Why does ISIS never hit Israel?


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
They claim they hit everywhere else. Why do they never hit Israel, right there in the Middle East? ISIS shot a missile at an Egyptian boat, or so they claimed. Why not shoot one at an Israeli boat? They claim the ability, but never use it.

Perhaps the French can explain why...

ISIS Leader ‘Al-Baghdadi’ Is A ‘Jewish Mossad Agent’ – French Report

"Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) aka Al-Baghdadi was born of two Jewish parents and is a Mossad agent."

I have never bought the idea that ISIS gets money for holding oil fields for a few days. Nobody went up to them, unarmed, with cash, to buy that oil. ISIS is funded by Israel, to do what Israel wants...

1. Muslim killing Muslim
2. steady "Islamic Terror" attacks
3. manipulate the US and others to fight wars in the Middle East to help Israel

"Al Qaeda" never hit Israel either. CONVENIENT....
They claim they hit everywhere else. Why do they never hit Israel, right there in the Middle East? ISIS shot a missile at an Egyptian boat, or so they claimed. Why not shoot one at an Israeli boat? They claim the ability, but never use it.

Perhaps the French can explain why...

ISIS Leader ‘Al-Baghdadi’ Is A ‘Jewish Mossad Agent’ – French Report

"Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) aka Al-Baghdadi was born of two Jewish parents and is a Mossad agent."

I have never bought the idea that ISIS gets money for holding oil fields for a few days. Nobody went up to them, unarmed, with cash, to buy that oil. ISIS is funded by Israel, to do what Israel wants...

1. Muslim killing Muslim
2. steady "Islamic Terror" attacks
3. manipulate the US and others to fight wars in the Middle East to help Israel

"Al Qaeda" never hit Israel either. CONVENIENT....
Mayhap the Taliban got dibs on hitting Israel.
They claim they hit everywhere else. Why do they never hit Israel, right there in the Middle East? ISIS shot a missile at an Egyptian boat, or so they claimed. Why not shoot one at an Israeli boat? They claim the ability, but never use it.

Perhaps the French can explain why...

ISIS Leader ‘Al-Baghdadi’ Is A ‘Jewish Mossad Agent’ – French Report

"Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) aka Al-Baghdadi was born of two Jewish parents and is a Mossad agent."

I have never bought the idea that ISIS gets money for holding oil fields for a few days. Nobody went up to them, unarmed, with cash, to buy that oil. ISIS is funded by Israel, to do what Israel wants...

1. Muslim killing Muslim
2. steady "Islamic Terror" attacks
3. manipulate the US and others to fight wars in the Middle East to help Israel

"Al Qaeda" never hit Israel either. CONVENIENT....
Oh, thanks so much.

All of a sudden the most radical extremist Muslims all vow total hatred and destruction of Israel except for Baghdadi's boys. They are all fighting for the Jewish cause. My, that is so interesting.

Either that or Baghdadi and ISIS knows the moment they tangle with Israel they can start planning how they will entertain 72 virgins.
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In the Afghan Theater, Israel was/is for the Taliban and against Northern Alliance, because Northern Alliance is armed and funded by Iran, and Israel doesn't want Afghan to become an Iran ally.
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Either that or Baghdadi and ISIS knows the moment they tangle with Israel they can start planning how they will entertain 72 virgins.

Typical, given that Israel uses OUR WEAPONS... one would think they would have the same outcome. Why can't we off them? Does the Obama Administration want to off them?

Get real. ISIS could easily attack Israel if the leaders of ISIS wanted. The leaders do NOT want that, because ISIS' leaders ARE MOSSAD.... and THAT is why they never hit ISRAEL...
The terrorists can't get in. They leave Jewish terror to the inhuman pallys.
In the Afghan Theater, Israel was/is for the Taliban and against Northern Alliance, because Northern Alliance is armed and funded by Iran, and Israel doesn't want Afghan to become an Iran ally.
Yes, and history will tell you that war makes for strange bed fellows.

It's not like the U.S. and Britain had one ounce of love for Russia when having to take on an even greater enemy in Nazism.

Israel is not stupid. They know every single cell or element out there who hates them to the core and wishes them destroyed. They are simply put in the most precarious situations year after year thanks to the evil within Islam and the cowardice or greed in the West. It's providential.
Either that or Baghdadi and ISIS knows the moment they tangle with Israel they can start planning how they will entertain 72 virgins.

Typical, given that Israel uses OUR WEAPONS... one would think they would have the same outcome. Why can't we off them? Does the Obama Administration want to off them?

Get real. ISIS could easily attack Israel if the leaders of ISIS wanted. The leaders do NOT want that, because ISIS' leaders ARE MOSSAD.... and THAT is why they never hit ISRAEL...
You do not have an ounce of belief in G-d in you to maintain such fantasies. That is not a fact, that is my opinion.
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I see. Isreal good - Islam bad - or so sayeth your JDAAC or Judaism funded preacher...

They are simply put in the most precarious situations year after year thanks to the evil within Islam

Perhaps this will help. This is the CIA record of the 1967 war, where Israel was "attacked," except it wasn't, and LBJ told the American people Israel was attacked, even after this...

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

"Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move."

W was LBJ's third and fourth terms. Hillary will be the 5th term...
Either that or Baghdadi and ISIS knows the moment they tangle with Israel they can start planning how they will entertain 72 virgins.

