Will the GOP Splinter into Multiple Parties After This Year?

IS the GOP in the process of splitting up?

  • Yes, it is unavoidable

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Probably, but it is avoidable

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Probably not, but it could still happen

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • No, that would be too stupid in our two party political system.

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • I dunno, what time is the game on?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
If another choice was added "do you hope so" I'm sure the majority of lefties would check it. Personally I think it's more likely that the democrat party will splinter into two factions since Sanders seems to be more popular than Hillary but the DNC is determined to run Hillary (if she isn't indicted) even if Sanders wins the most delegates. If Sanders runs on a 3rd party socialist platform the democrat party is finished.
Trump is a unique anomaly that will NOT happen again.
If Trump doesn't win, the Middle Class is gone.
They will come to their senses when they realize it would cause a Hillary presidency.
At this point they seem to prefer Hillary's presidency vs Trump's, because Hillary won't destroy the elites (she is the elites) and Trump sure will.

And yes, if the people see GOP cheating Trump or anybody else, they will be done with GOP for a long time, may be for good.
If another choice was added "do you hope so" I'm sure the majority of lefties would check it. Personally I think it's more likely that the democrat party will splinter into two factions since Sanders seems to be more popular than Hillary but the DNC is determined to run Hillary (if she isn't indicted) even if Sanders wins the most delegates. If Sanders runs on a 3rd party socialist platform the democrat party is finished.
Yeah, maybe we will see a split among the Dems too.

Could the Trump and Sanders wing possibly come together?

Stranger things have happened.
If Trump is going to split off and form a Third Party effort he needs to get moving and do it. Texas is the earliest state deadline and I think it is in early May, and there are a lot of signatures required that take weeks to collect.

If Trump waits too long, he can be disqualified for too many states to have a realistic chance of winning.

But if he drops now, he put Cruz in the drivers seat and he puts the GOP Elite in a sticky situation of having to find an excuse to not let Cruz win the nomination.

Trump needs to announce his Third Party bid by April 12 if he is going to do it at all.
If Trump is going to split off and form a Third Party effort he needs to get moving and do it. Texas is the earliest state deadline and I think it is in early May, and there are a lot of signatures required that take weeks to collect.

If Trump waits too long, he can be disqualified for too many states to have a realistic chance of winning.

But if he drops now, he put Cruz in the drivers seat and he puts the GOP Elite in a sticky situation of having to find an excuse to not let Cruz win the nomination.

Trump needs to announce his Third Party bid by April 12 if he is going to do it at all.
Establishment tried just about everything on Trump: paid protests, Media, huge money etc. Nothing worked so far except for the recent provocations. As an honest person Trump appears to be vulnerable to rude provocations. I think they have finally found the weapons against him and we'll see them using it a lot to discredit him to those voters, who don't think much and don't look deep inside the issue. And of course their loyal Media will help them to make mountains out of molehills. So, Jim, you're right, Trump needs to come up with some new ideas and the sooner the better.
This split has been driven by conservative media, with their screams of "RINO" and "establishment" and "Marxist" and "socialist", on and on.

They've created an entire movement of people who take their shtick seriously and who echo it as naturally as they breathe.

Well, now that group is in control, and we're seeing the predictable result.
Establishment tried just about everything on Trump: paid protests, Media, huge money etc. Nothing worked so far except for the recent provocations. As an honest person Trump appears to be vulnerable to rude provocations. I think they have finally found the weapons against him and we'll see them using it a lot to discredit him to those voters, who don't think much and don't look deep inside the issue. And of course their loyal Media will help them to make mountains out of molehills. So, Jim, you're right, Trump needs to come up with some new ideas and the sooner the better.

But I am amazed that the GOP elites dont realize what they are about to do to the GOP.

Consider the folowing facts and very likely event.

1. FACT:if Trump gets too aggravated he will run asa Third Party candidate. I suspect this was his preference all along but he wanted to try the main stream route first.

2. Probability: If Trump runs a third party candidacy, he will get on the ballot in almost every state, and I think it is very very likely that he will draw more votes than the GOP will in the general election. We are talking about a TV star who has out performed all othe rGOP candidates in the primary season.

3. FACT: If the GOP finishes third int he general election, then laws kick in that take away matching funds from all lower party candidates. They wont qualify and the GOP will lose hundreds of millions of dollars.in matching funds.

4. FACT:The possibilities are thus high risk for the GOP Establishment and low risk for Trump, making the dynamics all wrong fro the GOP. IF Trump loses he just goes back tob eing a billionaire, or maybe retires and gets fat and ugly like me. But if he takes more votes than the GOP, they lose the matching funds.

This is like Making a hundred dollar bet with a guy you know is broke and has literally nothing to lose here.

Trump has the GOP by the 'nads, and I dont think they even realize it yet.

New phrase for the GOP Elite; "Stupid Ass Circle Jerk of the 21st Century".

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This split has been driven by conservative media, with their screams of "RINO" and "establishment" and "Marxist" and "socialist", on and on.

They've created an entire movement of people who take their shtick seriously and who echo it as naturally as they breathe.

Well, now that group is in control, and we're seeing the predictable result.

Yeah, we are going to see the conservative movement divide into two groups; the Radio Talk Show Conservative on one side, and the Tea Party Conservative on the other.

