Win vs Lose


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
You can ignore it but that won't change the facts-

Israel Wins U.S. Election
Congress and White House work together to reward the Jewish state

Congratulations President Kamala

The kindest thing we can say about Joe Biden is that he is a proven scatterbrain whose physical and cognitive daily life depends on his wife’s vigilant handling of his word and foot. She is forever present wherever he is: whispering to him his forgotten word, and showing him where podium and exit door is. Simply, she is his guide-dog and theatrical standby coaching him from the wings. And for all we know, Biden may also already be incontinent and needing adult diapers under his pajamas and Mrs. Biden here plays the role of personal diaper-changer too.

This is the pre-election status of our new president, Joe Biden.

But what of post-election? How will our handicapped and dependent president manage complex state affairs and even more complex foreign policies for the next four years? He is already 77 years of age and clearly his cognitive abilities will continue to naturally diminish with age, with no prospect whatsoever of their return to robust elasticity.

Below I'll post a link to the news of choice- in the interim, be sure and try to humiliate the messengers, me included. As the title indicates, Win vs Lose- keep in mind- give me the money I care not who has the power- the first article linked shows clear connections to both sides of the Duopoly Party. Does that mean there might be a tear in the fabric? Don't count on it.

All those bragging about their guy winning, it's pretty obvious the fix was in (by the DNC) who the candidate would be- they (as has the other side RNC) have done a good job of ignoring voter favorites. Why would that be? I care not who has the power give me the money-

It's as obvious as the day is long Biden can't think for himself (he has a history to prove it) - in fact, Id be willing to bet his running mate can't either. Look at who/what she married- consider, too, she dropped out of the race- she had no support- yet, the side that allegedly won handlers chose her for a dementia addled poser- why was that? The voters initially didn't support her- the voters would be those here who are gloating- now, she is your candidate because you can take it to the bank, Biden won't last as POTUS- follow the money, see the agenda- I care not who has the power, give me the money-

The following is for those whose new home country pays for your grief to be-I'd suggest you get up to speed- your off spring are counting on you for their salvation.

You can ignore it but that won't change the facts-

Israel Wins U.S. Election
Congress and White House work together to reward the Jewish state

Congratulations President Kamala

The kindest thing we can say about Joe Biden is that he is a proven scatterbrain whose physical and cognitive daily life depends on his wife’s vigilant handling of his word and foot. She is forever present wherever he is: whispering to him his forgotten word, and showing him where podium and exit door is. Simply, she is his guide-dog and theatrical standby coaching him from the wings. And for all we know, Biden may also already be incontinent and needing adult diapers under his pajamas and Mrs. Biden here plays the role of personal diaper-changer too.

This is the pre-election status of our new president, Joe Biden.

But what of post-election? How will our handicapped and dependent president manage complex state affairs and even more complex foreign policies for the next four years? He is already 77 years of age and clearly his cognitive abilities will continue to naturally diminish with age, with no prospect whatsoever of their return to robust elasticity.

Below I'll post a link to the news of choice- in the interim, be sure and try to humiliate the messengers, me included. As the title indicates, Win vs Lose- keep in mind- give me the money I care not who has the power- the first article linked shows clear connections to both sides of the Duopoly Party. Does that mean there might be a tear in the fabric? Don't count on it.

All those bragging about their guy winning, it's pretty obvious the fix was in (by the DNC) who the candidate would be- they (as has the other side RNC) have done a good job of ignoring voter favorites. Why would that be? I care not who has the power give me the money-

It's as obvious as the day is long Biden can't think for himself (he has a history to prove it) - in fact, Id be willing to bet his running mate can't either. Look at who/what she married- consider, too, she dropped out of the race- she had no support- yet, the side that allegedly won handlers chose her for a dementia addled poser- why was that? The voters initially didn't support her- the voters would be those here who are gloating- now, she is your candidate because you can take it to the bank, Biden won't last as POTUS- follow the money, see the agenda- I care not who has the power, give me the money-

The following is for those whose new home country pays for your grief to be-I'd suggest you get up to speed- your off spring are counting on you for their salvation.

He won. Trump lost. Deal with it and move on.
The kindest thing I can say about Trump supporters is that they are loyal.
But in reality, a lot of you have become metastasizing cancers.
Bitch, piss, and moan when the numbers don't break in your favor.
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  • #4
He won. Trump lost. Deal with it and move on.
The kindest thing I can say about Trump supporters is that they are loyal.
But in reality, a lot of you have become metastasizing cancers.
Bitch, piss, and moan when the numbers don't break in your favor.
There is no voter winning- that's the point, moron- of course your shallow mind doesn't allow that to be noticed-
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  • #5
Nothing but right wing Hoax?
Be specific- and, like I said, you can ignore the facts and try to humiliate the messengers, me included- but, at the end of the day, snotty comments about something I know you didn't take the time to read illustrate just how fucked your descendants are going to be-
He won. Trump lost. Deal with it and move on.
The kindest thing I can say about Trump supporters is that they are loyal.
But in reality, a lot of you have become metastasizing cancers.
Bitch, piss, and moan when the numbers don't break in your favor.
There is no voter winning- that's the point, moron- of course your shallow mind doesn't allow that to be noticed-

