Wyoming's proposed anti-LGBT law

It's amazing how many people hate gays so much they are defending this bill which would make it legal for firefighters to refuse to fight fires, first responders refuse to treat victims, doctors refuse to provide care, homeless shelters refuse to shelter....people.
perhaps they will go to a blue state.....

Perhaps you will go to Russia

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I'm not gay....
It's amazing how many people hate gays so much they are defending this bill which would make it legal for firefighters to refuse to fight fires, first responders refuse to treat victims, doctors refuse to provide care, homeless shelters refuse to shelter....people.
perhaps they will go to a blue state.....

What if you were the group targeted by such a bill?
Like what child?
It's amazing how many people hate gays so much they are defending this bill which would make it legal for firefighters to refuse to fight fires, first responders refuse to treat victims, doctors refuse to provide care, homeless shelters refuse to shelter....people.
perhaps they will go to a blue state.....

What if you were the group targeted by such a bill?
Like what child?

Rephrase that. What child is being targeted?
It's amazing how many people hate gays so much they are defending this bill which would make it legal for firefighters to refuse to fight fires, first responders refuse to treat victims, doctors refuse to provide care, homeless shelters refuse to shelter....people.
perhaps they will go to a blue state.....

Perhaps you will go to Russia

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm not gay....

Doesn't mean that you have a right to stop people that are.
It's amazing how many people hate gays so much they are defending this bill which would make it legal for firefighters to refuse to fight fires, first responders refuse to treat victims, doctors refuse to provide care, homeless shelters refuse to shelter....people.

You are a small minded idiot and it's clear that the finer points go right over your head.

Liberals always panic and see things that aren't there.

If a bill seeks to protect people from participating in things against their religion, the left immediately claims that everyone will punish all gays.

It's likely that the bill is intended to protect people's religious rights.

It's regarding direct involvement in something a person is against on religious grounds. Grocery stores or hospitals are not participating in anything that is against their religion. Treating sick people or selling products have nothing to do with a person's orientation or religion.

Gay weddings are all about gay marriage. Why not let people pass on them? They aren't trying to harass them, they just want to mind their own business and stay out of it.

It's the event itself that some object to and would prefer to opt out of. You can't cater or photograph a wedding without being involved through the whole thing.

The typical lib doesn't possess the ability to understand the difference between serving the public in general and serving an specific event.

If photographers and caterers are forced to participate in gay weddings or face fines that will likely put them out of business, then actors, singers and designers should be forced to serve anyone who asks them to. They certainly can't claim it's against their religion unless liberalism has been declared a religion now.

The left wants the right to refuse service to anyone they don't like based on the person's creed, yet demand that everyone serve them or pay the price. It's beyond hypocritical.
It's amazing how many people hate gays so much they are defending this bill which would make it legal for firefighters to refuse to fight fires, first responders refuse to treat victims, doctors refuse to provide care, homeless shelters refuse to shelter....people.
perhaps they will go to a blue state.....

What if you were the group targeted by such a bill?
Like what child?

Rephrase that. What child is being targeted?
Like what child?
It's amazing how many people hate gays so much they are defending this bill which would make it legal for firefighters to refuse to fight fires, first responders refuse to treat victims, doctors refuse to provide care, homeless shelters refuse to shelter....people.
perhaps they will go to a blue state.....

What if you were the group targeted by such a bill?
Like what child?

Rephrase that. What child is being targeted?
Like what child?

Are we going to play games of repetition?

Do you really think it is good to be able to deny life saving treatment to an innocent person?
perhaps they will go to a blue state.....

What if you were the group targeted by such a bill?
Like what child?

Rephrase that. What child is being targeted?
Like what child?

Are we going to play games of repetition?

Do you really think it is good to be able to deny life saving treatment to an innocent person?
Answer my question first child....
What if you were the group targeted by such a bill?
Like what child?

Rephrase that. What child is being targeted?
Like what child?

Are we going to play games of repetition?

Do you really think it is good to be able to deny life saving treatment to an innocent person?
Answer my question first child....

