Why now


Aug 19, 2004
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Actually now came a question to my mind why now ??

As Collin Paul says how the shi'a deal with the suni
And the disputes between the shi'a and Sunni and the Akrad
In who will rule the whole region and who will shape the new government
And when I remembered Saddam I know he was bad but his government was compound from shi'a nad sunni and Akrad and even Christians
So what happened know why this happened now?
And even if it happens why Collin Paul came on the TV and says that he think that the Shi'a will win the election and how they bush them not to share in election and threat them ,, so where the rule of the US margins now
Or it have only rule in destruction
And you know what came up in my mind
(DEVID AND CONCER) do you know this principal
they could finish the disputes ,,, but they don’t want
what is going on there ???
First, if you really think Saddam Hussein had a representative government, you are sadly mistaken. Saddam's government consisted of one person: Saddam.

Secondly, the Iraqi elections are not about dividing and conquering. They are about allowing Iraq to have a government elected by the people of Iraq.
Arabian said:
Actually now came a question to my mind why now ??

As Collin Paul says how the shi'a deal with the suni
And the disputes between the shi'a and Sunni and the Akrad
In who will rule the whole region and who will shape the new government
And when I remembered Saddam I know he was bad but his government was compound from shi'a nad sunni and Akrad and even Christians
So what happened know why this happened now?
And even if it happens why Collin Paul came on the TV and says that he think that the Shi'a will win the election and how they bush them not to share in election and threat them ,, so where the rule of the US margins now
Or it have only rule in destruction
And you know what came up in my mind
(DEVID AND CONCER) do you know this principal
they could finish the disputes ,,, but they don’t want
what is going on there ???

To echo GOP Jeff's sentiment - you MUST be joking when you claimed that Saddam's government was "compound". Yes, there were people from all sectors, but they were members of a body which existed only for decorative purposes. They had no power, and if they displeased Saddam, they had very few hours to live.

Here's a concept you need to try to understand. Along with freedom and democracy comes responsibility. YOU and other Iraqis have the opportunity to establish a democratic form of government and provide the freedom from oppresion so long denied your people. YOU must decide to seize this opportunity or YOU must bear the RESPONSIBILITY if it fails.

Stop looking to the USA as a whipping boy upon which to blame all your troubles. Until YOU can take responsibility for your own nation, you will be nothing more than you are right now - a third rate society ripe for takeover by the next petty dictator who comes along.
Arabian said:
Actually now came a question to my mind why now ??

As Collin Paul says how the shi'a deal with the suni
And the disputes between the shi'a and Sunni and the Akrad
In who will rule the whole region and who will shape the new government
And when I remembered Saddam I know he was bad but his government was compound from shi'a nad sunni and Akrad and even Christians
So what happened know why this happened now?
And even if it happens why Collin Paul came on the TV and says that he think that the Shi'a will win the election and how they bush them not to share in election and threat them ,, so where the rule of the US margins now
Or it have only rule in destruction
And you know what came up in my mind
(DEVID AND CONCER) do you know this principal
they could finish the disputes ,,, but they don’t want
what is going on there ???

Who the fuck is Collin Paul? Also is this supposed to make sense? This is unreadable.
OCA said:
Who the fuck is Collin Paul? Also is this supposed to make sense? This is unreadable.

I think he is working through translator programs and some of the message is lost.
Of course he does but for the love of Christ were on the net, you think he could look up the proper spelling, lazy fucking jihadist.
Instead of being part of a democracy, the sunnis are deciding to boycott the election and then they wiil call it unfair. They just don't wanna play civilized. They want to own Iraq like they used to under Saddam. Bunch of crybabies who would kill their own to get their own way.
OCA said:
Of course he does but for the love of Christ were on the net, you think he could look up the proper spelling, lazy fucking jihadist.
This is why I think this guy is a troll. I can understand the poor grammar and spelling if English was truly his second language but Colin Powell is a proper name. Either this guy is the LAZIEST guy in the world for not looking up his name even once on an english web site, or, as has been suggested before, this guy is totally trolling. Is his IP address still coming from the US? :tng:
Arabian's sig:

if u use your power instead of ur mind , if u use this power in distruction and if u didnt hear the cry of the innocent people and if u see the evile and say what a greates angel then u must know that u arent a human any more

sobhan allah wa alhamd lel lallah wa elah ella allah wa allah akbar wa alhamd lel lah who make me muslim
( sobhan allah, thanx to allah , there is no god but allah , the greatest is allah and thanx god who gave me the islam religion)

