Where is Daryl Hunt

Don Hunter? Who's he?

I was asking about Hunter Biden, the American businessman with expertise in Ukrainian gas and renown painter.
In high school he gave a teacher such a hard time she flipped out, grabbed him by his frizzy hair and he knocked her out.
She had a nervous breakdown and never returned.

He was a real POS. Many knew his death would be violent. Someone beat him really bad. Couldn't ID him it was so bad. His leather jacket was ID'd by his sister.

Hunter Biden? If it wasn't for his Daddy he would be unknown. Where he is does not concern me one bit.
Cool. I figure some people know other people on here in real life. Hopefully he has just found better use for his time. Thx.
I'm burned out on politics and social wedge issues. I just want to talk sports and WWE and current events and argue why Ebikes are great and that I got a doe this year. Fun stuff.
I'm burned out on politics and social wedge issues. I just want to talk sports and WWE and current events and argue why Ebikes are great and that I got a doe this year. Fun stuff.
Yeah, I used my ebike this morning at 0 centigrade, but that'll be the last for a while cuz temps are plummeting. Battery safely stored in my flat and bike in basement.
Yeah, I used my ebike this morning at 0 centigrade, but that'll be the last for a while cuz temps are plummeting. Battery safely stored in my flat and bike in basement.
I was riding my Ebike to my local hunting spot. Rather than walk a half hour, I get there in 5 minutes with the bike. It snowed last Sunday so I couldn't go. I'm not walking back there a half hour just to sit for 4 hours and then walk a half hour back. Not without my dog. LOL.

Anyways, the snow melted. It's 53 degrees today. So maybe this weekend I'll go ride. But yes, the batteries are in my home staying warm. Not in the garage getting cold. They cost $500 each. I baby them. I say THEM because I bought a 2nd battery so I don't ever have to worry about running out of juice.
I'm burned out on politics and social wedge issues. I just want to talk sports and WWE and current events and argue why Ebikes are great and that I got a doe this year. Fun stuff.
Cool. How much meat did you get out of the Doe?
Cool. How much meat did you get out of the Doe?
100 pound doe. Not enough. I’m hoping to fill my 4 plus tag. So I can only shoot something that has 4 points on one side. It could be a 7 point but not a 6. Unless it had 4 on one side and 2 on the other.
100 pound doe. Not enough. I’m hoping to fill my 4 plus tag. So I can only shoot something that has 4 points on one side. It could be a 7 point but not a 6. Unless it had 4 on one side and 2 on the other.
A lot of rules. Takes good eyesight at 50 to 100 yards. Try not to bag one with an orange vest.:auiqs.jpg:
A lot of rules. Takes good eyesight at 50 to 100 yards. Try not to bag one with an orange vest.:auiqs.jpg:
I have a bad shoulder. Holding a gun steady is tough. So usually I hunt from the box blind. It got windows and it 20 feet above the ground. But deer will see you move or smell you. Or hear you. But you have a great view so you can see them coming.

Only problem is the big buck aren’t stupid. They don’t come out into the field. They stay hidden. They watch the does come out into the field. I don’t mind. Doe taste better.
I have a bad shoulder. Holding a gun steady is tough. So usually I hunt from the box blind. It got windows and it 20 feet above the ground. But deer will see you move or smell you. Or hear you. But you have a great view so you can see them coming.

Only problem is the big buck aren’t stupid. They don’t come out into the field. They stay hidden. They watch the does come out into the field. I don’t mind. Doe taste better.
I have heard they have a less gamy tasted. Never a deer hunter. More into rabbit, squirrel, doves and quail. Somebody has to pay me to lay out waiting and watching in a concealed position in the cold and dark and then just plain friggin cold, whether I see anything or not. Did a lot of coon hunting when I was a teen ager. Cold and dark every time, but I got to move around and sometimes build a fire, waiting for the dogs to tree, sipping whiskey and telling lies.
I have heard they have a less gamy tasted. Never a deer hunter. More into rabbit, squirrel, doves and quail. Somebody has to pay me to lay out waiting and watching in a concealed position in the cold and dark and then just plain friggin cold, whether I see anything or not. Did a lot of coon hunting when I was a teen ager. Cold and dark every time, but I got to move around and sometimes build a fire, waiting for the dogs to tree, sipping whiskey and telling lies.
My dog jumped a possum tonight. I ran up, put my boot on the thing, grabbed my dog then let it go. It ran off. I can tell it was trying to play dead, the poor thing.

I don’t like the cold either. I have great gear and a heater in the box blind. I start hunting october 1 with crossbow because I hate December weather.

One day 13 turkey came out. I wanted to shoot one and eat it but I don’t have a turkey license
My dog jumped a possum tonight. I ran up, put my boot on the thing, grabbed my dog then let it go. It ran off. I can tell it was trying to play dead, the poor thing.

I don’t like the cold either. I have great gear and a heater in the box blind. I start hunting october 1 with crossbow because I hate December weather.

One day 13 turkey came out. I wanted to shoot one and eat it but I don’t have a turkey license
Yes. I actually figure you had the gear. I'm a skier. I wouldn't actually get cold anymore. That waiting quietly thing would bug me.
Lexi (90lb German Shepherd) knocked a possum off the fence after making us let her out one night, jumped it, immediately going for the throat and still holding it when I made her get off and go back to the house. Decent size possum. I kicked it but was limp. Figured I'd have to bury the darn thing in the morning, but when we came out, it was gone. Lexi was looking like, Hey, where's my trophy, I got it fair and square? I was like, Good job, possum.
Yes. I actually figure you had the gear. I'm a skier. I wouldn't actually get cold anymore. That waiting quietly thing would bug me.
Lexi (90lb German Shepherd) knocked a possum off the fence after making us let her out one night, jumped it, immediately going for the throat and still holding it when I made her get off and go back to the house. Decent size possum. I kicked it but was limp. Figured I'd have to bury the darn thing in the morning, but when we came out, it was gone. Lexi was looking like, Hey, where's my trophy, I got it fair and square? I was like, Good job, possum.
My brother and I ask each other what we think about to pass the time. I doze off a lot, play on phone. Check Facebook. Just appreciate the fact I have free time enough to go up north and sit for hours in the woods. And constantly scanning for movement. They appear out of nowhere

i try walking looking for a deer. It’s hard but I’ve come close. One day I’ll see a deer standing still when I have a gun in my hand. It’s not very effective way to hunt but I like walking with my dog through the woods hoping to get lucky. They see you they run and you hope they stop for a second to see what you are.

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