What is "Unfettered Capitalism"?

Regulated social market "Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to [mess with] that?"
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
My point exactly. Just about the only place you will get unfettered capitalism is at an art fair, the farmers market, craigs list, or ebay.

It's total bullshit. That's the kind of shallow propaganda that all leftists believe because they're stupid and incredibly ignorant.
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.

So, riddle me this: WTF is "fettered" Capitalism?
The Bush administration, The Obama Administration, the Federal reserve, etc. . . . .
We see how self regulating it is by looking at China, India or 19th century America. Anyone that thinks it is self regulating knows nothing of what they're talking about.

Government and unions are needed for capitalism to be fair to the worker. One of the big reasons we did so good as a nation in the 40's into the 60's was because of this fact. Today? The rich have taken it all and moved operations to china.
China and India are communist/socialist countries, doofus.
yes, they are yet we still buy inferior and dangerous goods from China and both countries suck up industrial jobs like a mop from more capitalist nations.

If capitalism was self regulating, why are the communist/socialists countries being rewarded by it?
The capitalism they do practice is how they pay the bills. America votes with its' dollars. People don't want to pay for high priced union made goods if they have an option. That's a fact. Also over regulation is killing business. People think if you're in business you are wealthy and can afford to hand over more and more money to government.

So poisonous dry wall,lead laced paint and toothpaste is preferable? Sweat shops and cheating of migrant workers out of their pay is preferable? Devaluation of currency to manipulate trade is preferable?

That is the Chinese form of capitalism--where is the self regulation? There is None--Chinese Capitalism is off the rails!!
I don't think you understand what the word means. China is a communist state that allows capitalism to exist in part to make money. Capitalists are not running the country.
Now that Amazon is killing Walmart, I wonder how many of the Waltons are still happy with capitalism?
All of them. Everyone I have been in is still busy. Cover your 'I don't shop at Walmart' bumper sticker some day and go check it out.

I go into the one here occasionally, but usually walk out empty-handed because they have very limited range for any given item. In fact, the UPS man is here at this very moment delivering the items I ordered just yesterday afternoon on Amazon. And free shipping!
Unfettered Capitalism is unfettered greed. I guess that's the opposite of your's, eh?you remember Reaganomics, supply side theory, Chicago School?
The country did great with "Reaganomics" which apparently still pisses liberals off since it proves they are full of shit.

But you need to define what you are babbling about when you use the term unfettered capitalism and how that differs from anarchy.
Unfettered capitalism is a natural human state.
Is that a quote from a Mad Max movie?

Sadly, if allowed to humans seem to accept swimming around in waste, breathing dense smog and eating low quality food. At least when you look at most of the third world or 19th century europe.


Thank god for regulations, the epa, the fda, the cdc and people demanding better in America.
LOL, you think third world countries are fine examples of capitalism? They are universally corrupt and held hostage by state run economies.
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.

So, riddle me this: WTF is "fettered" Capitalism?

The masochistic twin sister of "unfettered" Capitalism
Now that Amazon is killing Walmart, I wonder how many of the Waltons are still happy with capitalism?
All of them. Everyone I have been in is still busy. Cover your 'I don't shop at Walmart' bumper sticker some day and go check it out.

I go into the one here occasionally, but usually walk out empty-handed because they have very limited range for any given item. In fact, the UPS man is here at this very moment delivering the items I ordered just yesterday afternoon on Amazon. And free shipping!
So you put Walmart out of business. Good to know!
Regulated social market "Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to [mess with] that?"

Capitalism is what raised standards of living. The socialism part has only retarded our economic growth and corrupted our government.
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
My point exactly. Just about the only place you will get unfettered capitalism is at an art fair, the farmers market, craigs list, or ebay.

It's total bullshit. That's the kind of shallow propaganda that all leftists believe because they're stupid and incredibly ignorant.

We have monopolies in America, now. The playing field has been made unlevel by banks and institutions too big to fail, in case you didn't catch that about seven years ago.
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
My point exactly. Just about the only place you will get unfettered capitalism is at an art fair, the farmers market, craigs list, or ebay.

It's total bullshit. That's the kind of shallow propaganda that all leftists believe because they're stupid and incredibly ignorant.