The majority of us won. Trump is being shown the door. The fact that you specifically point out that Democrats "fixed" the election tells me that your entire just that.
I get it. You're pissed. After four years, I still see nothing redeeming about the carnival barking reality TV show host but he's got you people wound so tight, you're ready
to snap.
He won. Trump lost. Deal with it and move on.
The kindest thing I can say about Trump supporters is that they are loyal.
But in reality, a lot of you have become metastasizing cancers.
Bitch, piss, and moan when the numbers don't break in your favor.
There is no voter winning- that's the point, moron- of course your shallow mind doesn't allow that to be noticed-
You cant expect too much out of the tunnel vision dumbfucks on this site...
He won. Trump lost. Deal with it and move on.
The kindest thing I can say about Trump supporters is that they are loyal.
But in reality, a lot of you have become metastasizing cancers.
Bitch, piss, and moan when the numbers don't break in your favor.
There is no voter winning- that's the point, moron- of course your shallow mind doesn't allow that to be noticed-

The majority of us won. Trump is being shown the door. The fact that you specifically point out that Democrats "fixed" the election tells me that your entire just that.
I get it. You're pissed. After four years, I still see nothing redeeming about the carnival barking reality TV show host but he's got you people wound so tight, you're ready
to snap.
The "fix" was referring to the primaries, you idiot.
Did you not find it crazy how everyone just dropped out before things got good? Pete, for example, was doing very well and then BOOM. Outta here.
Of course, your blind devotion to your party HERDERS probably keeps you from seeing reality.
He won. Trump lost. Deal with it and move on.
The kindest thing I can say about Trump supporters is that they are loyal.
But in reality, a lot of you have become metastasizing cancers.
Bitch, piss, and moan when the numbers don't break in your favor.
There is no voter winning- that's the point, moron- of course your shallow mind doesn't allow that to be noticed-

The majority of us won. Trump is being shown the door. The fact that you specifically point out that Democrats "fixed" the election tells me that your entire just that.
I get it. You're pissed. After four years, I still see nothing redeeming about the carnival barking reality TV show host but he's got you people wound so tight, you're ready
to snap.
The "fix" was referring to the primaries, you idiot.
Did you not find it crazy how everyone just dropped out before things got good? Pete, for example, was doing very well and then BOOM. Outta here.
Of course, your blind devotion to your party HERDERS probably keeps you from seeing reality.

Democrats follow their primary rules just like Republicans do. The person with the most votes gets the nomination.
Stop crying. It's unsightly.
Rational Dems (there are many of them) no doubt laughed with me at the OP's description of our new President.

He clearly has mental & physical weaknesses. In an ideal world, the Dems would have chosen another candidate who was less frail.

As Americans, we can only hope that he surrounds himself with capable advisers. Maybe Ms. Jill will be one of them. When President Wilson became seriously ill during the last part of his second term, his wife was often considered to be the de facto President. (I hope that Ms. Jill and Ms. Kamala will get along.)
He won. Trump lost. Deal with it and move on.
The kindest thing I can say about Trump supporters is that they are loyal.
But in reality, a lot of you have become metastasizing cancers.
Bitch, piss, and moan when the numbers don't break in your favor.
There is no voter winning- that's the point, moron- of course your shallow mind doesn't allow that to be noticed-

The majority of us won. Trump is being shown the door. The fact that you specifically point out that Democrats "fixed" the election tells me that your entire just that.
I get it. You're pissed. After four years, I still see nothing redeeming about the carnival barking reality TV show host but he's got you people wound so tight, you're ready
to snap.
The "fix" was referring to the primaries, you idiot.
Did you not find it crazy how everyone just dropped out before things got good? Pete, for example, was doing very well and then BOOM. Outta here.
Of course, your blind devotion to your party HERDERS probably keeps you from seeing reality.

Democrats follow their primary rules just like Republicans do. The person with the most votes gets the nomination.
Stop crying. It's unsightly.
Whooosh right over your empty head
The majority of us won.
Us? Won? Doesn't that depend on more than your opinion? You may feel like you won, but you didn't- and what you won is nothing to brag about, which illustrates just how fucked your descendants are going to be- losing liberty is never a win, moron-

I'm not a Republican, btw, and not a Trump fan, nor am I a "democratic" fan since I abhor thugs and stupid- and group think- neither side, in case you failed to recognize, does their job at securing liberty- of course the cowards who fear liberty the most are the ones with the loudest partisan mouth-

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