Why does Beck obsess so much about race?


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
This is just flat out retarded.
On his radio show today, Glenn Beck tackled a particularly sticky issue when it comes to race. How does it make any sort of sense, he wanted to know, to refer to all black persons as "African American," particularly when so many black individuals don't live in the U.S.?


So is the term "colored," Beck and co. wondered, really such a "bad thing" as we're lead to believe? "Only here," he lamented, referring to the U.S. "Why are we made to feel bad?"

Why is this moron afraid of black people?

Glenn Beck: Is The Term 'Colored' Really Such A Bad Thing? | TPM LiveWire
Why do liberals still watch Glenn Beck?
Why because he represents the views of many "conservatives."

He has a very faithful yet small audience when considering the entire conservative population.
As I said...liberals make at least 10 to 1 the number of threads about Beck.
Liberal media covers what he says I would wager at least 50 stories to 1 for conservative media.
Most of us pay little to no attention to the guy...it is liberals that obsess over him.
So now talking about black people makes you Afraid of them?

thread fail..:cuckoo:
Why because he represents the views of many "conservatives."

I thought that was Rush Limbaugh....


Umm there is more than one of them....

You really need to get beyond that binary thought process. Life is more than just this or that.

So why do many liberals claim that Rush is the leader of the conservatives...?? You see that often...

Personally, I imagine that Glenn Beck represents the views of Glenn Beck...

Dunno - I'm an independent kind of thinking conservative.... I don't watch him or listen to Rush Limbaugh and really haven't found a pundit that "represents my views"...

I'm sure they're glad so many liberals do, though...
God, another loser -

Rush Limbaugh - net worth $350 million

Annual salary - $40 million

What a dumb fuck
I thought that was Rush Limbaugh....


Umm there is more than one of them....

You really need to get beyond that binary thought process. Life is more than just this or that.

So why do many liberals claim that Rush is the leader of the conservatives...?? You see that often...

Personally, I imagine that Glenn Beck represents the views of Glenn Beck...

Dunno - I'm an independent kind of thinking conservative.... I don't watch him or listen to Rush Limbaugh and really haven't found a pundit that "represents my views"...

I'm sure they're glad so many liberals do, though...

there are a handful of key pundits for the right wingers.
Beck, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity, etc.
If you do not realize this you are not very bright.
O'Reilly - another "dumb fuck"

Net worth - $50 million
Annual salary - $10 million

I am sure he really gives a fuck what some douche bags on a message board 24/7 think...


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