When You Booze You Lose


Sep 23, 2010
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The number of Clinton scandals is unique even for Washington. There are so many scandals Hillary Clinton has become a Saturday afternoon serial. A thrill a week:

How will the hero escape death at the end of each chapter brought the kids back Saturday after Saturday? In that sense Hillary’s scandals might stir up some interest all the way to November —— assuming she is not arrested first. Hillary in irons would be akin to the villain perishing a horrible death before the kids are told who the hero is.

Television puts out so much crapola, I could write a dozen messages every day if I was interested. Even those subjects I look at bore me to tears because I’ve heard most of it a thousand times before. Finding a headline that offers an interesting new perspective is the only thing that holds my attention for more than three seconds.

Reporting on the recent presidential campaign was the worst in history —— and the autopsies after the nominating conventions are still to come. The only thing that will change after the conventions is that pollsters will take a financial beating in the general election. Instead of pollsters making enough money to retire they will have to rely on whatever part-time income they can hustle from one Republican and one Democrat.

Economy talk is even worse than the polls because that crap has not changed in 50 years. There is no proof it will be any different in the next 50 years.

Immigration is a very important topic, but how many times can anybody listen to politicians and pundits talk about it. Every AMERICAN knows what has to be done; so it comes down to doing something about it. Ditto defunding Planned Parenthood, and repealing the Affordable Care Act.

The war against Islam forced Europe to take in millions of United Nations economic refugees while it remains an undeclared war —— and will remain so until after the Chicago sewer rat is sent packing. Even then, there is every possibility the New World Order crowd will insist on fighting one more PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY war.

There is one new media twist —— cover Hillary’s warts with sainthood:

Over the next two weeks, NewsBusters will be documenting the media’s role in fueling Hillary Clinton’s political career by showering her with adoring press coverage while smearing her critics as sinister and sexist. On Wednesday, we kicked off with a collection of media quotes celebrating Clinton as the “successful,” “remarkable,” “fabulous,” “sexy” and “pious” “icon of American womanhood.”​

Hating Hillary’s Enemies in the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy
By Rich Noyes | July 4, 2016 | 8:52 AM EDT

Hating Hillary’s Enemies in the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy


A NewsBusters Special Report: Hillary Clinton’s Media Fan Club
By Rich Noyes | June 29, 2016 | 10:12 AM EDT
A NewsBusters Special Report: Hillary Clinton’s Media Fan Club

Now you can add schmoozer to Hillary’s other dubious attributes:

Hillary Clinton "really" loves to talk over drinks, according to a longtime confidante.

Negotiating "over adult beverages" would be a feature over what the New York Times portrays as a Clinton presidential style that would resemble that of Ronald Reagan of Lyndon Johnson, both legendary schmoozers.​

Confidante: Clinton 'loves talking over drinks'
By Rudy Takala
7/4/16 10:27 AM

Confidante: Clinton 'loves talking over drinks'

LBJ and RR were schmoozers not boozers, while Hillary’s boozing is a widely-known secret in Washington.

Hillary’s daily bath in vodka was known for a longtime; so I doubt if highlighting her conversational skills —— buttressed by libation —— will lift her truth number out of the dumper.

If this was meant to be a joke, I am still waiting to hear a joke about Hillary’s Wet Brain Syndrome:

“Despite many obstacles, much has changed during my time in office,” the president said at the annual event. “Four years ago, I was locked in a brutal primary battle with Hillary Clinton. Four years later she won’t stop drunk-texting me from Cartegana.”​

Obama Jokes Hillary Clinton ‘Won’t Stop Drunk-Texting Me From Cartagena’ (VIDEO)
04/28/2012 11:33 pm ET | Updated Apr 29, 2012

Obama Jokes Hillary Clinton 'Won't Stop Drunk-Texting Me From Cartagena' (VIDEO)
Talk to your doctor. He can help you with that ADD. Loss of focus is a problem for many right wingers.
bill and hillary sit around in the evening

over cocktails reminiscing and laughing about when the dupes

actually bought the line "depends on what the meaning of the word is is"

they knew they had the dupe vote forever

bill and hillary sit around in the evening

over cocktails reminiscing and laughing about when the dupes

actually bought the line "depends on what the meaning of the word is is"

they knew they had the dupe vote forever


You know this for a fact?
bill and hillary sit around in the evening

over cocktails reminiscing and laughing about when the dupes

actually bought the line "depends on what the meaning of the word is is"

they knew they had the dupe vote forever


You know this for a fact?
and they still laugh today


Lots of people laugh at RWNJs

sorry the right wing are not the dupes with their heads up hillarys ass
bill and hillary sit around in the evening

over cocktails reminiscing and laughing about when the dupes

actually bought the line "depends on what the meaning of the word is is"

they knew they had the dupe vote forever


You know this for a fact?
and they still laugh today


Lots of people laugh at RWNJs

sorry the right wing are not the dupes with their heads up hillarys ass

Right. They are the dupes that want to overthrow the government and fell for all those crazy conspiracy theories.
bill and hillary sit around in the evening

over cocktails reminiscing and laughing about when the dupes

actually bought the line "depends on what the meaning of the word is is"

they knew they had the dupe vote forever


You know this for a fact?
and they still laugh today


Lots of people laugh at RWNJs

sorry the right wing are not the dupes with their heads up hillarys ass

Right. They are the dupes that want to overthrow the government and fell for all those crazy conspiracy theories.

indeed they

certainly want to shred the Constitution
I think a drunk Hillary on television would add a lot to this otherwise train wreck of an election cycle. :thup:
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