Trump is very popular with Tea Party folks, and I think that they will go to him if he splits off.
This split has been driven by conservative media, with their screams of "RINO" and "establishment" and "Marxist" and "socialist", on and on. They've created an entire movement of people who take their shtick seriously and who echo it as naturally as they breathe. Well, now that group is in control, and we're seeing the predictable result. .
Yeah, we are going to see the conservative movement divide into two groups; the Radio Talk Show Conservative on one side, and the Tea Party Conservative on the other.Trump is very popular with Tea Party folks, and I think that they will go to him if he splits off.
"Radio Talk Show Conservatives".... I may steal that one. Check's in the mail.

I don't mean it as an insult, but holy crap, the influence these guys have is pretty obvious.
"Radio Talk Show Conservatives".... I may steal that one. Check's in the mail.

I don't mean it as an insult, but holy crap, the influence these guys have is pretty obvious.

The Radio Talk Show Conservatives are mouth pieces of the Corporate Crony Network. I remember way back when the NAFTA agreement was voted on in Congress, and Limbaugh was totally for it. He said it was a myth that American workers would lose jobs to Mexico and that we would have atrade imbalance. And time has proven him to be completely wrong on that, of course.

But he still draws conservatives to his show by talking like a social conservative; a social conservative that was a drug addict, cant maintain a successful marriage, etc. I stopped listening to him when he was so dead against Ross Perot and he lied about Perot being a split on the GOP vote, which was bullshit. And Limbaugh fans are being used and misled with Limbaughs entertainment schtick as they think he is one of them and he is not. He is entertaining, but he is not on the side of the vast majority of the American people, the American Middle Class. Limbaugh is selling the public bad policy to allow complete Corporate Crony Network control of our economics and political system.

Tea PArty people tend to be small businessmen, and many of them also like Limbaugh or some other Radio guy, but most of them want to see someone who will defend the American Middle Class, and I think the near future will see Limbaughs show continue to drop in audience and influence as more and more Americans realize that they have been robbed by a duopoly system built on deception, corruption and selling this nation out to its rivals and fake friends.

I look forward to the day I hear people say 'Rush? You mean the rock group? I didnt know they had a radio show.' It wont be all that long from now, by 2030 methinks.
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It probably will split.

The problem...if this makes sense...is right wing voters aren't brainwashed retards like the lefts. The lefts voters will ALWAYS vote Democrat Party. Always. Even with the Dems "super delegate" scam which silences their voters wishes if they don't vibe with the establishment....the left is too stupid to see it.

RW voters are smarter than that and will split the party.
It probably will split.

The problem...if this makes sense...is right wing voters aren't brainwashed retards like the lefts. The lefts voters will ALWAYS vote Democrat Party. Always. Even with the Dems "super delegate" scam which silences their voters wishes if they don't vibe with the establishment....the left is too stupid to see it.

RW voters are smarter than that and will split the party.

I remember when the Tea Party got started and the GOP rushed in with Senator deMint and others to co-opt the whole thing, made the TP folks feel welcome and all that.

Then they started play fighting with the Democrats again and the TP folks got upset, felt lied to and Rush couldnt calm them down. Then came the Romney fiasco sandwiched between two huge Congressional off year election wins for the GOP in 2010 and 2014, but the lies and deception continued, and no one did a damned thing to relieve the economic devastation being put down on Middle Class America.

Then along came Trump who would not take corporate contributions, promised to stop illegal immigration and the abuse of guest worker visas and millions came out for him.

But the GOP side of the Corporate Crony Network wont go along with some New York rube knocking over their 3 card Monty table, so they have been at war with Trump ever since.

But they forget one thing; WE MADE THE GOP, not them. They can take all their money and smoke it for all the good it will do them once people understand how the CCN GOP shills have been screwing them.

And the vast majority of the TP folks will go for Trump as will the millions who want to stop exporting jobs and letting the Uncle Sucker pay for everyone elses defense and manufacturing build up using the taxes that WE AMERICANS pay.

This is morally, legally and ethically fraud, theft and treason on the American people and it isnt going to continue much longer. Either we Americans will stop it, or the USA will evaporate into separate regions or fall into a strong man dictatorship. But it wont be the American Republic that I swore my loyalty to and the same goes with millions more like me.
This question is asked every election season when a nominee is not evident by May. People were asking the same thing about the Democrats in 2008 with Hillary fought Obama. The Republican party will unite. Now will they win in November? It's an uphill battle.
The republican party will unite behind its elected representative or go the way of the whigs. The democrats will win in November and turn the nation completely communist. Then we have a real fight.
This question is asked every election season when a nominee is not evident by May. People were asking the same thing about the Democrats in 2008 with Hillary fought Obama. The Republican party will unite. Now will they win in November? It's an uphill battle.

So you are saying it cant happen because it has never happened before?

Great critical analysis, Mr Fang.

We'll be sure to pass on your wisdom to the Black Swan Committee shortly. :)
This question is asked every election season when a nominee is not evident by May. People were asking the same thing about the Democrats in 2008 with Hillary fought Obama. The Republican party will unite. Now will they win in November? It's an uphill battle.

So you are saying it cant happen because it has never happened before?

Great critical analysis, Mr Fang.

We'll be sure to pass on your wisdom to the Black Swan Committee shortly. :)

You asked a YES or NO question I gave a NO answer and went on to explain how the same question is asked over and over. It's actually a ridiculous question. In any event you have my answer. I can promise you whichever party wins in November, the other party will be declared dying - and the cycle will continue long after you and I are gone.

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