White House Fence- Border Fence- What's the Difference?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Why can't we give our US borders the focus we give the White House fence? Why shouldn't it be considered just as important to protect our country with the same vigor we do the White House?

Quite a frigging shame we can't view them in the same light

Build the fence


U.S. House panel seeks update on plans to upgrade White House fence

(Reuters) - The top two members of a U.S. House of Representatives committee said on Monday they had written to Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson asking for a briefing on his agency's plans to enhance the fence around the White House.

Republican Jason Chaffetz and Democrat Elijah Cummings, the ranking members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said in a statement that the request followed a recommendation last week by a review pane
l charged with looking into problems with the U.S. Secret Service.

The panel said in a summary of its report released on Thursday the fence "needs to be changed as soon as possible to provide better protection."

Service Director Joseph Clancy had previously testified that the agency was already “looking for ways and options” to improve the fence.

The panel recommended that the fence be at least 4 or 5 feet (120 or 150 cm) higher and curved outward at the top to give agents more time to assess the risk of a jumper.

Johnson appointed a four-member independent panel in October after a Sept. 19 intrusion by an Iraq war veteran who scaled the White House fence, sprinted across the lawn and got deep inside the mansion before an off-duty agent stopped him.

U.S. House panel seeks update on plans to upgrade White House fence Reuters
18,500 guards on our very short southern border.

President of the United States, leader of the free world, in the WH.

No comparison. None.
goal is to flood the USA with imported labor and voters and to change the makeup / demographics of the country Geaux . Border control is not wanted so no border fence will be built . Even if a fence were built it doesn't matter as the foreign people that are flooding are already here . Wait till an amnesty and then family reunification happens . It'll really be interesting .
1,250 miles of fence to build, much of it along private lands you would have to seize to do so. Knock yourself out.

I know right?! It would be SO EASY! Which is why it has so much widespread support across America!!!


57% Think U.S. Should Continue Building a Fence Along Mexican Border

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters think the United States should continue building a border fence, while 29% disagree. Fourteen percent (14%) are not sure if the government should keep building a fence along the Mexican border. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
your not going to get it and we have repubs and dems to blame for that fact Geaux .
1,250 miles of fence to build, much of it along private lands you would have to seize to do so. Knock yourself out.

I know right?! It would be SO EASY! Which is why it has so much widespread support across America!!!


57% Think U.S. Should Continue Building a Fence Along Mexican Border

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters think the United States should continue building a border fence, while 29% disagree. Fourteen percent (14%) are not sure if the government should keep building a fence along the Mexican border. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Nice! Let's do it! It'll be super easy and won't cost anything!
1,250 miles of fence to build, much of it along private lands you would have to seize to do so. Knock yourself out.

Are you sure the landowners on the border would fight having a fence put up that would prevent illegals from crossing their land?
1,250 miles of fence to build, much of it along private lands you would have to seize to do so. Knock yourself out.

Are you sure the landowners on the border would fight having a fence put up that would prevent illegals from crossing their land?
A whole lot of them since their land would now belong to the Feds and they are not that type. Look it up.

Border Fence Would Slice Through Private Land

That is why there is eminent domain.
1,250 miles of fence to build, much of it along private lands you would have to seize to do so. Knock yourself out.

Are you sure the landowners on the border would fight having a fence put up that would prevent illegals from crossing their land?
A whole lot of them since their land would now belong to the Feds and they are not that type. Look it up.

Border Fence Would Slice Through Private Land

That is why there is eminent domain.
Glad to know you don't respect Private Property.
there you go Tootall , eminent domain , build the fence using eminent domain but I think its much too late anyway . Woulda been a small price 40 years ago though .
1,250 miles of fence to build, much of it along private lands you would have to seize to do so. Knock yourself out.

Are you sure the landowners on the border would fight having a fence put up that would prevent illegals from crossing their land?
A whole lot of them since their land would now belong to the Feds and they are not that type. Look it up.

Border Fence Would Slice Through Private Land

That is why there is eminent domain.
Glad to know you don't respect Private Property.

Public safety sometimes demands drastic action.
there you go Tootall , eminent domain , build the fence using eminent domain but I think its much too late anyway . Woulda been a small price 40 years ago though .

I tend to agree, since Obama would grant them a tourist or student visa or political asylum and give them amnesty when they overstayed the visa.
well , my opinion that the bush's would do the same thing , just saying . bush thought he had an amnesty sewed up back in [what was it , 2006] or thereabouts .

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