What's with this obsession with children? You have yet to answer my initial question. I'll wait.
Like what child?

Rephrase that. What child is being targeted?
Like what child?

Are we going to play games of repetition?

Do you really think it is good to be able to deny life saving treatment to an innocent person?
Answer my question first child....

What's with this obsession with children? You have yet to answer my initial question. I'll wait.
LBGT people have the same rights as everyone else; the same protections and no one wants to change that.
Many of us are sick of mom and pop bakers, florists, photographers being put out of business by crybaby gays who are free to take their business elsewhere.
I won't take part in a gay wedding and don't want anyone else to be sued because they feel the same as I do.
Obviously this OP and fellow Democrats will intentionally distort what the bill actually says. However, i don't get why so many Republicans obsess over the gay issue. I mean, so some people are gay? Not the end of the world. Republicans gotta get past it. Gay folks have the right to pursue happiness too. Life is so short. Let em have their happiness. Republicans should let it go.

/---- We don't care who or what you have sex with, just don't demand we accept it as normal.

You guys gotta let it go. I have some good friends who are gay. They're great people. I'd do anything for em. Let em pursue happiness.
Question is whether anyone has a right to refuse service when that service requires a high level of participation that an individual might be uncomfortable performing. There are no religious objections to providing most services to the public and no one cares who the people are that shop in a store. It's only when an event is one that is exclusively dedicated to a view or lifestyle that some wish to pass on it.

Would a liberal caterer have a problem with catering the RNC convention? Would a liberal photographer agree to attend an NRA function and take pictures all day? Would a liberal designer agree to make clothes for a Republican first lady? Would a liberal singer take issue with performing at a Republican inauguration?

Not only do liberals refuse to do certain things but they attack others who are willing to do them. Many performers who initially agreed to perform at Trump's inauguration were threatened, some with death threats, and told not to do it.

We know a few designers announced that they would not work with Melania. And no way in hell would a liberal catering service be happy to provide services for any conservative group.

Funny how when it's their own comfort, they feel it's reasonable to refuse to do anything they are uncomfortable with. Actually, it goes further than mere discomfort. They have hatred for many things and never stop at just refusing to participate. They go as far as to threaten or harass people and then the lib media joins in the bashing of groups.

Why would any self-respecting gay want someone who opposes gay marriage to have anything to do with their special day? I sure wouldn't want to eat food that a liberal caterer was forced to provide for a conservative function. Seriously, seeing the obsession some have with poop, I think I'll pass

At least those caterers, photographers and others who are happy to oblige when it comes to gay weddings aren't beseiged with death threats for providing service. Can't say that about liberals since they get violent when anyone participates in something they disagree with.

Technically, the law likely isn't aimed at gays. It would allow everyone to follow their conscience when deciding whether to participate in a certain event.
So "no shirts, no shoes, no service" is illegal?.
Man is that stupid!! You are talking about a public health issue here.

So a christian store has to sell a cross to someone they know will desecrate it?.
More stupidity! Who is going to go into a Christian store and ask for a cross and tell them that they will desecrate it?? But it they did, yes the store would have to sell it.

So if the local population wants pork, a Jewish Deli has to stock it?
This is the stupidest one yet. They don't sell pork to anyone!! No one is being discriminated against anymore than if a toy store refused to sell a real gun to a hunter.

So if you have any moral objection to anything, you have to limit YOUR freedom because someone else's feelings may get hurt?.

Why is your freedom to discriminate more important than someone's right not to be discriminated against? Regardless of whether discrimination results in hurt feelings, or something more tangible , it is still discrimination. However, I don't expect that you will grasp that.

Here is my retort to that. Go fuck yourself with a rusty tire iron

Your brilliant and eloquent retorts are so impressive and speak to your superior intellect XXX

Actually a lot of places with those rules do it for aesthetics.

And really? So a satanist goes in and says he's going to shit on a cross, and the store would HAVE to sell it?

But that hipster really really want's pork, and they do sell sandwiches, isn't a pork sandwich equal to any other sandwich????

