Would blacks be better off without whites?

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I don't know. I kinda liked it.

Give the blacks a country of their own, Seems a good trade off. we get rid of you all and you all get rid of us and we longer have to deal with you all or pay for you.
Pretty sure the wholesale rape and murder of Natives by other Native tribes was a sporty kinda thing amongst themselves.
And they were a conquered race. So sorry, Mother Nature is a cruel bitch from time to time. They had a continent and then they lost it due to a fractured society of inter-warring tribes and loose confederation of mutual interests.

They lost. Nature has a way of weeding out the weak. Wal-Marts are better then tepees. They seem to be enjoying the casinos.
I don't know. I kinda liked it.

Give the blacks a country of their own, Seems a good trade off. we get rid of you all and you all get rid of us and we longer have to deal with you all or pay for you.

Sorry to bust your bubble but my taxes pay for "more of you", then "more of us".
I don't have much of a problem that more white people are on the public tit, I pay for them the same as I pay for everyone else.
And they were a conquered race. So sorry, Mother Nature is a cruel bitch from time to time. They had a continent and then they lost it due to a fractured society of inter-warring tribes and loose confederation of mutual interests.

They lost. Nature has a way of weeding out the weak. Wal-Marts are better then tepees. They seem to be enjoying the casinos.
By that same lack of real intelligence, then you ought to stop bitching and crying about "third world" and "immigrants" they are smart enough and hardy enough to make it this this country and work their way past many of you people.

If you are stupid enough to believe that Europeans were somehow hardier than the Native Americans, I can easily convince you to drink your own piss.
Without firearms and the disease infested lice you carried on your bodies, the native Americans would have reduced you to selling blankets on the roadside.
Mother nature weeds out the weak. The weak get conquered. That is just a fact.

Nature does not care who has what or who is right or wrong. So sorry. You can say whatever you want but it does not change the nature or what has happened. Don't hate on the white folks that created a system that all these terd world folks want to come be apart of. Its nature. Its a cruel world, the best will rise to the top and all the rest will follow.

I find it funny you call me the idiot.
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By that same lack of real intelligence, then you ought to stop bitching and crying about "third world" and "immigrants" they are smart enough and hardy enough to make it this this country and work their way past many of you people.

You will not find me whining about immigrants or terd world countries. I dont really care about them. I find it flattering that they would risk their lives to come wash dishes in America for a chance at a better life. "we people" are the ones whose system they risk their lives to participate in.

Smart folks leave their terd holes and risk it all to come here. i would say they find something worth that risk that they wont or dont find wherever it is they come from.
By that same lack of real intelligence, then you ought to stop bitching and crying about "third world" and "immigrants" they are smart enough and hardy enough to make it this this country and work their way past many of you people.

You will not find me whining about immigrants or terd world countries. I dont really care about them. I find it flattering that they would risk their lives to come wash dishes in America for a chance at a better life. "we people" are the ones whose system they risk their lives to participate in.

Smart folks leave their terd holes and risk it all to come here. i would say they find something worth that risk that they wont or dont find wherever it is they come from.

Yes they find something worth coming here for, you just aren't intelligent enough to know what is is.
I'm smart enough to employ them. You wont find me floating across a sea or crossing a desert to wash dishes.

My ancestors came here and did the same thing they are doing. Nature weeds out the weak and the strong survive. I do not deny or blame nature for the way it is or try to hide behind it.

The natives are a conquered people. They were just as cruel and savage as the europeans who conquered them. Guilt trips do not work anymore. The people who have to use guilt as a tool are weak and they only work on the weak. The blacks were made to be slaves and segregated. The best thing for them is a republic of their own because they will never be fully accepted. They are weak and fractured and only they can correct this problem.
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And I am fully confident the black intelligentsia and black middle class folks would be just fine. Its the poor, uneducated blacks that would screw it up by virtue of being poor, uneducated and violent. The possibility is always there. We will never know unless its tried.
I'm smart enough to employ them. You wont find me floating across a sea or crossing a desert to wash dishes.

My ancestors came here and did the same thing they are doing. Nature weeds out the weak and the strong survive. I do not deny or blame nature for the way it is or try to hide behind it.

