Win for Climate Skeptics: Trump’s EO Begins to Strip Section 230 Protection from Social Media Giants


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Watts Up With That?

Win for Climate Skeptics: Trump’s EO Begins to Strip Section 230 Protection from Social Media Giants

Eric Worrall / 3 hours ago May 28, 2020


Guest essay by Eric Worrall

In a huge win for climate skeptics and Conservatives, President Trump just signed an Executive Order to curb the alleged abuses of social media giants and their allegedly biased “fact checkers”.

Text of the Executive Order in the LINK


Finally some protection from Defamation is possible.
I agree with the need to hold their feet to the fire, but I am not sure an EO really will do it. It will take congressional action and they clearly do not have the resolve to take on social media.
I agree with the need to hold their feet to the fire, but I am not sure an EO really will do it. It will take congressional action and they clearly do not have the resolve to take on social media.

The Law is still in place, he removes the Liability protection.

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