We have monopolies in America, now. The playing field has been made unlevel by banks and institutions too big to fail, in case you didn't catch that about seven years ago.

In other words, we don't have any monopolies, other than government enforced utility and cable monopolies, that is.
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
My point exactly. Just about the only place you will get unfettered capitalism is at an art fair, the farmers market, craigs list, or ebay.

It's total bullshit. That's the kind of shallow propaganda that all leftists believe because they're stupid and incredibly ignorant.

We have monopolies in America, now. The playing field has been made unlevel by banks and institutions too big to fail, in case you didn't catch that about seven years ago.
You mean like General Motors? Too many union jobs and Democrat votes at stake. Big government is corrupt and big business can buy their way in. Small business is what made this country great but the laws are punitive.
Regulated social market "Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to [mess with] that?"
Because your current capitalist is are a bunch of fascist corporist bullies who really could give a shit whether they commit fraud or not and they buy and pay off judges and the like to get what they want.
Unfettered capitalism is a natural human state.
Is that a quote from a Mad Max movie?

Sadly, if allowed to humans seem to accept swimming around in waste, breathing dense smog and eating low quality food. At least when you look at most of the third world or 19th century europe.


Thank god for regulations, the epa, the fda, the cdc and people demanding better in America.
LOL, you think third world countries are fine examples of capitalism? They are universally corrupt and held hostage by state run economies.
Good point something like California pushing big pharma's agenda onto parents who don't want their children shot up whenever with whatever vaccines and Obama care wiping out every small business it can in fav
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
My point exactly. Just about the only place you will get unfettered capitalism is at an art fair, the farmers market, craigs list, or ebay.

It's total bullshit. That's the kind of shallow propaganda that all leftists believe because they're stupid and incredibly ignorant.

We have monopolies in America, now. The playing field has been made unlevel by banks and institutions too big to fail, in case you didn't catch that about seven years ago.

In other words, we don't have any monopolies, other than government enforced utility and cable monopolies, that is.
No you have large companies wiping smaller ones out and they can get away with illegal activities because they buy and pay for it through the judiciary and the elected officials.
We see how self regulating it is by looking at China, India or 19th century America. Anyone that thinks it is self regulating knows nothing of what they're talking about.

Government and unions are needed for capitalism to be fair to the worker. One of the big reasons we did so good as a nation in the 40's into the 60's was because of this fact. Today? The rich have taken it all and moved operations to china.
Unions are so unnecessary, profit or unionization take your pick... Can not coexist.
No reason to start a business without profit...
Regulated social market "Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to [mess with] that?"
Because your current capitalist is are a bunch of fascist corporist bullies who really could give a shit whether they commit fraud or not and they buy and pay off judges and the like to get what they want.
Unfettered capitalism is a natural human state.
Is that a quote from a Mad Max movie?

Sadly, if allowed to humans seem to accept swimming around in waste, breathing dense smog and eating low quality food. At least when you look at most of the third world or 19th century europe.


Thank god for regulations, the epa, the fda, the cdc and people demanding better in America.
LOL, you think third world countries are fine examples of capitalism? They are universally corrupt and held hostage by state run economies.
Good point something like California pushing big pharma's agenda onto parents who don't want their children shot up whenever with whatever vaccines and Obama care wiping out every small business it can in favor of certain insurance companies and institutions.
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
My point exactly. Just about the only place you will get unfettered capitalism is at an art fair, the farmers market, craigs list, or ebay.

It's total bullshit. That's the kind of shallow propaganda that all leftists believe because they're stupid and incredibly ignorant.

We have monopolies in America, now. The playing field has been made unlevel by banks and institutions too big to fail, in case you didn't catch that about seven years ago.

In other words, we don't have any monopolies, other than government enforced utility and cable monopolies, that is.
No you have large companies wiping smaller ones out and they can get away with illegal activities because they buy and pay for it through the judiciary and the elected officials.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?
The only period of time that we have come close to unfettered capitalism was in the early part of 19th century before labor unions and government regulations, a time when the middle class hardly existed, a time when the wealthy controlled government, a time of little upward mobility, and a time when the rape of the environment was a source of pride. Unfettered capitalism spawns corruption. At its best, capitalism dramatically improves lives; at its worst, left unchecked, capitalism ravages the environment, oppresses individuals, and destroys culture.

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