Typical, given that Israel uses OUR WEAPONS... one would think they would have the same outcome. Why can't we off them? Does the Obama Administration want to off them?

Get real. ISIS could easily attack Israel if the leaders of ISIS wanted. The leaders do NOT want that, because ISIS' leaders ARE MOSSAD.... and THAT is why they never hit ISRAEL...

Sorry I cannot take your anti-Semitic website at their word, even if it is a "French report."

Who Is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?

The Iraqi-born ISIS leader, a scholar who spent four years in U.S. captivity, uses Islamic law to justify his ruthlessness, but he still enjoys soccer and fancy watches.

How ISIS became the world's richest terror group

ISIS in Syria: How and where the group operates

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has only appeared in public once since he declared himself emir (leader) of the Islamic State in June 2014. But this reclusive figure is among the most feared terrorist leaders in the world.

Born Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badri al-Samarrai in 1971 in the Iraqi city of Samarra, he grew up in a devout, lower-middle-class family that claimed to be able to trace its lineage back to the Prophet Mohammed.

Remembered as quiet, reserved and pious from an early age, al-Baghdadi was never outstandingly academic. He taught the Koran as a teenager to the neighborhood's children and went on to preach at Samarra’s Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal Mosque.

At university he joined the Muslim Brotherhood, by this time living with his first wife in Baghdad's down-at-heel Tobchi neighborhood. He taught at the local Haji Zaydan mosque (and became known for his skills in the mosque’s soccer club, where he was compared to Argentine great Lionel Messi).

He soon proved too radical for the Brotherhood and, following the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, helped found a militant group, Jaish Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaah, the Army of the Sunni People, which drew its support from the so-called Sunni Triangle area.

In February 2004 he was arrested by U.S. forces in Fallujah and spent four years in the Camp Bucca prison in southern Iraq, where he met many former Baathists who later became part of his insurgency.

He was released when the camp shut down in 2009, and according to guards at the prison, his parting words were “I’ll see you guys in New York."

The brutal sectarian war between Iraq’s Sunni and Shi'ite populations was just beginning, and al-Baghdadi’s small group was only one of a growing number of Sunni militias that would eventually unite under the auspices of Al-Qaida.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian who pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, formed Al-Qaida in Iraq. Zarqawi was killed in 2006 and late that year Al-Qaida in Iraq became the Islamic State in Iraq.

Al-Baghdadi rose steadily through the group's ranks to become a close aide to its head, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi. Abu Bakr’s religious education – in Baghdad he had earned a Ph.D. in Islamic studies – made him particularly useful for an organization trying to establish its credibility.

His cutthroat sensibilities and ruthless political instinct led to his appointment as leader in 2010, following Abu Omar’s assassination in a joint U.S.-Iraqi operation in April that year. Al-Baghdadi then turned his attention to rebuilding the group’s capabilities in Iraq and further afield, creating the Nusra Front to fight against Bashar Assad in Syria.

By 2013, al-Baghdadi had decided to merge his forces into the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. The Nusra Front and Al-Qaida protested the merger, but al-Baghdadi went ahead, leading to a split between the movements.

The group seemed unstoppable. Al-Baghdadi was able to provide religious justification for the most rigid interpretations of sharia (Islamic law) as well as the brutal executions of captives and anyone deemed an apostate.

By the end of the year, the group had taken control of the Iraqi city of Fallujah and six months later seized the northern city of Mosul.

In June 2014, al-Baghdadi declared the creation of the Islamic State and appointed himself caliph. His filmed speech in Mosul’s Great Mosque provided another insight into his interests; he was seen wearing a flashy wristwatch believed to be either a Rolex, a Sekonda or an Omega Seamaster worth more than $5,000.

Rumors he had been killed or seriously wounded in an airstrike in early 2015 proved unfounded; he continues to wield enormous power over his hundreds of thousands of subjects.

read more: Who is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?
The Russians also say Al Baghdadi is Mossad Agent Simon Elliot, so they must be "anti- semitic" too. Card toss card toss card toss - notice truth about Israel and be prepared for cards tossed your way...
The Russians also say Al Baghdadi is Mossad Agent Simon Elliot, so they must be "anti- semitic" too. Card toss card toss card toss - notice truth about Israel and be prepared for cards tossed your way...
Well then, that has merit. Since Russia has never been known to engage in lies and subterfuge.

I see Wikipedia lists 125 footnote references concerning al-Baghdadi and his past. None of that should be trusted, right?
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You aren't the slightest bit objective here. You have a cause - defend Israel and shout down those who are noticing too much...
You aren't the slightest bit objective here. You have a cause - defend Israel and shout down those who are noticing too much...
And you are looking at one tiny, tiny episode on the spectrum of Jewish-Islam conflicts and history. Do yourself a favor and be honest before G-d holds you accountable. There is NO QUESTION who are the honest ones seeking peace and who is trying to destroy man and anyone who stands in their way.
Before "God" holds me accountable?

The Bible says God is about TRUTH. You are not about truth. Israel funds ISIS and Al Qaeda - that is the truth. That is why neither "islamic terror group" ever strikes Israel. Israel is not about peace. The Old Testament is hardly about peace. Rather it is about extermination after extermination, including the Midianites, the ones who gave Moses refuge, and a good lesson for non-Jewish US supporters of Israel - you do not matter, they do.

Truth be told, your pastor isn't even Christian, he's a JDAAC, and he succeeds because his flock is too STUPID to notice...

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