Xiden to destroy the suburbs


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Not only will Xiden destroy our currency with inflation with all the massive spending, and soon our cities will be ablaze once the Floyd trial is over due to all the race baiting, the suburbs will be the next target to make them more like our cities

The goal here is city life, especially since cities are mostly controlled by the democrat party. So it makes sense they want to turn the suburbs into the city.

Like Europe, you will have not choice in the matter.

Naturally, this is all being done in the name of racial justice.
Faux Xiden is a puppet of The UN and Global Government, and anyone else he has taken money from his entire political criminal career.

This plan is not his plan. It comes straight out of the Commie inspired UN's Sustainable Development Plan for turning the entire world in to a Globalist Fascist Commie State.
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Faux Xiden is a puppet of The UN and Global Government, and anyone else he has taken money from his entire political criminal career.

This plan is not his plan. It comes straight out of the Commie inspired Sustainable Development Plan for turning the entire world in to a Globalist Fascist Commie State.
Naturally, Xiden does not have enough brain function to come up with any of this.

In fact, he is so vacuous it almost seems like calling him an empty suit is giving him too much credit.

Just wait till the fascists put AOC in as President. She will make Xiden look like Einstein

Not only will Xiden destroy our currency with inflation with all the massive spending, and soon our cities will be ablaze once the Floyd trial is over due to all the race baiting, the suburbs will be the next target to make them more like our cities

The goal here is city life, especially since cities are mostly controlled by the democrat party. So it makes sense they want to turn the suburbs into the city.

Like Europe, you will have not choice in the matter.

Naturally, this is all being done in the name of racial justice.

I do not feel sorry for those suburbanites who voted for the Dem ticket.

But, of course, I grieve for those people who voted for the Honorable Donald J. Trump.

It is horrible that their biggest investment (their house) may lose its value as their neighborhood becomes a nightmare of loud parties, drug dealing, house burglaries, and dangerous dogs roaming the streets.

I am 84, so ...

I feel heartbroken for those younger people who will be living in this increasingly dysfunctional society.

Not only will Xiden destroy our currency with inflation with all the massive spending, and soon our cities will be ablaze once the Floyd trial is over due to all the race baiting, the suburbs will be the next target to make them more like our cities

The goal here is city life, especially since cities are mostly controlled by the democrat party. So it makes sense they want to turn the suburbs into the city.

Like Europe, you will have not choice in the matter.

Naturally, this is all being done in the name of racial justice.

I do not feel sorry for those suburbanites who voted for the Dem ticket.

But, of course, I grieve for those people who voted for the Honorable Donald J. Trump.

It is horrible that their biggest investment (their house) may lose its value as their neighborhood becomes a nightmare of loud parties, drug dealing, house burglaries, and dangerous dogs roaming the streets.

I am 84, so ...

I feel heartbroken for those younger people who will be living in this increasingly dysfunctional society.
Well being 84 at least you see light at the end of the tunnel.

But you are right, children don't have much of a future.

Not only will Xiden destroy our currency with inflation with all the massive spending, and soon our cities will be ablaze once the Floyd trial is over due to all the race baiting, the suburbs will be the next target to make them more like our cities

The goal here is city life, especially since cities are mostly controlled by the democrat party. So it makes sense they want to turn the suburbs into the city.

Like Europe, you will have not choice in the matter.

Naturally, this is all being done in the name of racial justice.

This will be in the courts long enough to render it moot. Biden will be gone, as will the people behind him.

Not only will Xiden destroy our currency with inflation with all the massive spending, and soon our cities will be ablaze once the Floyd trial is over due to all the race baiting, the suburbs will be the next target to make them more like our cities

The goal here is city life, especially since cities are mostly controlled by the democrat party. So it makes sense they want to turn the suburbs into the city.

Like Europe, you will have not choice in the matter.

Naturally, this is all being done in the name of racial justice.

This will be in the courts long enough to render it moot. Biden will be gone, as will the people behind him.
You mean the same court system that dismissed all the voter fraud allegations?

That court system?

Nice to see someone has some trust left in them.
This is one of the main reasons why it's almost impossible to find a house outside of the city limits or in the country. I've seen the house prices jump 20-30 percent in the last year out of the city. Most are gone as soon as they're listed.

Not only will Xiden destroy our currency with inflation with all the massive spending, and soon our cities will be ablaze once the Floyd trial is over due to all the race baiting, the suburbs will be the next target to make them more like our cities

The goal here is city life, especially since cities are mostly controlled by the democrat party. So it makes sense they want to turn the suburbs into the city.

Like Europe, you will have not choice in the matter.

Naturally, this is all being done in the name of racial justice.

This will be in the courts long enough to render it moot. Biden will be gone, as will the people behind him.
You mean the same court system that dismissed all the voter fraud allegations?

That court system?

Nice to see someone has some trust left in them.

All things in politics are cumulative.
This is one of the main reasons why it's almost impossible to find a house outside of the city limits or in the country. I've seen the house prices jump 20-30 percent in the last year out of the city. Most are gone as soon as they're listed.
That will be easy to fix.

Just jack up all the property taxes once the democrats take over the suburbs so that people can't afford to live there.
These social engineering programs are always a failure. The wealthy elite liberals pushing this policy will make sure that their own enclaves are shielded. I’ve witnessed this on the reverse school busing agenda here in Maryland. The wealthy liberal elite pushes the policy that forces middle class kids away from neighborhood schools into poorer parts of town. The same wealthy liberal elite writing the policy shields themselves where they live.

Not only will Xiden destroy our currency with inflation with all the massive spending, and soon our cities will be ablaze once the Floyd trial is over due to all the race baiting, the suburbs will be the next target to make them more like our cities

The goal here is city life, especially since cities are mostly controlled by the democrat party. So it makes sense they want to turn the suburbs into the city.

Like Europe, you will have not choice in the matter.

Naturally, this is all being done in the name of racial justice.
Stupid little trumpscum
These social engineering programs are always a failure. The wealthy elite liberals pushing this policy will make sure that their own enclaves are shielded. I’ve witnessed this on the reverse school busing agenda here in Maryland. The wealthy liberal elite pushes the policy that forces middle class kids away from neighborhood schools into poorer parts of town. The same wealthy liberal elite writing the policy shields themselves where they live.
Like Obamacare, it was never meant to succeed.

These are just stepping stones to herd the masses where they want them to go, as they retain people like Trump to blame and kick around as being the source all our ills and suffering.

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