What is it that lead you to conservatism or liberalism?

Gop guy

Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
West Reading PA
As you all know, I am a staunch conservative Republican.

What led me to conservatism?

Love for this great nation
My sense of moral decency

Anyone else?
Originally posted by Gop guy

:bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag:

don't take this too personally as I wave the BS flag for this particular statement, k?
seriously. Your political views and your faith usually cross paths at some point in time. But i usually separate the 2 when i can. I use my faith as a base. But it is not the be all and end all of my political persuasion.

Liberals can be Christians just like Conservatives can be atheists. One opinion on a singular topic does not change a person's complete faith. Thus is my opinion.
Originally posted by Gop guy
As you all know, I am a staunch conservative Republican.

What led me to conservatism?

Love for this great nation
My sense of moral decency

Anyone else?

Chritianity played a part for me as well. I am very pro life and it just doesn't seem to me that abortion fits into Christianity very well. JMO
I have also always felt that conservatives/Republicans were very patriotic people. My dad is like that-loves the U.S.A. and I think he influenced me a lot with that when I was young without him even knowing it.

I also just always agreed with them .While I was growing up and through my teen years,I just felt the Repubs/Cons. were tougher on crime and I liked the fact they wanted lower taxes. I also beieve they are stronger when it comes to national defense.

All in all,I agreed with them on everything,and Libs on just about nothing.
A guy could almost write an essay on this. I'll try to keep this as short as possible.

I am a product of my environment. I grew up and have always lived in, (except for college) in northern Minnesota. I would say 80% of what of i believe comes from my Dad. He grew up an outdoorsman (hunting, fishing, etc.) thus i grew up an ourdoorsman. I stil enjoy hunting and fishing. I would say i come from a middle class family though many would say we are rich. my dad is self made man so to speak. He is a veternarian making in the lower half of the six digit range. My first real experience with knowing where my ideology was had to be when i applied to college. i wanted to attend a private school in MN. that at the time was about 23,000 a year. I applied merit scholarships and federal aid. Becasue of my parents income and the fact that I had a college savings account we got almost nothing for federal aid. I worked in college to supplement my tution. my parents, according to the gov't, made too much too qualify for fed aid and because of the very fact that we did save for college. the liberal system does not award people for actually saving money for the future. If we could do it again we would not save a dime then we would've gotten fed aid.

I am a conservative because I believe in hard work and that the only person responsible for you, is you. I don't believe liberalism awards hard work. I think liberals get caught up in emotions and are not objective. They use words like "I feel this" or "i feel that" and they don't consult there brains to see if what they feel makes sense.

The other 20% of why I am a conservative is from books i've read. If i had to say how i want to live me life, the way society should be, and how the country should be run I would say "here read this book." That book would be "Atlus Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. There are plenty of theories out there about how socities should be developed and even though this book is fictional it is the most compelling one i have read.
Originally posted by Gop guy
As you all know, I am a staunch conservative Republican.

What led me to conservatism?

Love for this great nation
My sense of moral decency

Anyone else?

GOP Guy:

Im finding this post extremely egotistical bordering on prejudiced, as well as completely un-researched and absolutely unfounded.

First, Im not a liberal - so dont even think about going off on a tangent about how my words are not worthy to pay any attention to. Here is a clue - They are. If youre truly as smart as you say you are, and as I believe that you truly are, then you will listen and listen well.

I know of what I speak. I know the bible up, down, front and backwards better than most because I minored in both theology and theosophy. Actually, thats not why. I studied it in college when obtaining my phd, but I KNOW it because of personal study and beleif in a higher power. Belief that every person is created equal and loved equally by God. Belief that Jesus Christ existed and IS the Son of God - belief that one day, the goodness of the Light of God can touch even the darkest corners of this planet.

Im so disgusted and tired of this judgement on who is a Christian and who is not, as well as the reasons behind WHY its being given in the first place.

What is a Christian? A Christian is one who strives to be Christ-like (literal definition if your looking at rootword and suffixes)...a person that accepts the reality of Christ into their heart and soul and honors that - am I correct? Yes I am.

How Christ-like is it of you to make such a blanket statemetn that so blatantly attacks and demeans the spiritual beliefs of another? Not so much.......or so it would seem.

Your spoke of your high standard morals. Why would you assume that a liberal or anyone else either would or would not have decent, good morals as well? And what gave you the right of omnipotence to be the one to even cast such a juggement and use the word Christian in the same sentence. This is what I would like to know.....really.

I would like to know it respectfully, truthfully, realistically and from your heart. However, I will say....do NOT try to take me to task on this in a crappy or childish way, son. You wont win. Speak respectfully, intelligently and with integrity and I give you my solemn promise that I will return that favor.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
:bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag:

don't take this too personally as I wave the BS flag for this particular statement, k?

Liberals support abortion, the RCC, and all other Christians consider this murder, so does every other religion on earth that i know of.

Liberals support the seperation of church and state, this country was founded a Judeo-Christian nation, there's nothing about that "seperation" in the constitution.

Liberals support gay marriage and gays as ministers and such, HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN, SAYS SO IN THE BIBLE.

Liberals support "under God" being taken out of our Pledge of Allegiance.

Any real Bible going Christian is a conservative.

Don't take this personally either, I respect you and all, just those don't sound very Christian to me.
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
GOP Guy:

Im finding this post extremely egotistical bordering on prejudiced, as well as completely un-researched and absolutely unfounded.

