When Dems inherit a bottomed out economy they are able to ride the natural wave of improvement. Could they look good otherwise?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Bill Clinton’s failed lending policies crumble in the lap of Bush who hands Obama a crippled economy….Obama then blows $10T to spend us out of trouble and to Dems he looks like a savior…..Fast forward to 2020….Democrats shut down the country on Trumps watch and destroy the best economy America has ever known. In 2021-2022 with the scamdemic killing more Americans than ever they open the nation back up and pretend they are responsible for the economical improvements.
Do Democrats ever improve anything without destroying it first? Do they always create the problems they appear to fix?

U.S. economy grew 5.7 percent in 2021, fastest full-year clip since 1984, despite ongoing pandemic​

GDP report by Bureau of Economic Analysis offers the latest snapshot of a resilient recovery​

Jobs and inflation were on the rise in the pandemic’s second year. The Bureau of Economic Analysis also said the economy grew 6.9 percent in the year’s final three months.

Clearly, our economy is robust. Jobs are plentiful. Demand is strong. Wages are rising. The largest assett owned by Americans --their home -- is increasing in value.

To be sure, there are issues that are being addressed. Inflation --- too much money chasing too few goods --- is one. But that is a symptom of such a robust economy.

trump drove the economy into the dust.

Joe fixed it.

Why do Republicans always need a Democrat to fix their economy?
Pay attention, stay focused and read the OP kids.
Biden inherited an economy that Trump had poised for a major breakout. Biden has done everything he could to destroy the Trump rally but he still couldn't do it. I'm thinking there is about a one year delay from inception to results in most economic policy. From now on, our economy should start reflecting Biden's illegal alien invasion, his inflation from insane spending, his abandonment of law enforcement and the chaos that creates, the supply chain debacle he created, his mask and vaccine mandates, his closed schools, the labor shortages and the absolute worst COVID response of any country in the world. The worst President ever continues to lower the bar to new depths.
Biden inherited an economy that Trump had poised for a major breakout. Biden has done everything he could to destroy the Trump rally but he still couldn't do it. I'm thinking there is about a one year delay from inception to results in most economic policy. From now on, our economy should start reflecting Biden's illegal alien invasion, his inflation from insane spending, his abandonment of law enforcement and the chaos that creates, the supply chain debacle he created, the mask and vaccine mandates, the closed schools, the labor shortages and the absolute worst COVID response of any country in the world. The worst President ever continues to lower the bar to new depths.
Trump destroyed our economy

We elected Biden to fix it
You mean that nonissue that Trump had under control?
Biden has quadruple the number of covid deaths than Trump had and yes covid shut downs destroyed jobs this is why I don't understand your continued love for the CCP....and your support for a man who has received 31 Millon dollars from the CCP...you are too easy tard....
Bill Clinton’s failed lending policies crumble in the lap of Bush who hands Obama a crippled economy….Obama then blows $10T to spend us out of trouble and to Dems he looks like a savior…..Fast forward to 2020….Democrats shut down the country on Trumps watch and destroy the best economy America has ever known. In 2021-2022 with the scamdemic killing more Americans than ever they open the nation back up and pretend they are responsible for the economical improvements.
Do Democrats ever improve anything without destroying it first? Do they always create the problems they appear to fix?
The better question is why does it always bottom out under Republican leadership?
Biden has quadruple the number of covid deaths than Trump had and yes covid shut downs destroyed jobs this is why I don't understand your continued love for the CCP....and your support for a man who has received 31 Millon dollars from the CCP...you are too easy tard....

Those who died while Biden was President were Suicides

They were offered a free vaccine that would have saved their lives and they turned it down

Those who died while Biden was President were Suicides

They were offered a free vaccine that would have saved their lives and they turned it down

You are crazy....thousands of vaccinated people have contracted and died from covid...but regardless Biden did a terrible job of dividing people into groups and mandating vaccines onto them...he handled it badly and people died...and stop with the suicide comment...when did you flower children become so mean and heartless?...
You are crazy....thousands of vaccinated people have contracted and died from covid...but regardless Biden did a terrible job of dividing people into groups and mandating vaccines onto them...he handled it badly and people died...and stop with the suicide comment...when did you flower children become so mean and heartless?...
You can’t fix stupid
Those who died while refusing a vaccine that would have saved them were SUICIDES

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