White cops take down another unarmed black

Yet republicans tell themselves that it's because of "plantations and race-baiters" why we vote for democrats.
this white cop just shot the first black person he saw. Wtf is up with white cops!

Former cop shot unarmed black man in the head — even though he posed no threat: Atlanta police

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed praised the city’s police, who he said fired their weapons only nine times in 2015, over the course of 1.5 million interactions with the public.

129 Police Officers killed in the line of duty in 2017 and so far 93 Officers died in the line of duty in 2018 to insure the right of spoiled rich athletes to disrespect their memory.
How many blacks are killed by other blacks, cop or otherwise.

Then compare the MINISCULE number killed by whites.

Then explain to me why Democrats are so fucking stupid on this issue.
How many blacks are killed by other blacks, cop or otherwise.

Then compare the MINISCULE number killed by whites.

Then explain to me why Democrats are so fucking stupid on this issue.
Because just like with Muslims, illegal aliens, criminals, and other undesirables, they bribe welfare blacks with welfare $$, to vote for them. How far down can they sink ?
the blacks never murder--and never murder innocent people
No shit, why do they only bring it up when it's a white person killing a black, which is very rare.....yet they act like its all the time
Because they are racists and every opportunity to deflect that known fact must be taken advantage of
they are obsessed with race
I can understand being very leery of whites/cops due to slavery/oppression/etc
but when a dangerous criminal is shot, they have no argument
the blacks never murder--and never murder innocent people
No shit, why do they only bring it up when it's a white person killing a black, which is very rare.....yet they act like its all the time
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
Idk man, but cops didn't shoot people as often when I was growing up.

PS: Who necro'd this thread?

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