Which comes first: Irrefutable proof...or an investigation toward that irrefutable proof?

Yet you think your no evidence is going to end up in impeachment. Weird.
Personally I don't think there will be impeachment. I think it's a bunch of petty lies for PR purposes. He needs to be called out for all that dishonest shit though, he is our president now.

What dishonest shit?

Seriously now you forgot about Obama's lies?
I don't recall us ever having a discussion about Obamas lies, so you don't really know what the fuck I think about that do ya? I don't accept lies from anybody on capital hill and I find it curious that you bitch about Obama and Hillary but seem to excuse Trump. What a hypocrite you are.
You are the stupid Moon Bat that wanted to talk about a lying President and you voted for the biggest piece of lying shit since Slick Willy.

Don't blame if if your thread isn't going exactly as you planned with you fake news bullshit hatefest against Trump.

You Moon Bats talking about honesty in the Presidency after electing Slick Willy, Obama and then supported Crooked Hillary is absolutely one of the most hypocritical things imaginable, isn't it?

Attempted diversion ignored

You never answered my question Moon Bat.

Do you want me to post some of the articles and videos about Slick Willy's, Obama's or Crooked Hillary's massive lies?

Or are you in denial that they are lying scumbags that you voted for? What the hell is the matter with you? How dumb do you have to be to believe that Crooked Hillary was honest and that Obama didn't lie out his ass about almost everything?

You don't really give a shit about Presidents lying, do you? At least you don't as long as they are telling Democrat lies, right?
Yeah post some quotes or videos of Obama lying... and make sure they are real lies not things like Keep your plan keep your doctor which was a bad assumption for a plan he was trying to roll out not a lie
So you don't know about Obama's lies? There are plenty more of your hypocrisy.

Obama & Hillary Clinton are out of the picture now. Trying to spin this into something it's not is not going to help you. All EYEBALLS are focused on the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval office--while 3 Russian investigations are ongoing--that look to be headed toward impeachment.

It's doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride this one to hell and back. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

For more detailed information on the Russian investigation--go back to post # 128 on this thread.

If there was proof it would've already been revealed. Give it up Trump will be your president for the next eight years.
Personally I don't think there will be impeachment. I think it's a bunch of petty lies for PR purposes. He needs to be called out for all that dishonest shit though, he is our president now.

What dishonest shit?

Seriously now you forgot about Obama's lies?
I don't recall us ever having a discussion about Obamas lies, so you don't really know what the fuck I think about that do ya? I don't accept lies from anybody on capital hill and I find it curious that you bitch about Obama and Hillary but seem to excuse Trump. What a hypocrite you are.
Attempted diversion ignored

You never answered my question Moon Bat.

Do you want me to post some of the articles and videos about Slick Willy's, Obama's or Crooked Hillary's massive lies?

Or are you in denial that they are lying scumbags that you voted for? What the hell is the matter with you? How dumb do you have to be to believe that Crooked Hillary was honest and that Obama didn't lie out his ass about almost everything?

You don't really give a shit about Presidents lying, do you? At least you don't as long as they are telling Democrat lies, right?
Yeah post some quotes or videos of Obama lying... and make sure they are real lies not things like Keep your plan keep your doctor which was a bad assumption for a plan he was trying to roll out not a lie
So you don't know about Obama's lies? There are plenty more of your hypocrisy.

Obama & Hillary Clinton are out of the picture now. Trying to spin this into something it's not is not going to help you. All EYEBALLS are focused on the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval office--while 3 Russian investigations are ongoing--that look to be headed toward impeachment.

It's doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride this one to hell and back. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

For more detailed information on the Russian investigation--go back to post # 128 on this thread.

If there was proof it would've already been revealed. Give it up Trump will be your president for the next eight years.

Counter intelligence investigations can take years. COMEY has now assigned 20 dedicated agents to this Russian/ Trump team investigation... it's just beginning....and we don't know what is classified information and what they may use in a criminal investigation....as we should not know....until they decide to charge an American with a crime.
Personally I don't think there will be impeachment. I think it's a bunch of petty lies for PR purposes. He needs to be called out for all that dishonest shit though, he is our president now.

What dishonest shit?

Seriously now you forgot about Obama's lies?
I don't recall us ever having a discussion about Obamas lies, so you don't really know what the fuck I think about that do ya? I don't accept lies from anybody on capital hill and I find it curious that you bitch about Obama and Hillary but seem to excuse Trump. What a hypocrite you are.
Attempted diversion ignored

You never answered my question Moon Bat.

Do you want me to post some of the articles and videos about Slick Willy's, Obama's or Crooked Hillary's massive lies?

Or are you in denial that they are lying scumbags that you voted for? What the hell is the matter with you? How dumb do you have to be to believe that Crooked Hillary was honest and that Obama didn't lie out his ass about almost everything?

