Who is ANTIFA?


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
no real website in the US. The feeble showing here was mostly zitty rich kids from riveroaks. But none were handing out literature of any kind. Facebook is about it as far as advertising gos. The UK website is fairly detailed, but kind of dumb.
They are the new vicious Bolsheviks of the 21st Century. They have no sympathy for life nor liberty. In essence, they are domestic terrorists.
They are the ones who did not kill Heather Heyers.

Not directly no, more like that chick who told that dude ti kill him self. No political bull shit, just wanna know who some of the guys who call shots on a local level are is all.
It is a loosely organized movement, the purported purpose of which is to attack and destroy "fascism" in the U.S. [Anti-Fascist].

By their definition, "fascist" is anyone who does not embrace "diversity" in everything, especially immigration policy.
It is a loosely organized movement, the purported purpose of which is to attack and destroy "fascism" in the U.S. [Anti-Fascist].

By their definition, "fascist" is anyone who does not embrace "diversity" in everything, especially immigration policy.
It is a loosely organized movement, the purported purpose of which is to attack and destroy "fascism" in the U.S. [Anti-Fascist].

By their definition, "fascist" is anyone who does not embrace "diversity" in everything, especially immigration policy.

Funny you say that as open borders comes up at any of their things. Even seems so in the UK website.
They are the ones who did not kill Heather Heyers.
Heyers was wearing the 'Antifa' uniform.
She CHOOSE to be at the protest/riot.
She KNEW what she was getting into.
She had been to many Antifa violent events and she LOVED it!
We all are free to make our own choices. She made hers.
It is a loosely organized movement, the purported purpose of which is to attack and destroy "fascism" in the U.S. [Anti-Fascist].

By their definition, "fascist" is anyone who does not embrace "diversity" in everything, especially immigration policy.
Antifa was the main group during the 'Occupy' riots.
Antifa was the main group at all the G20/G8 conference riots.
Antifa was the main group burning and destroying at Berkeley.
For these George Soros funded violent thugs ANY excuse to riot and commit violence is all they need.
They are everything that is bad about America. Real miscreants and malcontents.

Really, they are a waste of 02


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