Why sex scandals are WORST news for right wingers......

Far from defending perverted democrats who indulge in sexual misconduct, the issue is MUCH WORST when such misconduct is done by many (not all) right wingers........


Actually rather simple for those republicans who may still have an ounce of objectivity....

Right wingers constantly spew "family values" as their moral compasses and spend time in front of pulpits, thumping Bibles and calling for the wrath of God to befall sinners.......and later on that same day solicit children or gays for their hidden sick, sexual proclivities......

THAT is why such sex scandals are WORST for right wingers.

Sure, Jake
Far from defending perverted democrats who indulge in sexual misconduct, the issue is MUCH WORST when such misconduct is done by many (not all) right wingers........


Actually rather simple for those republicans who may still have an ounce of objectivity....

Right wingers constantly spew "family values" as their moral compasses and spend time in front of pulpits, thumping Bibles and calling for the wrath of God to befall sinners.......and later on that same day solicit children or gays for their hidden sick, sexual proclivities......

THAT is why such sex scandals are WORST for right wingers.
You are in large part correct, Nat. I guess it is better to have no values, no morals, like Liberals / snowflakes, so you don't have to try to keep them, don't have to worry about abandoning them, and don't have to worry so much when your scandals are exposed because most people already expect them from the Left anyway.

because most people already expect them from the Left anyway.

"Most people"???.......You mean these deplorables ??? (LOL)

because most people already expect them from the Left anyway.

"Most people"???.......You mean these deplorables ??? (LOL)

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Nice Cartoon, ace...but the REALITY is quite different. As it was revealed - and touted - many times, it is the Democrats who believe the American people are stupid...and count on them to be so in order to get away with whatever they want. (Gruber)

1000+ elections, losing the House, Senate, and WH, has proven the American people are not as stupid as Democrats think / want.

It's nice the way you conflate no college with stupid.
I have known and still know many who have never gone to college, who are in charge of millions of dollars worth of equipment, who lead men in combat, and who are extremely intelligent and have great common sense...as opposed to many politicians who do not have the common sense God gave a door knob...like guys who think it is ok to grope women sleeping or sending pictures of their genitals to 15yos, who try to convince people that a government handout program will actually pay for itself and not cost a dime.

Forget the T-Shirt that says, 'I am WITH Stupid'. Theirs should read, 'I AM Stupid!'
It's nice the way you conflate no college with stupid.
I have known and still know many who have never gone to college, who are in charge of millions of dollars worth of equipment, who lead men in combat, and who are extremely intelligent and have great common sense...as opposed to many politicians who do not have the common sense God gave a door knob...like guys who think it is ok to grope women sleeping or sending pictures of their genitals to 15yos, who try to convince people that a government handout program will actually pay for itself and not cost a dime.

Forget the T-Shirt that says, 'I am WITH Stupid'. Theirs should read, 'I AM Stupid!'

AND they are total hypocrites about it.
Far from defending perverted democrats who indulge in sexual misconduct, the issue is MUCH WORST when such misconduct is done by many (not all) right wingers........


Actually rather simple for those republicans who may still have an ounce of objectivity....

Right wingers constantly spew "family values" as their moral compasses and spend time in front of pulpits, thumping Bibles and calling for the wrath of God to befall sinners.......and later on that same day solicit children or gays for their hidden sick, sexual proclivities......

THAT is why such sex scandals are WORST for right wingers.

So the Pro Women Democrats are not worse? How exactly are they pro women? Pro women under the desk? Is the issue of Women’s equality achieved when the woman gets on top of the serial abuser in the classic female superior position?

Hillary was supposed to shatter the glass ceiling and show that women were equal and valued for their minds. While the rest of the Democratic Party wanted women to use their minds to figure out how to please the men in new and exciting ways.

Yet, Family Values is somehow way worse when a smaller percentage of Republicans cheat on their spouses.

If you want to be taken seriously, here is what you have to do my friend. Find core beliefs. If your core belief is nothing more than Republicans are bad, or Democrats should win, you are bereft of them. If you core belief is that women should be judged professionally on their minds, then you have to denounce everyone equally who does not do that. If your core belief is that people who cheat on their wives or husbands are Reprehensible or unforgivable, there again, you have to say it for all.

Mouthing the words are easy. Following through with those words is hard. Don’t worry, you aren’t alone is giving passes to people you like. People do it all the time. Most people do. We laugh at them, we express disgust at their blatant hypocrisy, and then do it ourselves too often.

But you are wrong when you say such behavior is worse in some, than in others. Judging by their words, or by their stated standard means you have to judge your own side the same way, holding them to their own words. You will never do that. Again, most people won’t.

There aren’t very many of us who do.
So the Pro Women Democrats are not worse? How exactly are they pro women?

I gave THIS example in post #43......MATCH IT from YOUR ilk........LOL

There are 105 women in Congress;
of those 78 are Dems and only 27 are Repubs.
So the Pro Women Democrats are not worse? How exactly are they pro women?

I gave THIS example in post #43......MATCH IT from YOUR ilk........LOL

There are 105 women in Congress;
of those 78 are Dems and only 27 are Repubs.

So most women in Congress are Democrats. OK. Why is it that the people being exposed as creating the hostile work environments are either Democrats or Democratic Supporters most but certainly not all the time? Weinstein’s case is typical. Gave lots of money to the Democrats, and gave lots of women a hard time. Supported Hillary for President, and was rather grabby to say the least, and to down play it.

So how exactly is the party pro women? Other than voting to support Abortions for when those events where the woman is forced, coerced, or plied with enough alcohol to do the horizontal Mambo, what exactly do they do to create the atmosphere of equality for women?

I’ve read many long and eloquent articles about how there is so much more to women than their bodies. As long as the democrats mouth those words, we are going to see them keep getting away with it. The voters won’t hold them responsible. Their peers may mouth words of disappointment. Reprehensible but not impeachable. Remember that one?

When I was a boy, the joke/lie was “ of course I’ll respect you in the morning”. The lie part was that the guy obviously didn’t respect her that night. The lie in this era is that they care about women’s rights.
Weinstein’s case is typical. Gave lots of money to the Democrats, and gave lots of women a hard time. Supported Hillary for President, and was rather grabby to say the least, and to down play it.

So when he was a loyal Democratic supporter he played as they did?

Moron, most of us New Yorkers disliked the orange charlatan REGARDLESS of who he hung out with....Trump is a prick and will always be a prick.....