Where is the Leadership?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
The Richmond Times-Dispatch criticized local officials in an editorial published on Monday titled, “Where is the Leadership?”, asking when will the violence stop?

“What is the end game to these protests? The violence seems to escalate daily, not just in Virginia’s capital city but across the country,” it said, adding that “the absence of leadership at all levels of government has compounded these circumstances.”

“We’ve normalized too many behaviors that make Richmond — and the United States — a less safe and prosperous place to live,” the editorial continued.

In Richmond, Va., fires were set, windows were smashed and more than a dozen people were arrested over the weekend, police Chief Gerald Smith said during a news conference on Monday. The damage included smashed windows at the police department for Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Smith added.

“Individuals are desecrating property and being absolved of any wrongdoing,” The Richmond Times-Dispatch editorial said. “Banks and businesses are boarded up and, locally, a critical public economic engine — VCU — incurred $100,000 in damage to its Monroe Park campus in a matter of hours.”

The editorial outlined a timeline of the violence that took place on Saturday night, pointing out that the Richmond police headquarters was targeted.

“During the attack on the police station, multiple fires were set in dumpsters and a city dump truck was set ablaze,” the editorial said. “Both police officers and firemen were assaulted with batteries, fireworks, hunks of asphalt, water bottles and other objects.”

Smith said that his department saw a flyer calling for demonstrations Sunday that carried the same tone of “intimidation” that flyers for Saturday night’s protests had contained.

According to Smith, Richmond police is working on identifying any groups that were affiliated with the violent demonstrations, adding that some individuals from Saturday night have been identified as being from both left-wing and right-wing movements.

The demonstrations in Richmond, which were called “Richmond Stands with Portland,” was planned for days in an apparent reaction to ongoing tensions between protesters and federal agents at the U.S. courthouse in Portland, according to news outlets.

The editorial noted that “Saturday night’s violence was a planned riot.”

“There already have been deaths nationally; we fear there could be more,” the editorial said.

The editorial referenced elected officials including Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, Richmond City Council members, the Virginia General Assembly and the White House, saying the “public still is looking to” them “for a way forward,” adding that “the solution won’t be found in a press conference, a tweet or staying silent.”

The piece went on to ask, “When will Stoney and City Council members acknowledge that putting down riots to protect lives and property is a very real function of their elected positions?”

“Keeping mum and refusing to take action in fear of making tough decisions is not governing. It is cowardice,” it continued. “Enough is enough. Show some leadership.”

I think it's more than cowardice, it is a callous political calculation that is totally indifferent to the damage done on a nightly basis to the citizens that mostly democrat elected officials around the country are exhibiting. Although I am unaware of any cities and states that are governed by Republicans where this kind of shit is ongoing. Peaceful protests are one thing, nobody wants to squelch that but when it turns into violence and destruction then the local and state elected officials are duty bound to put a stop to that.

Democrats bitch about federal intervention, but this shit was happening long before the feds stepped in, and there's no reason to believe it'll stop if and when they leave. Not until the law enforcement entities involved restore law and order. Question: how many people will have to die before those democrat governors and mayors and city councils finally do their job?

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