Why Do Democrats Under Investigation Get To Approve Or Deny Their Own Investigations?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Usually when the FBI begins an investigation they roll into your office and your house, bag and tag al your computers and files, and roll out without you being able to say shite about it.

When it came to Hillary, the FBI did not do so. They ASKED Hillary to turn over her own computers, devices, and files. This allowed Hillary the opportunity to obstruct justice and destroy evidence by deleting whatever she wanted and the opportunity to use Bleach-Bit to wipe her servers.

After ignoring the House ban and Espionage investigation of the terrorist-connected, murdering, kidnapping, extorting Pakistani spies and rehiring them, against giving them access to classified House files AND access to DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords the Police raided her office and seized her computer. She threatened them with 'consequences' if they did not give it back. Evidently they did not go ahead and investigate what was on them because

NOW it is being reported that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has AGREED TO ALLOW her computers to be scanned as part of the Pakistani Spy / Espionage case she is up to her ass in.

Wasserman Schultz to allow laptop scan after months of stonewalling in IT probe

"The former head of the Democratic Party who lost her post in the fallout from a massive email breach is expected to start cooperating with federal investigators in a separate cybersecurity case, after months of apparent stonewalling.

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz plans to allow federal investigators to scan a laptop belonging to her as part of a complex probe into allegations of computer theft, over-billing and possible email hacking.

U.S. Capitol Police have had the laptop for months and until now had been unable to get access. It's unclear why the Florida lawmaker and ousted Democratic National Committee chairwoman had been battling law enforcement over the computer; however, her counsel began negotiating this week with Capitol Police in connection with the probe.

The south Florida lawmaker, who has a primary challenger next year, has publicly resisted USCP efforts to look at the contents of her computer -- even suggesting “consequences” for the agency if the computer was not promptly returned."

They have had her PC for months and have not touched it because the DEMOCRAT has not given them permission, despite her being ass-deep in one of the biggest cases of (facilitated) foreign espionage in years.

Ummm, does THIS ring a bell?
- FBI cracks iPhone of San Bernardino terrorist without Apple's help

When the FBI wanted to investigate they cracked Apple's code and investigated. So why the F* are Espionage-committing/facilitating libtards being allowed to hold investigators at bay simply by denying them of permission to do so?!

After DWS was fired for her part in this scandal she was immediately hired by Hillary Clinton. That immediately makes me wonder how they were connected in this spying case. If not connected, you can bet Hillary taught DWS everything she knew about stalling investigators, deleting files, and Bleach0bitting the sh!t out of a PC / Server.

DWS has OBVIOUSLY been hiding criminal activity and her reluctance to help the US govt to help investigate the foreign Espionage SHE personally made possible - SEVERAL TIMES - proves she was probably a knowing participant in that as well.
the answer is obvious.

They were told there was confidential information they weren't cleared to see.:rofl:

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