What is the goal of the protests?


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2008
The title is a very simple question that not one democrat can answer.

A cop breaks the law, kills a guy, and now democrats are "protesting". What exactly is the goal of the protests? We have TONS of crime in the US that isnt just limited to cops, so if you have a way to stop it from happening, lets hear it.

Why not protest serial killers? Why not protest child molesters? Do you think that will work? If not, then what the fuck are you people doing?! I'll tell you what youre doing... youre asking for an impossibility. There is literally nothing that can stop criminal activity. Its simply part of the human experience. To think otherwise is fucking retarded.
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What exactly is the goal of the protests?
The purpose was to show their discontent to Racism and bad cops. It is usually the same narratives the Democrats play every single time.
Why dont they show their discontent for child murderers? Why are democrat protests only limited to the one niche crime of cops killing black people?
The protests during the day are for Floyd. The riots at night are BLM and ANTIFA anti government and anti capitalist communists being opportunistic.

Dimms love it because they think it will hurt Trump politically, it’s why they abandoned lockdown and social distancing for the rioters. Dimms are nothing but opportunistic political beasts. They do nothing but lie.
The title is a very simple question that not one democrat can answer.

A cop breaks the law, kills a guy, and now democrats are "protesting". What exactly is the goal of the protests? We have TONS of crime in the US that isnt just limited to cops, so if you have a way to stop it from happening, lets hear it.

Why not protest serial killers? Why not protest child molesters? Do you think that will work? If not, then what the fuck are you people doing?! I'll tell you what youre doing... youre asking for an impossibility. There is literally nothing that can stop criminal activity. Its simply part of the human experience. To think otherwise is fucking retarded.

The rioters, the democrats, are child murderers, burning children to death in their beds while the democrats block firefighters from rescuing them.

There are now more than 400 Americans dead from the democrat riots.
When are the protests and riots for David Dorn going to happen?
Only republicans care about him, but we arent dumb enough to think that a fucking protest is going to do anything to stop murderers.
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Protests happen when the government refuses to listen. If you still do not know what the protests are about then you too have refused to listen. Some people are so willfully ignorant that it takes a crowd of angry people before they notice there is even a problem.
Protests happen when the government refuses to listen. If you still do not know what the protests are about then you too have refused to listen. Some people are so willfully ignorant that it takes a crowd of angry people before they notice there is even a problem.
So after the government listens, people will stop breaking the law? How is that supposed to work? Im not following your logic.
Protests happen when the government refuses to listen. If you still do not know what the protests are about then you too have refused to listen. Some people are so willfully ignorant that it takes a crowd of angry people before they notice there is even a problem.
So a liberal State with a liberal Governor...a liberal Mayor...and a black Police Chief wasn't "listening"? Does that even make a bit of sense to you?

You know why part of the reason George Floyd is dead today? Because he woke up that morning...did some Meth and Fentynol...then decided to go get some cigarettes using counterfeit money! You know why else George Floyd is dead today? When the Police arrived and arrested him...he wouldn't get into the squad car! George Floyd is dead today because he put himself in a situation where an idiot cop didn't realize he was killing someone or didn't care! It's the same idiotic scenario of Michael Brown and to be quite blunt...I'm sick and tired of this guy being turned into "Saint George" by the media! George Floyd was a low life. You can march until the cows come home and that FACT isn't going to change!
Protests happen when the government refuses to listen. If you still do not know what the protests are about then you too have refused to listen. Some people are so willfully ignorant that it takes a crowd of angry people before they notice there is even a problem.
So a liberal State with a liberal Governor...a liberal Mayor...and a black Police Chief wasn't "listening"? Does that even make a bit of sense to you?

You know why part of the reason George Floyd is dead today? Because he woke up that morning...did some Meth and Fentynol...then decided to go get some cigarettes using counterfeit money! You know why else George Floyd is dead today? When the Police arrived and arrested him...he wouldn't get into the squad car! George Floyd is dead today because he put himself in a situation where an idiot cop didn't realize he was killing someone or didn't care! It's the same idiotic scenario of Michael Brown and to be quite blunt...I'm sick and tired of this guy being turned into "Saint George" by the media! George Floyd was a low life. You can march until the cows come home and that FACT isn't going to change!
Lets assume the cop intentionally wanted to kill him by putting his knee on his neck. For whatever reason, he just felt like doing it. Ok, now how do we stop people from murdering in the future? If there is no way to stop future murders, then these protests are pointless. There is literally NOTHING positive that can be gained from these protests. Its just a waste of time, money and human lives.
Protests happen when the government refuses to listen. If you still do not know what the protests are about then you too have refused to listen. Some people are so willfully ignorant that it takes a crowd of angry people before they notice there is even a problem.
So a liberal State with a liberal Governor...a liberal Mayor...and a black Police Chief wasn't "listening"? Does that even make a bit of sense to you?

