Why Feminists feel threatened by the family


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?

The Tension Between Feminism and Family

The easiest way to understand the feminist concept of equality is its position on the family. Feminists feel threatened by the family because it is anti-egalitarian.

First, families create inequality by providing for the accumulation of property. Those with more members, and therefore more skills and abilities, will, more often than not, be more self-sustaining – an essential measure of prosperity. Exercising family virtues – temperance, stability, marital faithfulness, etc. –helps families gain and retain wealth. Families without those virtues often decline.

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The family also provides a protected atmosphere for individuals to develop their full potential. This individuality presents a second threat to the egalitarian feminists. This effort to excel conflicts with the left’s constant desire to put people into communal groups of equal beings – to make each individual a part of the Marxist “masses.”

Destroying the Family

Thus, the feminists must destroy the family. However, such a naturally occurring institution cannot be entirely obliterated. To accomplish their goal, the feminists must “redefine” the family. They do this by slandering the traditional family with the menacing term “patriarchy.” As the family became increasingly “nuclear,” it lost much of the strength of its normally extended relationships. Artificial contraception and procured abortion further destroy the family by depriving it of children.

At the same time, the term “family” is watered down to include just about any relationship, whether it be a firm, school or club. Same-sex “marriage” and other forms of union redefine the family to mean whatever liberals want.

The Tension Between Feminism and Family

The easiest way to understand the feminist concept of equality is its position on the family. Feminists feel threatened by the family because it is anti-egalitarian.

First, families create inequality by providing for the accumulation of property. Those with more members, and therefore more skills and abilities, will, more often than not, be more self-sustaining – an essential measure of prosperity. Exercising family virtues – temperance, stability, marital faithfulness, etc. –helps families gain and retain wealth. Families without those virtues often decline.

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The family also provides a protected atmosphere for individuals to develop their full potential. This individuality presents a second threat to the egalitarian feminists. This effort to excel conflicts with the left’s constant desire to put people into communal groups of equal beings – to make each individual a part of the Marxist “masses.”

Destroying the Family

Thus, the feminists must destroy the family. However, such a naturally occurring institution cannot be entirely obliterated. To accomplish their goal, the feminists must “redefine” the family. They do this by slandering the traditional family with the menacing term “patriarchy.” As the family became increasingly “nuclear,” it lost much of the strength of its normally extended relationships. Artificial contraception and procured abortion further destroy the family by depriving it of children.

At the same time, the term “family” is watered down to include just about any relationship, whether it be a firm, school or club. Same-sex “marriage” and other forms of union redefine the family to mean whatever liberals want.

No. That's not how it works.
Sorry, not buying your familial excuse to be a feminist. Some femonists actually use the family to shield their agenda from critique, something like a covid mask.
Yes. It's clearly a plot. I have no father, brother, uncle or son.......................

First, being a feminist doesn't mean not having children. Birth control allowed women to control how many children they had and when. This meant more money for the family all around. This is eventually going to mean that more money can be used to help children develop skills/talents that enable them to become more productive. Additionally, more money for the family meant more money for an inheritance. There are plenty of women out there that should not be mothers. Many of them know it. If they are smart then they recognize that right away and don't have any. There was a point in time in history that it is simply what women did whether or not that they liked it or agreed with it. How much harm came from that? Now, you can do either but it's a choice.

Secondly, but more importantly, women have ALWAYS worked outside the home. White, middle class, upper middle class and wealthy women did not.
Thus far, the feminist argument is laced with avarice. What else can one call it outside of coercion? The argument is not placed in the proper context if it leaves out the current violent effects of the Chinese virus.

Unmarried Couples Gain in Numbers
’Financial considerations have contributed to a jump in the number of unmarried couples who live together.’

How can this also not effect feminists?
1hat's from 2019. Not sure how the hell that is supposed to have any impact on feminists. Nobody cares, Karen, what's going on behind your doors as long as it is safe, sane and consensual between human adults. Safe and sane are pretty flexible. Consensual is not.
Snap out of it, post # 11, the masculine violence of the Chinese virus has affected feminists. Correct? Did you think its violence was feminine?
In defense of the feminist, we haven’t yet detected that feminists feel threatened by the family, though expressions of the desire not to be out of style have appeared (the negative view that the 2019 report was ‘old), as well as a projection that others are envious of what feminists do. Badger is a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, and certainly does not care what the feminists on this thread or any other do when diddling around in the privacy of their homes.
Awful lot of bullshittery you have there, fuckwit. I have better things to do.
Exercising family virtues – temperance, stability, marital faithfulness, etc. –helps families gain and retain wealth. Families without those virtues often decline
Crime families don't have virtue, and being born into the wrong family is not a crime. Each individual has to make his own choices in life, and answer for his own virtue or vice, as the case may be, before God.

Feminists feel threatened by the family because it is anti-egalitarian.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not anti-family, and it's not that complicated, either.
The problem is with women who go in for pre-term or late-term abortions, have their own children murdered, and their husbands served with domestic violence divorce papers and restraining orders out the wazoo, who don't want families.

And of course the men who cultivate a reputation as "bad boys" and "registered sex offenders" etc. etc., playing that game for all its worth.

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