White House Caves: Joe Biden Asks Kevin McCarthy to Negotiate Debt Limit

Come on McCarthy. First things first. Cut medicaid and snap benefits from all illegals and minorities.

There’s no reason to negotiate now. At least two democrats in the senate will vote for the current bill. Biden can either sign it or default.
There’s no reason to negotiate now. At least two democrats in the senate will vote for the current bill. Biden can either sign it or default.

Schumer doesn't have to bring it to the floor for a vote.
Do you believe Breitbart is telling the truth?

Joe Biden isn't caving on anything. Biden is still calling for a clean debt ceiling bill.
I made sure I checked other, less "dramatic" sources as I don't trust Breitbart and never use them as a source.

Yeppers, it sure looks like McCarthy has Biden and Schumer by the short and curlys.....The only thing yet that remains to be seen is how hard he pulls.....Me, I'd make the dems howl. ;)
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Come on McCarthy. First things first. Cut medicaid and snap benefits from all illegals and minorities.

The White House didn't cave on anything. They invited Congressional leaders to talk about the debt ceiling issue only so that they can claim they tried negotiating, when they really didn't try at all. Both sides think by attending the meeting they can show they were willing to talk, let our debt ceiling be breached, and then blame it all on the other side, and then claim they were the ones who were willing to talk about it and not the other side.
Yous guys can wish for your concessions in one hand and shit in the other and tell us which one fills up first.

So, you admit the dems won’t negotiate so therefore if the government shuts down, it’s on them.
Do you believe Breitbart is telling the truth?

Joe Biden isn't caving on anything. Biden is still calling for a clean debt ceiling bill.
Ah, so there is still hope?! I knew Mcarthy wouldn’t let us down…cave repubs cave! I know you got it in you!

Sadly, if this negotiation fails, then what’s the point of even having a debt ceiling? Just get rid of it, because we will never default in our debt, and nobody is ever going to agree to spending cuts, so, our government, who is responsible for all of this debt, will just keep going until this country is run into the ground…

I say we will never default on our debt, but that isn’t exactly true, if they don’t cut spending, eventually our debt will be so high that the people will not be able to pay enough to cover it, we will default eventually, because you have to either raise taxes, or cut spending. You can only tax the people so much, and billionaires, even if you tax them at 100%, will not be able to cover the cost of the soaring debt.

Lol, I was just looking at that line I wrote, “the people will not be able to pay enough to cover it”, that should be a sobering thought. Our government spends like there’s no tomorrow, and WE the people have to pay for it, and at the end of the day, when our over bloated, over spending government runs the debt too high, it will be WE the people who suffer for it.

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