First, Im not a liberal - so dont even think about going off on a tangent about how my words are not worthy to pay any attention to. Here is a clue - They are. If youre truly as smart as you say you are, and as I believe that you truly are, then you will listen and listen well.

I know of what I speak. I know the bible up, down, front and backwards better than most because I minored in both theology and theosophy. Actually, thats not why. I studied it in college when obtaining my phd, but I KNOW it because of personal study and beleif in a higher power. Belief that every person is created equal and loved equally by God. Belief that Jesus Christ existed and IS the Son of God - belief that one day, the goodness of the Light of God can touch even the darkest corners of this planet.

Im so disgusted and tired of this judgement on who is a Christian and who is not, as well as the reasons behind WHY its being given in the first place.

What is a Christian? A Christian is one who strives to be Christ-like (literal definition if your looking at rootword and suffixes)...a person that accepts the reality of Christ into their heart and soul and honors that - am I correct? Yes I am.

How Christ-like is it of you to make such a blanket statemetn that so blatantly attacks and demeans the spiritual beliefs of another? Not so much.......or so it would seem.

Your spoke of your high standard morals. Why would you assume that a liberal or anyone else either would or would not have decent, good morals as well? And what gave you the right of omnipotence to be the one to even cast such a juggement and use the word Christian in the same sentence. This is what I would like to know.....really.

I would like to know it respectfully, truthfully, realistically and from your heart. However, I will say....do NOT try to take me to task on this in a crappy or childish way, son. You wont win. Speak respectfully, intelligently and with integrity and I give you my solemn promise that I will return that favor.

I just said that Christians tend to have good morals, I never said that I believe all libs lack morals and values.

I refer you to the earlier post I made to DK.
How, in being a Christian, can you make the statement, 'There cannot be a Liberal Christian'? (i know that isnt the exact words you used, but tit for tat - it serves the purpose)
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
are you sure about that?

Yeah, I may not like the ideology, but I don't think they are all evil.

I never said that in my first post, though I admit, it did sound a little arrogant.
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
How, in being a Christian, can you make the statement, 'There cannot be a Liberal Christian'? (i know that isnt the exact words you used, but tit for tat - it serves the purpose)

Because liberal stances on most issues are opposite of Christian teachings.
Read what Im posted above, sorry, I don't know why I said I never said that, weird.
You have so much passion, energy and seem to be so well informed - Please understand, Im not 'attacking' you. Im simply trying to understand what youre saying as well as what you beleive. I have lots of contact with people your age (well around your age - between 13-21....my kids and their slews of friends who always make our house the daily hang out lol) and I can honestly say that damn near NONE of them have informed themselves as well as you have done for yourself.
Good Form & Well Done! :-) I truly mean that.
(ask RWA - he can tell you how much I respect that)

What I find to be the saddest thing of all, is when people who are in possesion of the above mentioned attributes, tarnish them by their lack of mediation....BALANCE. It causes the extrememly intelligent person to end up making some less than intelligent comments....and that to me is a pity, for it is such a waste of sagacious mentality.

The potentiality for greatness is within us all, its all in how we mold ourselves to not only percept but recept and mirror it.
Sorry KL, but i gotta side with Gop guy on this one, to some extent at least. I think i can say this objectively because I don't consider myself a christian. I guess i am what one calls an ignostic.

Anywho, you yourself have defined a christian as one who is christ-like. To major issues of liberalism are the advocacy of homosexuals, admittadly more so then the right and pro-choice.

I think one has to admit that these to issues are in pretty direct contrast to the stance that christianity takes on both of these issues.

it is extrememly difficult to argue that someone is really trying to be christ-like would be homosexual and/or pro-choice.
Im going to bed too lol

Im tired.

I wouldnt rush you, first of all. Secondly, I eagerly await the continuation of this conversation.

Sleep well

Do you mean agnostic? Ignostic isnt a word - I dont think it is anyway....but agnostic is.

To be Agnostic simply means to question that any one person can prove that there is or isnt a God - or Supreme Being. It can also relate to one who is skeptical or noncommittal about the existance of God/Omnipotent Being but does not wish to claim atheism.

Does this describe how you believe?

I hope Im not coming off 'bitchy' lol - Im truly trying to understand what youre saying.

However, if you post a reply and I dont answer, I have gone to bed as Im exhausted....but I do look forward to continuing this tomorrow :)
Im a Conservative alot because i believe in Freedom and Personal Accountability. The left may say they are in favor of this as well but all ive seen is the exact opposite in their actions.

I believe in Freedom for parents to choose where to send their children and the accountability of the children and of those who have been given a sacred trust to teach them.

I believe in the freedom for a man to pursue his own business and his accountability to his consumers to provide honest transactions.

I believe in the freedom of a child to be cherished and loved and the accountability of those who engage in actions that create children to raise, cherish, and love them in the bonds of holy matrimony.

I believe in the freedom of the people being allowed to define marriage as its been defined for the last 7000 years. And the Acountability of those who choose to engage in other activties to take responsibility for their actions rather then try to justify them by violating the freedom of the people.

I believe in the freedom of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness without government interference and the accountability to protect those liberties above all other responsibilities.

I believe in people being allowed to freely donate money to whatever politician or cause they desire with no restrictions other than full disclosure and the accountability of those causes and politicians to the people by avoiding corruption and serving the greater good.

I believe in the people being allowed to determine their laws by the majority vote as dictated in the Constitution in any areas not in violation of the Constitution. Such laws include laws against Abortion, Alchohol, Drugs, immodesty, marriage, etc. and the accountability of the people and civil servants to uphold the laws created by the people.

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