The natives are a conquered people. They were just as cruel and savage as the europeans who conquered them. Guilt trips do not work anymore. The people who have to use guilt as a tool are weak and they only work on the weak. The blacks were made to be slaves and segregated. The best thing for them is a republic of their own because they will never be fully accepted. They are weak and fractured and only they can correct this problem.

It's funny that you would assume that Black people are seeking some acceptance from you, actually Black people from the lower class to the upper class could care less about your acceptance.

Speaking of weak, history has proved that white Americans are some of the weakest people on the planet.
Black people in this country have been segregated,lynched,raped, denied education, business opportunities, their constitutional rights, true home ownership, etc.
In just 50 years since the civil rights era many Black people have amassed the same financial fortunes as whites have had time to accrue over the last hundred years or so.
That fact belittles your assumption that we are weak or seeking your acceptance.

The real example of weakness is that after the concerted effort by the majority of whites in this country to oppress and decimate Black people as a whole, you have failed to do so.
It's people like you who are too weak to accept the fact that Black people have and are attaining all you have and more now that the playing field is seeing some semblance of equality.

If you seek a "republic" of white people, why are you too weak to make that happen??
It's funny that you would assume that Black people are seeking some acceptance from you, actually Black people from the lower class to the upper class could care less about your acceptance.

Why do you think I want or care for black folks acceptance? lol

Speaking of weak, history has proved that white Americans are some of the weakest people on the planet.
Black people in this country have been segregated,lynched,raped, denied education, business opportunities, their constitutional rights, true home ownership, etc.

Yup. And a republic of your own is all you need.

In just 50 years since the civil rights era many Black people have amassed the same financial fortunes as whites have had time to accrue over the last hundred years or so.

Umm, you mean 2-3% of blacks have amassed a fortune? seriously? You mean Oprah? you seriously going to try and pull that off? Actors, musicians and atheletes. Here is a clue... The guy writing the football players a 90 million dollar check is wealthy. Rich? perhaps, wealthy no.

That fact belittles your assumption that we are weak or seeking your acceptance.

Here again,, what makes you think I want or care for your acceptance? Because I have a opinion? laughable. Where does this come from? You been watching MSNBC to much

If you seek a "republic" of white people, why are you too weak to make that happen??

I already have one? Duh? I believe its called the USA? :dance:
If anything as far as acceptance, its the complete opposite. I would rather you all get the hell out and do your own thing somewhere else. You are a drag on society for the most part and you have taken whining and subserviance to new levels.
It's funny that you would assume that Black people are seeking some acceptance from you, actually Black people from the lower class to the upper class could care less about your acceptance.

Why do you think I want or care for black folks acceptance? lol

Probably because you stated as much....duuhh!!!

The best thing for them is a republic of their own because they will never be fully accepted.

Speaking of weak, history has proved that white Americans are some of the weakest people on the planet.
Black people in this country have been segregated,lynched,raped, denied education, business opportunities, their constitutional rights, true home ownership, etc.

Yup. And a republic of your own is all you need.

In just 50 years since the civil rights era many Black people have amassed the same financial fortunes as whites have had time to accrue over the last hundred years or so.

Umm, you mean 2-3% of blacks have amassed a fortune? seriously? You mean Oprah? you seriously going to try and pull that off? Actors, musicians and atheletes. Here is a clue... The guy writing the football players a 90 million dollar check is wealthy. Rich? perhaps, wealthy no.

Actually I'm not including athletes, entertainers or musicians, if you aren't bright enough to recognize the Black middle class and upper class minus those occupations, it says more about you than I could.

That fact belittles your assumption that we are weak or seeking your acceptance.

Here again,, what makes you think I want or care for your acceptance? Because I have a opinion? laughable. Where does this come from? You been watching MSNBC to much

If you seek a "republic" of white people, why are you too weak to make that happen??

I already have one? Duh? I believe its called the USA? :dance:

You believe the USA is a white republic???...yeah you are right to say "Duh", I'll even hand you your dunce cap.
If anything as far as acceptance, its the complete opposite. I would rather you all get the hell out and do your own thing somewhere else. You are a drag on society for the most part and you have taken whining and subserviance to new levels.