You don't really give a shit about Presidents lying, do you? At least you don't as long as they are telling Democrat lies, right?
Yeah post some quotes or videos of Obama lying... and make sure they are real lies not things like Keep your plan keep your doctor which was a bad assumption for a plan he was trying to roll out not a lie
So you don't know about Obama's lies? There are plenty more of your hypocrisy.

Obama & Hillary Clinton are out of the picture now. Trying to spin this into something it's not is not going to help you. All EYEBALLS are focused on the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval office--while 3 Russian investigations are ongoing--that look to be headed toward impeachment.

It's doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride this one to hell and back. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

For more detailed information on the Russian investigation--go back to post # 128 on this thread.

If there was proof it would've already been revealed. Give it up Trump will be your president for the next eight years.

Well dumbass I just gave you proof. If you want to see a lot more of it go to post # 234 on this thread. If you had any reading comprehension skills and didn't have an attention span of a gnat--you would know already that they have enough evidence right now to call for a grand jury.

This is not being reported on Trump's Fairy Godfather's show--(Sean Hannity) or by any other reich wing talk show host. They promoted Trump to the top of the Primary ticket--and now they're in this futile attempt to cover their ass's. But it's there.

The bomb is going to drop on this administration, the only question is when. They have stated repeatedly that they are taking their time with this investigation, and as McCain stated in the video you just watched there are a lot more shoes to drop.

Last edited:
What dishonest shit?

Seriously now you forgot about Obama's lies?
I don't recall us ever having a discussion about Obamas lies, so you don't really know what the fuck I think about that do ya? I don't accept lies from anybody on capital hill and I find it curious that you bitch about Obama and Hillary but seem to excuse Trump. What a hypocrite you are.
You never answered my question Moon Bat.

Do you want me to post some of the articles and videos about Slick Willy's, Obama's or Crooked Hillary's massive lies?

Or are you in denial that they are lying scumbags that you voted for? What the hell is the matter with you? How dumb do you have to be to believe that Crooked Hillary was honest and that Obama didn't lie out his ass about almost everything?

You don't really give a shit about Presidents lying, do you? At least you don't as long as they are telling Democrat lies, right?
Yeah post some quotes or videos of Obama lying... and make sure they are real lies not things like Keep your plan keep your doctor which was a bad assumption for a plan he was trying to roll out not a lie
So you don't know about Obama's lies? There are plenty more of your hypocrisy.

Obama & Hillary Clinton are out of the picture now. Trying to spin this into something it's not is not going to help you. All EYEBALLS are focused on the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval office--while 3 Russian investigations are ongoing--that look to be headed toward impeachment.

It's doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride this one to hell and back. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

For more detailed information on the Russian investigation--go back to post # 128 on this thread.

If there was proof it would've already been revealed. Give it up Trump will be your president for the next eight years.

Well dumbass I just gave you proof. If you want to see a lot more of it go to post # 234 on this thread. If you had any reading comprehension skills and didn't have an attention span of a gnat--you would know already that they have enough evidence right now to call for a grand jury.

This is not being reported on Trump's Fairy Godfather's show--(Sean Hannity) or by any other reich wing talk show host. But it's there.

The bomb is going to drop on this administration, the only question is when. They have stated repeatedly that they are taking their time with this investigation, and as McCain stated in the video you just watched there are a lot more shoes to drop.


Where is the indictment?
Show me something that a single one of these "investigations" have proven, Nat

Glad you asked......

Flynn (who was once loved by the orange clown) proved to be an agent for a foreign government, Turkey and possibly even for Russia..he got fired.

Carter Page (once called by Trump one of his top foreign advisers) proved to be a prime target for Russian spies....He got fired.

Paul Manafort (once head of Trump's campaign) proved to be an agent for the communist former Ukrainian leaders and crook....He got fired...

You see, investigations cause your ilk a bit of a problem, don't you think?

When was Flynn ever proven to be an "agent for a foreign government"? Are you smoking crack today?
How about you tell us what we do know about Flynn... be objective and honest if your capable.

I know that it's never been proven by anyone that he's an agent for a foreign government! Nat is talking out of his ass when he makes that claim but then...what else is new!
You're right, it hasn't been proven, it's being investigated. So you cant say for sure that he did nothing, and nobody else can say for sure that he did. They have enough evidence to warrant the investigation but not yet enough to prosecute so we shall see where it goes
From the start, there was never any evidence to support the false claims of those PROVEN to be on the KGB's, the Russian Spy Agency's, and Putin's payroll.

10 months later, there is no evidence to support the false claims made by the self-serving traitors who perpetrated Felony Espionage againt tge United States in an attempt to seditiously undermine the newly elected President and his administration.

In the end, there will still be no evidence to support the lies of those who have sold this country out for their own party's benefit.

The Democrats' own scheming has backfired and revealed THEM to be enemies of the United States, whose only concern is to regain and hold on to the power to RULE others, forcing their will upon the nation rather than representing 'We the people' as SERVANTS to the American people.

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