Who did J&J piss off to get cancelled?


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2021
All these vaccines are causing negative reactions and deaths, but J&J is the only one being singled out for punishment. Their numbers are not any worse than Pfizer's or Moderna's. FDA and CDC have recommended that the J&J vaccine be pulled from distribution, and Biden has already publicly stated that the US has enough vaccines without J&J.

Smells fishy.
All these vaccines are causing negative reactions and deaths, but J&J is the only one being singled out for punishment. Their numbers are not any worse than Pfizer's or Moderna's. FDA and CDC have recommended that the J&J vaccine be pulled from distribution, and Biden has already publicly stated that the US has enough vaccines without J&J.

Smells fishy.

No its not, Moderna and Pfizer have no blood clots, and J & J are on hold.
Estimates suggest that 60,000-100,000 Americans die of DVT/PE (also called venous thromboembolism). 10 to 30% of people will die within one month of diagnosis. Sudden death is the first symptom in about one-quarter (25%) of people who have a PE.
Diseases or conditions caused: Pulmonary embolism
Symptoms: Pain; Swelling (medical)
Data and Statistics on Venous Thromboembolism | CDC
They took a two or three week pause.....

To do a thorough search on how many others might have taken p l ace

To get more information from specialists on how to recognize and treat.

To have time to pass this information on to all physicians.

Apparently, it can not be treated as all other blood clots by using a blood thinner...

In these patients getting blood clots, their platelet count is also low.....which is very unusual... platelets are the clotting factor in whole blood....a high blood platelet count, usually means it is CAUSING blood clots..... So you give patients blood THINNER to stop the clotting....

But these patients have a LOW platelet count which is a LOW clotting count....similar to Hemophiliacs, while blood clots are still occurring....which should NOT be happening....???

So, the specialists need to figure out treatment that does not involve thinning the blood of clotting factors because there are no platelet clotting factors causing it.... something else is causing it....
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All these vaccines are causing negative reactions and deaths, but J&J is the only one being singled out for punishment. Their numbers are not any worse than Pfizer's or Moderna's. FDA and CDC have recommended that the J&J vaccine be pulled from distribution, and Biden has already publicly stated that the US has enough vaccines without J&J.

Smells fishy.

No its not, Moderna and Pfizer have no blood clots, and J & J are on hold.
says the brainiac of the scum demonRATS
All these vaccines are causing negative reactions and deaths, but J&J is the only one being singled out for punishment. Their numbers are not any worse than Pfizer's or Moderna's. FDA and CDC have recommended that the J&J vaccine be pulled from distribution, and Biden has already publicly stated that the US has enough vaccines without J&J.

Smells fishy.

Talked to a friend last night who just spent three days in a hospital because of a TIA caused by the J&J vaccine.
I'm not arguing that it shouldn't be paused. In fact none of them have been properly tested which is why none of them are FDA approved. There are more deaths attributed to the other vaccines than the ones associated with the blood clot problem here, so why the different treatment?
No its not, Moderna and Pfizer have no blood clots, and J & J are on hold.

Yeah, the deaths associated with Moderna and Pfizer were associated with different physical reactions.

So much for the Nuremberg Code, huh?

It's one big human experiment these days. Oddly, the people love them for it. I just don't get it.
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My parents got the J&J vaccination just last week. They are 82 and 83 years old. I'm praying that they don't die from blood clots.

Well at least you can be comfortable knowing that the dealer will be free of any liability if they do, thanks to that big happy fascist relationship they have going on with the federal government.

But yeah, I hope they fare well, seriously.
Blood clots, eh?
Leaders on the continent were accused of risking lives with the 'reckless' decisions to stop the flow of vaccines, with scientists warning Covid is 100,000 times more dangerous, compared to the tiny possibility of an issue with clotting.

And data from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) regulator in the UK show more people have reported blood clots after having Pfizer's vaccine than the Oxford one — even though Pfizer's jab has not been suspended anywhere.

Sure seems like Pfizer is getting special treatment. - Coronavirus: Pfizer's Covid vaccine is linked to MORE blood clots than AstraZeneca's in the UK | Daily Mail Online

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