What you want from me or any other minority is irrelevant and you lack the power or authority to affect anyone.
The drag on society are the majority of white people my tax dollars feed, I don't mind, minorities have been taking care of you all one way or another since the inception of the country.

Again, why are you too weak to go form your own republic???...when you accept your frailty and impotence to affect anyone other than yourself, feel free to cohabitate with like minded folk.

Go to Orania....
Your position is weak. You debate like a high school sophomore. Noob.

I don't mind, minorities have been taking care of you all one way or another since the inception of the country.

Well we needed ditch diggers too.
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Yes. 100%. Blacks would be better off and all the other races would be better off without them. They, and only they can solve their problems.

If they framed the question right and put it to voters in the proper format I am pretty sure the black homeland would be a success. To finally get rid of the Africans once and for all and end all of this.

They get their own republic and we get rid of them. Empty out the prisons, rebuild our infrastructure and schools. The Latinos made a great addition to America, once all the immigration issues are sorted out and the Africans are on their own.

South Carolina is yours...Enjoy and I hope you sort all of your problems out. Black folks sort out their own problems with black leadership and time...or you sink into the oblivion. It could be a good deal or it could turn into another Haiti.

How about all things be set equally. Black people go back to Africa and White people leave North and South America, Australia, Hawaii, the islands and Africa. They can go back to Europe, the Native Americans will repopulate their land and determine who they want to immigrate here.

Sounds like a winner, btw, what part of Europe are you moving to?

Never happen. The Blacks would never give up their "victim status", their SNAP and other dependency programs to go somewhere and might be expected to actually earn a living for themselves. They're stupid as a race but not crazy.

You claimed you are a Native American were you have the most poverty. You have a larger percentage of people on welfare than Black people do and you still have access to your traditions and history.

I don't have the most poverty. I own my own corporation. I employ 34 people. You have absolutely no argument. I am responsible for myself only.

Unfortunately for you, your assertions don't pass my test. If you want to treat Blacks as a group I will do the same with Native Americans. Why are all of you on welfare if you are not an inferior culture?

All are not on welfare. Just up the road from me the Poarch Creek nation is very wealthy. They own a huge casino and a couple of motels and are fleecing the white folks every day. Where are your Black casinos?

At least my people fought the whites while your just rolled over and cried "victim". The only time Black fight is when ten of them rob and murder an elderly couple or one or more of you rape and murder a white college student such as in Virginia.
Yes. 100%. Blacks would be better off and all the other races would be better off without them. They, and only they can solve their problems.

If they framed the question right and put it to voters in the proper format I am pretty sure the black homeland would be a success. To finally get rid of the Africans once and for all and end all of this.

They get their own republic and we get rid of them. Empty out the prisons, rebuild our infrastructure and schools. The Latinos made a great addition to America, once all the immigration issues are sorted out and the Africans are on their own.

South Carolina is yours...Enjoy and I hope you sort all of your problems out. Black folks sort out their own problems with black leadership and time...or you sink into the oblivion. It could be a good deal or it could turn into another Haiti.

How about all things be set equally. Black people go back to Africa and White people leave North and South America, Australia, Hawaii, the islands and Africa. They can go back to Europe, the Native Americans will repopulate their land and determine who they want to immigrate here.

Sounds like a winner, btw, what part of Europe are you moving to?

Never happen. The Blacks would never give up their "victim status", their SNAP and other dependency programs to go somewhere and might be expected to actually earn a living for themselves. They're stupid as a race but not crazy.

You claimed you are a Native American were you have the most poverty. You have a larger percentage of people on welfare than Black people do and you still have access to your traditions and history.

I don't have the most poverty. I own my own corporation. I employ 34 people. You have absolutely no argument. I am responsible for myself only.

How about as a culture you all learn to stop portraying the wide spread rape and molestation of Native American women by Native American Men as wholesome fun??

Blacks rape more white women than any other ethnic group. White men almost never rape a Black woman. Get your facts straight. The thread is about Blacks. White men rape white women as well. Blacks are 12% of the population yet commit 52% of all violent crime and make up 72% of all children born to unwed Moms. They also make up 70% of the prison population.
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