniels Accusations, Poll Shows
President Donald Trump is right as usual.

CNN glorifies JFK's womanizing while IN THE WHITE HOUSE as "Legendary Love Life" while Trump's alleged affair 10 years before he became POTUS is vilified. JFK was a womanizer who would be vilified in today's Me Too movement.

the only thing worse than a liar, is a liar who is also a hypocrite. CNN is both. there is no disputing that.

CNN: JFK had "Legendary Love Life" but Trump Is a Monster
It’s funny; the left probably would go after JFK, while the right is almost applauding Trump for fucking that prostitute

Liar. Not one person is applauding him. But that is beside the point. the point of this thread is CNN's fake news.
Sorry, Marla Maples is no Marylin Monroe. Hiring a prostitute to fuck every once in a while is not “legendary.” Note that CNN does not call Bill Clinton's sex history “legendary” either.
No they just try to ignore his transgressions
How many reports have you seen about Trump’s 19 rape and abuse accusers? Oh yeah, a big ZERO. I guess “they just try to ignore his transgressions.”
President Donald Trump is right as usual.

CNN glorifies JFK's womanizing while IN THE WHITE HOUSE as "Legendary Love Life" while Trump's alleged affair 10 years before he became POTUS is vilified. JFK was a womanizer who would be vilified in today's Me Too movement.

the only thing worse than a liar, is a liar who is also a hypocrite. CNN is both. there is no disputing that.

CNN: JFK had "Legendary Love Life" but Trump Is a Monster
It’s funny; the left probably would go after JFK, while the right is almost applauding Trump for fucking that prostitute
Lying as bad as usual. Everyone I've seen on the right either denies the affair or says they don't care. I've not seen one person celebrating the purported sexual affair.

Why lie when everyone can do obviously recognize the lie?
Men Like Trump More After Stormy Daniels Accusations, Poll Shows
A Yahoo online poll? No actual first hand statements FROM CONSERVATIVES?

President Donald Trump is right as usual.

CNN glorifies JFK's womanizing while IN THE WHITE HOUSE as "Legendary Love Life" while Trump's alleged affair 10 years before he became POTUS is vilified. JFK was a womanizer who would be vilified in today's Me Too movement.

the only thing worse than a liar, is a liar who is also a hypocrite. CNN is both. there is no disputing that.

CNN: JFK had "Legendary Love Life" but Trump Is a Monster
It’s funny; the left probably would go after JFK, while the right is almost applauding Trump for fucking that prostitute

Liar. Not one person is applauding him. But that is beside the point. the point of this thread is CNN's fake news.
Sorry, Marla Maples is no Marylin Monroe. Hiring a prostitute to fuck every once in a while is not “legendary.” Note that CNN does not call Bill Clinton's sex history “legendary” either.
No they just try to ignore his transgressions
How many reports have you seen about Trump’s 19 rape and abuse accusers? Oh yeah, a big ZERO. I guess “they just try to ignore his transgressions.”
They are spoken about almost every single day on CNN & BSNBC
President Donald Trump is right as usual.

CNN glorifies JFK's womanizing while IN THE WHITE HOUSE as "Legendary Love Life" while Trump's alleged affair 10 years before he became POTUS is vilified. JFK was a womanizer who would be vilified in today's Me Too movement.

the only thing worse than a liar, is a liar who is also a hypocrite. CNN is both. there is no disputing that.

CNN: JFK had "Legendary Love Life" but Trump Is a Monster
It’s funny; the left probably would go after JFK, while the right is almost applauding Trump for fucking that prostitute
Lying as bad as usual. Everyone I've seen on the right either denies the affair or says they don't care. I've not seen one person celebrating the purported sexual affair.

Why lie when everyone can do obviously recognize the lie?
Men Like Trump More After Stormy Daniels Accusations, Poll Shows
A Yahoo online poll? No actual first hand statements FROM CONSERVATIVES?

It is a Newsweek story and a Harvard/Harris poll. Doublecheck before you call someone a dumbass.
It’s funny; the left probably would go after JFK, while the right is almost applauding Trump for fucking that prostitute

Liar. Not one person is applauding him. But that is beside the point. the point of this thread is CNN's fake news.
Sorry, Marla Maples is no Marylin Monroe. Hiring a prostitute to fuck every once in a while is not “legendary.” Note that CNN does not call Bill Clinton's sex history “legendary” either.
No they just try to ignore his transgressions
How many reports have you seen about Trump’s 19 rape and abuse accusers? Oh yeah, a big ZERO. I guess “they just try to ignore his transgressions.”
They are spoken about almost every single day on CNN & BSNBC

Then you should be able to name one of those women wihout looking up 2 year old articles about them
President Donald Trump is right as usual.

