Why are the Irish not counted in the Anglo-Saxon race?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
I think the Irish and Scottish are the same people as the English. To me they are the same people and there is more difference to the germans and any continental then there is to the irish or scottish. I count that as British Isles, where Ireland is included, Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom but it is part of the British Isles. It is a celto-germanic+britonic+ancient roman, blend, race.
Anglo-Saxon isn't a race. Read what the meaning of 'race' is.
Anglo-Saxon isn't a race. Read what the meaning of 'race' is.

Ok nation, ethnicity or however you want to call it. Or group.
The most obvious answer is they are of different ethnicity. The Anglo-Saxons are of Germanic origin, the Irish and Scots are of Celtic.

ok the original anglo-saxons have been of germanic origin, but the modern english are the same mixture of celtic and germanic as the irish or scots.
The original tribes were Celtic; the Irish, Welsh, and Britons were not Anglo-Saxons; King Aurthur and later Briton kings were actually fighting them, the Jutes, and other tribes as invaders, same as they did Vikings. They're all inter-bred now but in those days they weren't, except for the Roman occupation bringing in a few foreigners. After the Romans left the islands saw many invaders, like the Anglo-Saxons, who eventually dominated and split the place with the Danes, and Vikings mainly in Ireland. There are a few families who still claim to be 'pure' Briton, Welsh, Scots, and Irish, but are probably lying. The Irish would be mostly mixed with Scandinavians, not Germans, if any. Find a list of Celtic tribes and you will find where Britons and other familiar names came from.
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Anglo-Saxon isn't a race. Read what the meaning of 'race' is.

Ok nation, ethnicity or however you want to call it. Or group.
The most obvious answer is they are of different ethnicity. The Anglo-Saxons are of Germanic origin, the Irish and Scots are of Celtic.

ok the original anglo-saxons have been of germanic origin, but the modern english are the same mixture of celtic and germanic as the irish or scots.
So? Every nation has mixed with other nations. It is more about self-identification.
The reverse one drop rule
Hello Svetozar,

Thank you for contacting FTDNA!

Keep in mind that mtDNA is passed down from mother to daughter to child, so your mtDNA line is not the whole of your mother's side of the family but rather just your mother's mother's mother's mother's line, etc.

From what I can see in your mtFull Sequence matches you have two people whose earliest know matrilineal ancestor is German and one whose earliest known ancestor is Scottish. Based on this I do not see anything to indicate that your direct matrilineal ancestry, going all the way back, would be Jewish or Roma. That doesn't mean it is not possible, but I do not see any information to indicate that it is the case.

However, because mtDNA is inherited from your mother's mother's mother's mother, etc. that means that you could have this heritage on your mother's side of the family, but just not on the direct matrilineal line, going all the way back. For instance, even though you are descended from your mother's father, none of his ancestry would show up in your mtDNA results.

This is what I can see from your mtDNA results. I hope this helps with your research.
The Anglo-Saxon Race

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they are not Anglo-Saxon --simple

At this point the English nobility probably has more French than 'English' genetics, thanks to the Norman Conquest, though I think the 1066 unvaders were themselves more Norse than French at the time, and 'British' more likely comes from the regional name Brittany, William's 'homeland' fief.

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