Seeing childlike use of 'u', 'ur', and 'thanx' and a load of puctuation errors among what are supposed to be deep religious writings really does it for me. My soul is touched! :tng:

Thanx be to alla!
Merlin1047 said:
To echo GOP Jeff's sentiment - you MUST be joking when you claimed that Saddam's government was "compound". Yes, there were people from all sectors, but they were members of a body which existed only for decorative purposes. They had no power, and if they displeased Saddam, they had very few hours to live.

Here's a concept you need to try to understand. Along with freedom and democracy comes responsibility. YOU and other Iraqis have the opportunity to establish a democratic form of government and provide the freedom from oppresion so long denied your people. YOU must decide to seize this opportunity or YOU must bear the RESPONSIBILITY if it fails.

Stop looking to the USA as a whipping boy upon which to blame all your troubles. Until YOU can take responsibility for your own nation, you will be nothing more than you are right now - a third rate society ripe for takeover by the next petty dictator who comes along.
you know what you are right
USA should destroy the whole country and devide between its people in order to accomplish democracy
yeah and the the Iraqis' should have the whole responsibilty for this destruction,,
man why do you think the USA make this war for democracy or for Saddam who is in prison now and his people who pay now or for the nucleare weapons that never found or for the oil or maybe cause she like destruction
why they made this war
why they didnt made that in Sheshan or in palestine or in Korea or any other country that face more than Iraq,, let me say that for you cause they are arab and the USA think that arab are second class man see how they deal with Muslims even in the USA
but still USA is the who made the justice here ,,, fake justice
Arabian said:
let me say that for you cause they are arab and the USA think that arab are second class man see how they deal with Muslims even in the USA
No Arab ever has the right to judge the US regarding the treatment of minority religious groups in its country. Arab countries are THE most intolerant countries in the world so if you are going to attack the US morally, you'd better find something else.
Arabian said:
why they didnt made that in Sheshan or in palestine or in Korea or any other country that face more than Iraq,, let me say that for you cause they are arab and the USA think that arab are second class man see how they deal with Muslims even in the USA
but still USA is the who made the justice here ,,, fake justice

I suppose that after generations of inbreeding it is impossible for you to adapt your views and see the truth. You are so used to blaming your troubles on everyone except where the blame truly lies. It is your theocratic society which causes you to remain mired in the middle ages and it is that same society which teaches that muslims are superior to everyone else.

It is ridiculous that you would see fit to accuse the USA of racist motives for attacking Iraq. But perhaps that is understandable since your own religion teaches nothing but racism and intolerance for non-muslims. Your frame of reference is distorted by your own intolerant, racist hatred for non-muslim "infidels".

I'm sorry we ever bothered to try to deal with a pack of throwbacks like you. Personally, it would bother me not one bit if Saddam were still torturing and murdering you people. You were less critical of Saddam's abuses than you are of the efforts of the USA and others to drag your sorry asses into the 21st century and bestow freedom on a pack of ingrates who neither want nor understand it.

If it were up to me, you would be left alone to fester and rot in the sick, twisted society you have created and which you apparently richly deserve.
"Here's a concept you need to try to understand. Along with freedom and democracy comes responsibility."

Is that why we didn't do anything to prevent the looting of thousands of years of history?

"YOU and other Iraqis have the opportunity to establish a democratic form of government and provide the freedom from oppresion so long denied your people. YOU must decide to seize this opportunity or YOU must bear the RESPONSIBILITY if it fails."

If its not the U.S.'s responsibility to install Democracy in Iraq, then WTF are we doing there?
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