Who are you voting for?

I haven't decided but I have 3 favorites in this order. Cruz, Paul, Walker and 10 people tied for 4th.

Shrub, Crispy and Graham cracker will get my vote under no circumstance.

I have decided that I would only vote for one democrook and that's Sanders. If it's Sanders and one of the 3 establishment RINOs I would rather pound the final nail in our coffin myself with the moonbat.

I plan on voting Republican to offset my wife's vote. It will also give me symmetry in my voting in 12 presidential elections. I'll have voted for 3 Democrats, 3 Republicans and 6 third party or independent candidates. If primary was being held today I'd vote for Kasich.
It is the finest and most fun election season of my lifetime, and it has hardly even begun.

That's mostly because of Trump busting up the Political Correctness Rules the Pinheads have tried to impose...to stiffle the liberty of discussion...which is the foundation of all other liberties.

Also, the gradual awakening of the citizens to the cancer that is Hillary Clinton has been gratifying.

But, it has also been fun because the Republicans have a very good field.

I have had four favorites in four months. Started with Scott Walker because he had the guts to stand up to one of the great cancers on American Society--the fraudulent conspiracy between Democratic elected officials and Public Employee Unions.

But, then Marco Rubio impressed me and he still does. Seemed the most knowledgeable and confident on the most issues.

Then I had a fondness for Trump because had simply has guts...and tells the political correctness crowd to go to hell...half crazy, but has guts... that's Trump, but that also describes Theodore Roosevelt and Winston Churchill...and I considered how bad of fools John Beohner and Mitch McConnel are...how they are simply Pussies. And I was desperate enough to ride with Trump. May go back to him.

But today, I would vote for Carly Fiorina...she has just beat the hell out of all the men in knowledge, intelligence.....she has an answer for everything....she is simply outstanding.

Bottom line...I think Rubio and Fiorina are an unbeatable ticket....we have a full year to find out who should be at the top.
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I will not vote for:

Hillary Clinton - a globalist criminal
Jeb Bush - another globalist criminal
Chris Christy - a globalist criminal
Lindsay Graham - a globalist criminal
Donald Trump - a closet Clinton supporter
Ted Cruz - wife is heading up the North American Union
Ben Carson - for forced immunizations
Marco Rubio - a carbon copy of Jeb Bush
Joe Biden - Obama's right hand man
Bernie Sanders - too liberal for me

All these candidates are bad for the country.

My vote is for Rand Paul if he makes it.

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