When the Berlin wall fell and the old Soviet Union broke up


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

I believed then the cold war was only half over. China and their domestic left wing stooges have proven that to be corrrect.

I believed then the cold war was only half over. China and their domestic left wing stooges have proven that to be corrrect.

While I agree with you, it is a bit more complicated than simple Soviet brand communism. What we are facing involves a global conspiracy to inventory every living thing and human being on Earth, and every last resource, and use them to implement Green Communism or a global warming worldwide theocracy. Many layers exist to this effort, and few of them have anything to with saving the planet from warming or pollution. It is all about absolute control of everyone and everything. So who are the conspirators? Well, the ones we've figured out include the Chinese Communist Party, the United Nations, the European Union, the Canadian and Australian governments; the American Deep State, thousands of local level American politicians and countless billionaires of all nationalities. Together these human fiends intend to ultimately and drastically reduce world population by killing billions of us. In comparison to the sum of these conspirators we are as ants to giants. Currently, no one at all is actually fighting these monsters with steel or lead. In essence, we're on track to be made extinct.

I believed then the cold war was only half over. China and their domestic left wing stooges have proven that to be corrrect.
Communism is not representative of prisons and mass murders those are authoritarian dictatorships.

I believed then the cold war was only half over. China and their domestic left wing stooges have proven that to be corrrect.

While I agree with you, it is a bit more complicated than simple Soviet brand communism. What we are facing involves a global conspiracy to inventory every living thing and human being on Earth, and every last resource, and use them to implement Green Communism or a global warming worldwide theocracy. Many layers exist to this effort, and few of them have anything to with saving the planet from warming or pollution. It is all about absolute control of everyone and everything. So who are the conspirators? Well, the ones we've figured out include the Chinese Communist Party, the United Nations, the European Union, the Canadian and Australian governments; the American Deep State, thousands of local level American politicians and countless billionaires of all nationalities. Together these human fiends intend to ultimately and drastically reduce world population by killing billions of us. In comparison to the sum of these conspirators we are as ants to giants. Currently, no one at all is actually fighting these monsters with steel or lead. In essence, we're on track to be made extinct.
No question the Chinese version is different more more thru the back door, using tech billionaires, technology transfers from both Bush and Clinton administrations plus BO.

I believed then the cold war was only half over. China and their domestic left wing stooges have proven that to be corrrect.
Communism is not representative of prisons and mass murders those are authoritarian dictatorships.
Tell that to Hong Kong, past victims of Mao's cultural revolution etc.
..nothing was fun anymore after that---cold war movies not the same/Olympic competition different/etc .....no more James Bond cold war antics

I believed then the cold war was only half over. China and their domestic left wing stooges have proven that to be corrrect.

While I agree with you, it is a bit more complicated than simple Soviet brand communism. What we are facing involves a global conspiracy to inventory every living thing and human being on Earth, and every last resource, and use them to implement Green Communism or a global warming worldwide theocracy. Many layers exist to this effort, and few of them have anything to with saving the planet from warming or pollution. It is all about absolute control of everyone and everything. So who are the conspirators? Well, the ones we've figured out include the Chinese Communist Party, the United Nations, the European Union, the Canadian and Australian governments; the American Deep State, thousands of local level American politicians and countless billionaires of all nationalities. Together these human fiends intend to ultimately and drastically reduce world population by killing billions of us. In comparison to the sum of these conspirators we are as ants to giants. Currently, no one at all is actually fighting these monsters with steel or lead. In essence, we're on track to be made extinct.

So. When a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, we are truly saved.

I believed then the cold war was only half over. China and their domestic left wing stooges have proven that to be corrrect.
Yes and the ussr was taken down by our policy, especially under Reagan, to get into an arms race, space race, and NOT DO BUSINESS with them or any of their satellite countries like Cuba.

They knew they couldn't survive under the pressure of needing to keep up, and not having real trade partners.

We have done the opposite with China and as a result, they have grown into a mass super monster, and now own our corporations who take advantage of slave labor while the left here virtue signal about how against slavery they are.

We are now enslaved to China as they gained mass military strength and our space program stopped.

All to the loud cheers of RINO republicrats and demoncrats. We are doomed. The only good thing is to watch the left wing middle class have their properties seized, watch them starve to death when the marxists shut down our food supply under global warming bullshit, and see them lined up on a wall and shot.

Welcome everyone.

I believed then the cold war was only half over. China and their domestic left wing stooges have proven that to be corrrect.
Yes and the ussr was taken down by our policy, especially under Reagan, to get into an arms race, space race, and NOT DO BUSINESS with them or any of their satellite countries like Cuba.

They knew they couldn't survive under the pressure of needing to keep up, and not having real trade partners.

We have done the opposite with China and as a result, they have grown into a mass super monster, and now own our corporations who take advantage of slave labor while the left here virtue signal about how against slavery they are.

We are now enslaved to China as they gained mass military strength and our space program stopped.

All to the loud cheers of RINO republicrats and demoncrats. We are doomed. The only good thing is to watch the left wing middle class have their properties seized, watch them starve to death when the marxists shut down our food supply under global warming bullshit, and see them lined up on a wall and shot.

Welcome everyone.

A pity that the U.S. is poised to become the devil that it has been dancing with so long ONLY to enrich our political class.
This is HOW empires fall!

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