You know why part of the reason George Floyd is dead today? Because he woke up that morning...did some Meth and Fentynol...then decided to go get some cigarettes using counterfeit money! You know why else George Floyd is dead today? When the Police arrived and arrested him...he wouldn't get into the squad car! George Floyd is dead today because he put himself in a situation where an idiot cop didn't realize he was killing someone or didn't care! It's the same idiotic scenario of Michael Brown and to be quite blunt...I'm sick and tired of this guy being turned into "Saint George" by the media! George Floyd was a low life. You can march until the cows come home and that FACT isn't going to change!
Lets assume the cop intentionally wanted to kill him by putting his knee on his neck. For whatever reason, he just felt like doing it. Ok, now how do we stop people from murdering in the future? If there is no way to stop future murders, then these protests are destructive and not productive in any way. There is literally NOTHING positive that can be gained from these protests. Its just a waste of time, money and human lives.
Let's be honest here, Godboy...the Covid 19 lockdowns were sputtering out! People were sick of being lied to about how bad the virus was! Protest were mounting to open the State economies. That means the economy was poised to come roaring back and that's a disaster if you're a liberal! There's no way in the world Joe Biden is getting elected if the economy bounces back! So what do you do if you're a Democrat or a member of the Main Stream Media? You take George Floyd and turn him into Rosa Parks! You use Black Lives Matter to stir up riots across the entire nation in every single Democratically controlled city you can! You shut down the economy in those cities just as they were about to get going again!
Protests happen when the government refuses to listen. If you still do not know what the protests are about then you too have refused to listen. Some people are so willfully ignorant that it takes a crowd of angry people before they notice there is even a problem.
So a liberal State with a liberal Governor...a liberal Mayor...and a black Police Chief wasn't "listening"? Does that even make a bit of sense to you?

You know why part of the reason George Floyd is dead today? Because he woke up that morning...did some Meth and Fentynol...then decided to go get some cigarettes using counterfeit money! You know why else George Floyd is dead today? When the Police arrived and arrested him...he wouldn't get into the squad car! George Floyd is dead today because he put himself in a situation where an idiot cop didn't realize he was killing someone or didn't care! It's the same idiotic scenario of Michael Brown and to be quite blunt...I'm sick and tired of this guy being turned into "Saint George" by the media! George Floyd was a low life. You can march until the cows come home and that FACT isn't going to change!
So we should wait until the cops murder a boy scout to get angry? At some point you just have to say enough is enough. Seeing a man get murdered in cold blood on TV was the last straw.
The title is a very simple question that not one democrat can answer.

A cop breaks the law, kills a guy, and now democrats are "protesting". What exactly is the goal of the protests? We have TONS of crime in the US that isnt just limited to cops, so if you have a way to stop it from happening, lets hear it.

Why not protest serial killers? Why not protest child molesters? Do you think that will work? If not, then what the fuck are you people doing?! I'll tell you what youre doing... youre asking for an impossibility. There is literally nothing that can stop criminal activity. Its simply part of the human experience. To think otherwise is fucking retarded.
......they didn't protest the WHITE lady MURDERED by a BLACK cop----game over = they hate whites/America/cops....they want to be in charge/get revenge/etc
Protests happen when the government refuses to listen. If you still do not know what the protests are about then you too have refused to listen. Some people are so willfully ignorant that it takes a crowd of angry people before they notice there is even a problem.
So a liberal State with a liberal Governor...a liberal Mayor...and a black Police Chief wasn't "listening"? Does that even make a bit of sense to you?

You know why part of the reason George Floyd is dead today? Because he woke up that morning...did some Meth and Fentynol...then decided to go get some cigarettes using counterfeit money! You know why else George Floyd is dead today? When the Police arrived and arrested him...he wouldn't get into the squad car! George Floyd is dead today because he put himself in a situation where an idiot cop didn't realize he was killing someone or didn't care! It's the same idiotic scenario of Michael Brown and to be quite blunt...I'm sick and tired of this guy being turned into "Saint George" by the media! George Floyd was a low life. You can march until the cows come home and that FACT isn't going to change!
So we should wait until the cops murder a boy scout to get angry? At some point you just have to say enough is enough. Seeing a man get murdered in cold blood on TV was the last straw.
The last straw? Black men get murdered every weekend in Chicago and you don't say a THING, Occupied! A low life takes drugs...tries to steal from a convenience store...refuses to get into a squad car when he's arrested...and then dies because an idiot cop kneels on his neck? We're shutting down the entire country for THAT piece of shit? Seriously? A man who participated in a home invasion and held a gun to a pregnant woman's belly demanding drugs? That's your "man"? I hate to be blunt but I don't even see George Floyd as human after something like that! He's scum of the worst kind!

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