It is more important when the discrimination only involves hurt feelings, and no actual economic impact. Assholes like you probably discriminate against non-progressives all the time, but that is "OK" because then you smugly counter that political affiliation isn't a protected class.

How about we make political affiliation and protected class then?
Another person's sexuality is not anyone's business.

And this is an Alternative Fact: "Would a liberal caterer have a problem with catering the RNC convention? Would a liberal photographer agree to attend an NRA function and take pictures all day? Would a liberal designer agree to make clothes for a Republican first lady? Would a liberal singer take issue with performing at a Republican inauguration? Not only do liberals refuse to do certain things but they attack others who are willing to do them."

It is only a statement with nonsense examples instead of actual events to point to.

Additionally, some states do not have PA laws, so the above don't apply it all.

So. Stop the Alt Facts, and let's get to specifics.
Obviously this OP and fellow Democrats will intentionally distort what the bill actually says. However, i don't get why so many Republicans obsess over the gay issue. I mean, so some people are gay? Not the end of the world. Republicans gotta get past it. Gay folks have the right to pursue happiness too. Life is so short. Let em have their happiness. Republicans should let it go.

/---- We don't care who or what you have sex with, just don't demand we accept it as normal.

You guys gotta let it go. I have some good friends who are gay. They're great people. I'd do anything for em. Let em pursue happiness.

Why does their happiness override someone else's happiness? You don't think those bakers were happy owning their own business?
From a friend in Wyoming:

The Wyoming State Legislature is considering a bill that, if passed, would become the most oppressive and wide-ranging anti-LGBT law in the nation. It would allow social workers to deny aid, teachers to not teach, health care workers to deny service not only to individuals that identify as LGBT, but their children as well. And that is just part of the bill... this bill tells our LGBT brothers and sisters that they are not worthy to receive services a straight cisgendered individual can receive.

HB-135 is scheduled to be voted upon by the Wyoming House Judiciary Committee this week, its first step toward becoming law. Please call and/or email members of this committee (contact info pasted below) and tell them to VOTE NO ON HB-135. No hate in the equality state!

Remember: Be firm but polite; introduce yourself and say where you're from; make your message personal.

Wyoming House Judiciary Committee -
Dan Kirkbride (Chugwater)
Cell - (307) 331-2265
[email protected]

Mark Baker (Rock Springs)
Cell - (307) 371-5113
[email protected]

Bo Biteman (Ranchester)
Cell - (307) 763-7613
[email protected]

Mark Jennings (Sheridan)
Cell - (307) 461-0697
[email protected]

Jared Olsen (Cheyenne)
Cell - (307) 509-0242
[email protected]

Charles Pelkey (Laramie)
Cell - (307) 920-0542
[email protected]

Bill Pownall (Gillette)
Home - (307) 682-4148
[email protected]

Tim Salazar (Dubois)
Cell - (307) 220-1213
[email protected]

Nathan Winters (Thermopolis)
Home - (307) 864-3690
[email protected]

This is what you get when you use courts to force gay marriage on places that don't want it, and force non-essential businesses to either "bake or die".

When your side becomes unreasonable, don't be surprised when the other side does the exact same thing.
Funny that most of those who cite their religion as their reason to hate are the same Republicans who yelled out "Let him die" at the GOP debate.

Not wanting to participate in a gay wedding is not hate. Stop dragging the goal post.
Oh please. Weddings today, jobs tomarrow. If you run a business, then fucking run a business. Treat every customer the same and quit trying to force others to live how you believe they should live. And we both know, Republicans don't want gays to live.

Which is exactly what you are doing, you hypocritical cocksucker.

And worse, you use government to do your dirty work because you are too much of a chickenshit poseur to get your own hands dirty.
It's amazing how many people hate gays so much they are defending this bill which would make it legal for firefighters to refuse to fight fires, first responders refuse to treat victims, doctors refuse to provide care, homeless shelters refuse to shelter....people.

I am not defending the bill, I think it goes to far. All i am defending is my view that the overreach by the LGBT activist community is what causes reactions like this, or more aptly overreactions like this.

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