Will you take the socialist money?

Will you take the socialist money?

  • YEAH, free stuff! (rep)

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • YEAH, free stuff! (dem)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • YEAH, free stuff! (other)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Free stuff is only for rich, otherwise I´d become poor, I reject the money and donate it to a bank

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I can´t take the money because ...

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 14, 2012
Trump´s stimulus includes free stuff for everyone, not just the fat cats. So, isn´t that bad?? SOCIALISM, it means, for everyone, not just the fat cats. Really EVIL!
who's your president.jpg
Trump´s stimulus includes free stuff for everyone, not just the fat cats. So, isn´t that bad?? SOCIALISM, it means, for everyone, not just the fat cats. Really EVIL!
These are always opportunities for net societal wealth to be concentrated ever more.
Can't take it because it won't be forthcoming. As proposed it would benefit ordinary Americans equally with no doubled or tripled dole to the Democrat elite. Pelosi will prevent it from ever happening.
None of the above. I'll take it and give bigly tips to my favorite waiters, waitresses and bartenders in Oregon who thanks to Donnie Dotard's Dithering are sitting at home trying to figure out how they're gonna pay their bills.
It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If’n you don’t know by know
And it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It’ll never do here no how

When our Covid numbers are all tipped
Lockdown your biz, and all jobs be gone
You're handed the ‘ooOOOol pink slip
Don't think twice, it's all right.

It ain't no use in turnin’ pinko lite, babe
Just because you’re tired and scared
And it ain't no use greasing our ride babe
Just check out how Russia fared

But I know there's nuthin' you could do or say
Because they print dead presidents everyday
I guess I won’t hang out my flag today
So don't think twice, it's all right.

It ain't no use in calling out it's name, gal
Like so many done before
It ain't no use in calling out it's name, gal
I can't hear you any more

We’re all headed down that socialist road
Well I wish there was something I could do or say
Looks like all our freedoms are just pissed away
Don't think twice, it's all right.

~S~ w/apologies to Mr Dylan
Trump´s stimulus includes free stuff for everyone, not just the fat cats. So, isn´t that bad?? SOCIALISM, it means, for everyone, not just the fat cats. Really EVIL!
The way I see it , it is my money that the fucking government took from me so why shouldn't I take it back
Read the history of what happened to the world economy after the first round of Bubonic Plague.

Study it as the manual for your personal survival.

Not so much that "the virus" is going to kill all that many people. Just that the riots when people try to get back their freedoms will kill a higher percentage than did the Plague.
Trump´s stimulus includes free stuff for everyone, not just the fat cats. So, isn´t that bad?? SOCIALISM, it means, for everyone, not just the fat cats. Really EVIL!
I'mma donate mine to.planned Parenthood.
More guns and ammo.
I don't think that's what they will do with it.
Never said that did I.
Your sentence fragment could have been interpreted in many different ways. I chose then one I found funniest. Don't like it? Express yourself more clearly next time.
Trump´s stimulus includes free stuff for everyone, not just the fat cats. So, isn´t that bad?? SOCIALISM, it means, for everyone, not just the fat cats. Really EVIL!
Look up the definition of the word “socialism”. I do not think you know what it means.
From about 1993 to about 2004 I tossed about 400 grand towards freedumb and demons(food aid for N/Korea, bombs for IsNtReal,rebuilding whoever I/We bombed)
Send me $1000. It's cool

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