When They Start Acting Like Climate Change Is a Crisis I Might Start Listening.

When they start selling their outrageously pricey seaside and island real estate, I might start taking them seriously.
The scientists reported in a paper published Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that they have greater than 95 percent certainty that at least half of more than 5 inches of sea level rise they detected during the 20th century was directly caused by global warming.

“During the past millennia, sea level has never risen nearly as fast as during the last century,” said Stefan Rahmstorf, a physics professor at Potsdam University in Germany, one of 10 authors of the paper. “That was to be expected, since global warming inevitably leads to rising seas.”

Study Reveals Stunning Acceleration of Sea Level Rise

Well now, if you fellows had 10 functioning brain cells between you, maybe you would do a bit of research.
"You won't live in a cave, therefore you don't believe in global warming!"

Let's use those denier standards on the deniers.

"You aren't fighting islamicists in the field right now, therefore you don't think terrorism is a problem!"

Deniers, why do you apply your "You have to devote 100% of your life to it, or you don't really believe it!" standard to everyone except yourselves? Why the obvious double standards and hypocrisy?

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