CNN glorifies JFK's womanizing while IN THE WHITE HOUSE as "Legendary Love Life" while Trump's alleged affair 10 years before he became POTUS is vilified. JFK was a womanizer who would be vilified in today's Me Too movement.

the only thing worse than a liar, is a liar who is also a hypocrite. CNN is both. there is no disputing that.

CNN: JFK had "Legendary Love Life" but Trump Is a Monster
It’s funny; the left probably would go after JFK, while the right is almost applauding Trump for fucking that prostitute
Lying as bad as usual. Everyone I've seen on the right either denies the affair or says they don't care. I've not seen one person celebrating the purported sexual affair.

Why lie when everyone can do obviously recognize the lie?
Men Like Trump More After Stormy Daniels Accusations, Poll Shows
A Yahoo online poll? No actual first hand statements FROM CONSERVATIVES?

It is a Newsweek story and a Harvard/Harris poll. Doublecheck before you call someone a dumbass.
Polls are anonymous ya idiot. And lol @ a sucker who believes polls.

Regardless you can not point to a single conservative individual who celebrates the alleged affair can you?
Liar. Not one person is applauding him. But that is beside the point. the point of this thread is CNN's fake news.

You haven't demonstrated any fake news. At best, you've highlighted a double standard. Possibly, you've shown a suggestion of bias. But more than anything, you've shown that human beings tend to romanticize the past. And that is a fact that everyone has known for a very long time.
Very few people are romanticizing BONOBO's past.
Because he didn't accomplish fuck-all in eight years except outspend every US President combined.
BONOBO's 'legacy' will fill one shoebox.
Liar. Not one person is applauding him. But that is beside the point. the point of this thread is CNN's fake news.
Sorry, Marla Maples is no Marylin Monroe. Hiring a prostitute to fuck every once in a while is not “legendary.” Note that CNN does not call Bill Clinton's sex history “legendary” either.
No they just try to ignore his transgressions
How many reports have you seen about Trump’s 19 rape and abuse accusers? Oh yeah, a big ZERO. I guess “they just try to ignore his transgressions.”
They are spoken about almost every single day on CNN & BSNBC

Then you should be able to name one of those women wihout looking up 2 year old articles about them
If I paid attention to stories that thrill teenage girls, old ladies & liberal cuck men I could. As soon as the stupidity starts I turn the channel.
President Donald Trump is right as usual.

CNN glorifies JFK's womanizing while IN THE WHITE HOUSE as "Legendary Love Life" while Trump's alleged affair 10 years before he became POTUS is vilified. JFK was a womanizer who would be vilified in today's Me Too movement.

the only thing worse than a liar, is a liar who is also a hypocrite. CNN is both. there is no disputing that.

CNN: JFK had "Legendary Love Life" but Trump Is a Monster

ever hear about JFK grabbing women without there consent.

why lie, lowlife, pondscum?
It’s funny; the left probably would go after JFK, while the right is almost applauding Trump for fucking that prostitute
Lying as bad as usual. Everyone I've seen on the right either denies the affair or says they don't care. I've not seen one person celebrating the purported sexual affair.

Why lie when everyone can do obviously recognize the lie?
Men Like Trump More After Stormy Daniels Accusations, Poll Shows
A Yahoo online poll? No actual first hand statements FROM CONSERVATIVES?

It is a Newsweek story and a Harvard/Harris poll. Doublecheck before you call someone a dumbass.
Polls are anonymous ya idiot. And lol @ a sucker who believes polls.

Regardless you can not point to a single conservative individual who celebrates the alleged affair can you?
I can think of at least 1

Liar. Not one person is applauding him. But that is beside the point. the point of this thread is CNN's fake news.

You haven't demonstrated any fake news. At best, you've highlighted a double standard. Possibly, you've shown a suggestion of bias. But more than anything, you've shown that human beings tend to romanticize the past. And that is a fact that everyone has known for a very long time.
Very few people are romanticizing BONOBO's past.
Because he didn't accomplish fuck-all in eight years except outspend every US President combined.
BONOBO's 'legacy' will fill one shoebox.

funny... the majority of the country thinks your orange sociopath is a moron and wants President OBAMA (since you can't spell, which is no surprise from idiot uneducated trumpscum) back.

Sorry, Marla Maples is no Marylin Monroe. Hiring a prostitute to fuck every once in a while is not “legendary.” Note that CNN does not call Bill Clinton's sex history “legendary” either.
No they just try to ignore his transgressions
How many reports have you seen about Trump’s 19 rape and abuse accusers? Oh yeah, a big ZERO. I guess “they just try to ignore his transgressions.”
They are spoken about almost every single day on CNN & BSNBC

Then you should be able to name one of those women wihout looking up 2 year old articles about them
If I paid attention to stories that thrill teenage girls, old ladies & liberal cuck men I could. As soon as the stupidity starts I turn the channel.
You’re paying attention to this one as we speak