Zone1 Why Is American Afraid of Black History?

America is not "afraid' of Black History. It is about the resentment over the abuse that its weaponization represents when used to silence legitimate criticism of contemporary individual black failure: "We were slaves. We were abused. That's why I failed today". Racism behind every tree. Injustice at the root of every failure. Something tells me many of the blacks who sacrificed and still persevered during the dark days of America's formation would be appalled that their efforts have been used to invalidate all-encompassing ingredients necessary for success -- arrogance replacing pride, indifference replacing discipline, "being cool" replacing sincerity and honesty. Folks, watch a movie called Uncle Tom to see an eye-opening view of how moral, hard working, law abiding black Americans see the corruption of Black History to justify much of the morally and intellectually bankrupt contemporary "African American" mindset.
America is not "afraid' of Black History. It is about the resentment over the abuse that its weaponization represents when used to silence legitimate criticism of contemporary individual black failure: "We were slaves. We were abused. That's why I failed today". Racism behind every tree. Injustice at the root of every failure. Something tells me many of the blacks who sacrificed and still persevered during the dark days of America's formation would be appalled that their efforts have been used to invalidate all-encompassing ingredients necessary for success -- arrogance replacing pride, indifference replacing discipline, "being cool" replacing sincerity and honesty. Folks, watch a movie called Uncle Tom to see an eye-opening view of how moral, hard working, law abiding black Americans see the corruption of Black History to justify much of the morally and intellectually bankrupt contemporary "African American" mindset.
Thanks for joining the forum. You’re going to be an excellent addition!
Yes, you did.
well, at least you excused Whitey's involvement by blaming it on Black people.

Oh pity the poor White man.
Forced to buy slaves by those mighty African warriors.
Forced by those Black slaves to torture them into submission
Then forced by those Black slaves to transport them across the Atlantic in chains.
Then forced by those Black slaves to sell them at auction where
Those Black slaves forced their new owners to beat, torture, and rape them
Then forced by those damned Black slaves into forced breeding of slaves to produce more slaves

Ohhh the pity
Ohhh the poor White man.

Fortunately for the Black people slavery was such a boon to them that today ...

Nobody blames American slavery on black people. You just refuse to acknowledge that black people had a role in instigating the slave trade by selling other black people. Nobody forced whites people to buy slaves or even insinuated such. You won’t find many white people advocating slavery, very few whites even had slaves, very few whites today are descendants of slave owners.
You are a racist. And you are resonsible to right wrongs. I am a college graduate. I have not fathered a child out of wedlock. I took care of my kids. I have never been in prison, connitted a crime, sold drugs or have been on welfare. But punks like you demand that I take responsibility for what other blacks are doing or have done. Therefore you have the same responsibility to fix what other whites have done. None of these lamebrained sorry ass excuses get any traction here son. Work to end white racism and help fix the damage it has created.
How ridiculous. Whites who have done no wrong are no more responsible to fix what other whites have done than expecting all blacks to fix the damage blacks have done.
How ridiculous. Whites who have done no wrong are no more responsible to fix what other whites have done than expecting all blacks to fix the damage blacks have done.
You might notice that IM2 has done pretty much everything the he excoriates whites for listing as the elements of success. I wonder if he even realizes what a hypocrite he comes off as.
Something tells me many of the blacks who sacrificed and still persevered during the dark days of America's formation would be appalled that their efforts have been used to invalidate all-encompassing ingredients necessary for success -- arrogance replacing pride, indifference replacing discipline, "being cool" replacing sincerity and honesty.
Something tells me IM2 will be here in a bit to tell you that only he can speak for blacks because he is black. And according to him (the blacks who lived in the actual oppression that IM2 imagines himself living in) would agree with Democrats turning little black boys into girls.
Something tells me IM2 will be here in a bit to tell you that only he can speak for blacks because he is black. And according to him (the blacks who lived in the actual oppression that IM2 imagines himself living in) would agree with Democrats turning little black boys into girls.
Yes, I’ve since noticed that. Your responses to him have been excellent.
You can't reason with someone like him. His fixation on his belief that whites are unqualified to analyze the problems in black America solely because they are white borders on mental illness. No response by me will ever get through to his closed mind.
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…his belief that whites are unqualified to analyze the problems in black America solely because they are white….
Yet, he as a black man is an all knowing expert on white people. The privilege and lack of self awareness he displays is tremendous.
You want MORE illegal immigrants desperate to get across the border?
Another pro-invasion lie is that we have to take care of these failed states or their citizens will come running to Uncle Sam. That is so typical of the college-level stupidity of Begging the Question, assuming we can't stop them, no matter how desperate they are to invade us. We have billions of bullets if the military won't do its duty. There aren't that many potential border-jumpers.
Probably Satirical posting by Sage..
America Wasn't Built by the Spoiled, So Birth Privileges Must Be Abolished by Force

You have to deny the obvious, that the Neo-Commies are all richkids. What do you think Harvard is; it's an advanced prep school.

When have the Democrats ever talked against the privileges of inheritance and trust funds? They're irrationally selective about that. They'll talk only about Bush-types as "Born on Third Base and thinks he hit a triple," never about the Kennedy-types that way. So, like the Rightist preppylovers, they'll claim that the born-rich are like every other birth-class in that some are "richkids on our side" and use their Daddy's money to benefit us.
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Thanks for joining the forum. You’re going to be an excellent addition!
John Galt Was a Cash Cow for Corporate Cowboys.

It's Prometheus the Inventor, not Atlas the Investor who makes the economy run.

One thing that was realistic about Atlas Shrugged was that all the Socialists were HeirHeads. So the Left is a continuation of the tyranny of the Right. All modern revolutions, including the one from aristocracy to capitalism, are the same upper-class swindle.

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