Originally posted by Gop guy
As you all know, I am a staunch conservative Republican.
What led me to conservatism?
Love for this great nation
My sense of moral decency
Anyone else?
GOP Guy:
Im finding this post extremely egotistical bordering on prejudiced, as well as completely un-researched and absolutely unfounded.
First, Im not a liberal - so dont even think about going off on a tangent about how my words are not worthy to pay any attention to. Here is a clue - They are. If youre truly as smart as you say you are, and as I believe that you truly are, then you will listen and listen well.
I know of what I speak. I know the bible up, down, front and backwards better than most because I minored in both theology and theosophy. Actually, thats not why. I studied it in college when obtaining my phd, but I KNOW it because of personal study and beleif in a higher power. Belief that every person is created equal and loved equally by God. Belief that Jesus Christ existed and IS the Son of God - belief that one day, the goodness of the Light of God can touch even the darkest corners of this planet.
Im so disgusted and tired of this judgement on who is a Christian and who is not, as well as the reasons behind WHY its being given in the first place.
What is a Christian? A Christian is one who strives to be Christ-like (literal definition if your looking at rootword and suffixes)...a person that accepts the reality of Christ into their heart and soul and honors that - am I correct? Yes I am.
How Christ-like is it of you to make such a blanket statemetn that so blatantly attacks and demeans the spiritual beliefs of another? Not so much.......or so it would seem.
Your spoke of your high standard morals. Why would you assume that a liberal or anyone else either would or would not have decent, good morals as well? And what gave you the right of omnipotence to be the one to even cast such a juggement and use the word Christian in the same sentence. This is what I would like to know.....really.
I would like to know it respectfully, truthfully, realistically and from your heart. However, I will say....do NOT try to take me to task on this in a crappy or childish way, son. You wont win. Speak respectfully, intelligently and with integrity and I give you my solemn promise that I will return that favor.