WTF. Our marines were NOT allowed Live AMMO at the embassy and now people are dead

What's the difference between the idiot Muslims believing that a 13 minute youtube video the next American blockbuster and right-wingers believing this ammo crap?
It's funny, how the ODS kooks here are just so damn stupid. They instantly believe any stupid lie about Obama, no matter how dumb it is. Literally, I've seen 5-year-olds with more common sense than this bunch.

Funnier yet, is that even after their BS is proven to be BS, they refuse to admit they were duped. Instead, they double down on "lying" and "stupid", thinking that if they only pout and scream enough, the stupid lie they fell for will magically become true.

Again, let's go over what the marines actually say.
From: Cross, Alex Maj OLA, LA-41B
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 4:55 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen-

The following information is provided regarding Marine involvement in the recent actions in Egypt and Libya:

-The Ambassador did not impose restrictions on weapons or weapons status on the Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (MCESG) detachment. The MCESG Marines in Cairo were allowed to have live ammunition in their weapons. The Ambassador and Regional Security Officer have been completely and appropriately engaged with the security situation. Reports of Marines not being able to have their weapons loaded per direction from the Ambassador are not accurate.

So, either the spineless wonders of the right here need to put their big girl pants on and openly state that the memo is forged, or they should have the decency to slink away in disgrace, back into their slimy crevices. Don't worry, they'll crawl out again when they're ready to fall for another big lie.
If this is true then Hillary and Obamination need to be arrested for accessory to murder in Libya.

We shouldn't even hold an election if this is true.
It's never Obama's fault.
Obama has nothing to do with this...
Well Bush did it first....

Typical responses....Obama is not to be held accountable for anything...
:badgrin: Their stupidity is shown every day on a new thread.

As if some person in an Embassy would tell the Marines they can't have live ammo and that wouldn't be coming down from the TOP in DC....insane.

The Marines would first complain back to the DoD and then that would make it to the DoS.

Pretty much the only person that can tell the DoD and DoS how to play together is the POTUS.

What does Obama have to do with this?

What does Obama have to do with anything that happens?...
You can go back to whatever you were doing...
Sorry to bother you with this.
We can take it from here.
What does Obama have to do with this?

What does Obama have to do with anything that happens?...
You can go back to whatever you were doing...
Sorry to bother you with this.
We can take it from here.

Well, first of all, it seems pretty likely that this story is entirely fictional - but even if it wasn't, there's no reason to assume that Obama had anything to do with it.
I think if Bush were still President and running for a second term.
The halls of congress would be spilling over with Democrats screaming for an investigation
into the State's Dept. handling of these embassy's.

I think Hillary should take a big hit for this.
You're goint to claim some nobody in an Embassy can just tell US Marines they won't be given live ammo to defend themselves and the Embassy???

Thanks for showing you're a dumbass.

Any direction like that should come from the POTUS through the SecState and if they actually did it, both should be kicked out of office on the spot....and sent to jail if the Libya killings are connected.

What does Obama have to do with this?

What does Obama have to do with anything that happens?...
You can go back to whatever you were doing...
Sorry to bother you with this.
We can take it from here.

Well, first of all, it seems pretty likely that this story is entirely fictional - but even if it wasn't, there's no reason to assume that Obama had anything to do with it.
While Obama is the ultimate responsible party, I hate to say this guys, but it is the Ambassador that makes the determination of whether or not the security detachment carries live rounds or not.
That would delegating that authority from the POTUS to the Ambassador.

The DoD should fight anyone telling miliary personnel they can't defend themselves in a hostile area.

In the end, it falls in the lap of the POTUS.

While Obama is the ultimate responsible party, I hate to say this guys, but it is the Ambassador that makes the determination of whether or not the security detachment carries live rounds or not.

Also, Its looking more and more like this was a planned assault by terrorist, using the cover of this "movie". A "movie" btw which no one can find, except for a trailer of it, and no records at all of the movie being made. It is also interesting that these attacks just happen to take place on 9/11, and the "protestors" are writing bin laden 's name on the embassies.
That speaks to what I've been wondering ever since this story broke -- what movie? I can't believe some movie no one has seen or heard of is capable of provoking this kind of mob violence.

So my guess is you are absolutely correct in your assessment.
If this is true then Hillary and Obamination need to be arrested for accessory to murder in Libya.

We shouldn't even hold an election if this is true.

Right. Let's suspend due process and ignore the Constitution IF this is true -- which it is not. Let's throw their rights out the window and ignore the law specifically for these two people because you're so stupid that you believe anything you read, as long as it's anti-Obama. Moron.
That would delegating that authority from the POTUS to the Ambassador.

The DoD should fight anyone telling miliary personnel they can't defend themselves in a hostile area.

In the end, it falls in the lap of the POTUS.

While Obama is the ultimate responsible party, I hate to say this guys, but it is the Ambassador that makes the determination of whether or not the security detachment carries live rounds or not.
They should, yes. And I think that law should be changed to one where our troops are always permitted to carry live rounds in the performance of their duties.

However......that is not how it is now.
If your idols put Marines and Embassy staff in danger because they didn't allow the Marines to defend the Embassy then they need a public trial to send them both to Federal Prison for life.

Reality is idiots like you cover up their dirty deeds and even try to keep them office, because you're scumbags.

If this is true then Hillary and Obamination need to be arrested for accessory to murder in Libya.

We shouldn't even hold an election if this is true.

Right. Let's suspend due process and ignore the Constitution IF this is true -- which it is not. Let's throw their rights out the window and ignore the law specifically for these two people because you're so stupid that you believe anything you read, as long as it's anti-Obama. Moron.

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