Why The NYTimes Is The Democrat House Organ


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. It's really very simple: they only report what suits the Left's narratives.
It goes back a long way......since 1933, under the auspices of the Socialist Saint, Franklin Roosevelt, a servant of Joseph 'Koba' Stalin, the NYTimes was right there.

2. And this is a sort of anniversary:
August 24,1933 Walter Duranty reported in the NYTimes that “any report of a famine is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda” while 7 to 10 million Ukrainians were systematically starved to death on their own farms.

3. Death is hardly worth a shrug from their sort, socialists like the Nazis, Democrats, or Bolsheviks.

“During the bitter winter of 1932-33, 25,000 Ukrainians per day were being shot or died of starvation and cold. Cannibalism became common. Ukraine, writes historian Robert Conquest, looked like a giant version of the future Bergen-Belsen death camp.

The mass murder of seven million Ukrainians, three million of them children, and deportation to the gulag of two million more (where most died) was hidden by Soviet propaganda. Pro-communist westerners, like The New York Times' Walter Duranty, British writers Sidney and Beatrice Webb and French Prime Minister Edouard Herriot, toured Ukraine, denied reports of genocide, and applauded what they called Soviet "agrarian reform." Those who spoke out against the genocide were branded "fascist agents."
Seven million died in the 'forgotten' holocaust - Eric Margolis
4. “after [Gareth] Jones began writing and giving speeches about the famine, all the foreign correspondents went to a meeting with the chief Soviet censor, who ordered them to denounce the young reporter as a liar. Lyons admits that all the correspondents knew that Jones' stories were absolutely accurate, even though none of them had reported the famine in their own newspapers, due to "the compelling need to remain on friendly terms with the censors."

[NYTimes hero Walter] Duranty was indeed the most bloodthirsty of the bunch. The line in his story about breaking eggs to make utopian socialist omelettes is dead accurate. And it apparently became a guide post for future generations of Times reporters. …Jones discovers Duranty has filed a New York Times story dismissing him as a credulous amateur. There may be a bit of hunger in the Ukraine, Duranty writes, but absolutely no famine. And anyway, what if there was? "You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs."

5. Did FDR understand what previous administrations knew, and had prevented them from dealing with the Bolsheviks???​

Here is the question: was Roosevelt aware of the homicidal pathology of communism, and if so, shouldn't he have considered same as a reason to put off recognition until he persuaded a change in those policies?​

Bear in mind, eight months earlier, journalist Gareth Jones had exposed Stalin's Terror Famine: "In the train a Communist denied to me that there was a famine. I flung a crust of bread which I had been eating from my own supply into a spittoon. A peasant fellow-passenger fished it out and ravenously ate it."​

Gareth Jones (journalist) - Wikipedia

a. Malcolm Muggeridge " was the first writer to reveal the true nature of Stalin s regime when in 1933 he exposed the terror famine in the Ukraine. "​

Amazon product ASIN 1570759057

b. So FDR knew of the Terror Famine...yet he enveloped Joe Stalin in " the cloak of his popularity..." Time Magazine, December 17, 1934.​

Check the timeline. FDR didn't embrace the USSR out of a need in a fight against Hitler....in fact, at that time, FDR had a rosy relationship with Germany. So....why overlook the genocide?​

6. 'As late as 1957, just a few months before Duranty's death, Times publisher Arthur Hays Sulzberger wrote him a personal check for $2,500 when he complained his funds were low. In recent years, the paper has been increasingly uneasy about its old reporter, even hiring a historian to evaluate his Soviet coverage. But when the historian suggested Duranty's Pulitzer be revoked, the Times turned self-righteous. "The notion of airbrushing history kind of gives me the creeps," said Bill Keller, the executive editor at the time.” The Media's Role in Concealing Stalin's Evils Exposed in Mr. Jones

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