What I would like to see from the Biden admin.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
I have a number of issues I’d like to see movement on. One in particular is what I’d like to address in this post. I said in the title I’d like to see action on this from the Biden admin. Truth is I’d like to see action from any administration.

Civil Asset Forfeiture. The Founders never intended Due Process to be where the Government steals your property and you have to sue to get it back. The practice is an abomination.

It does not reduce crime. It does nothing but steal from people.

I have hoped that someone would put a stop to this Unconstitutional and Immoral action since George W was President. I’ve waited through Democrats and Republicans. I’ve argued against it through every administration. Perhaps now we will see some action on ending this practice. I am not holding my breath.
I know very little about property seizures. I understand that it might be a great tool in combatting cartels and such, but it is ridiculous to use the same criteria for everyone.
I know very little about property seizures. I understand that it might be a great tool in combatting cartels and such, but it is ridiculous to use the same criteria for everyone.

The problem is that the tools we come up with for extreme situations, are applied to every single situation. Civil Asset Forfeiture was intended as you say, for major drug and criminal empires. It is applied to every individual they can shoehorn into the situation.

Police in Tennessee are staking out Interstate 40 to try and intercept “drug money” and they get money. From any tourist they can claim may have gotten the money from criminal activity. So now you have to hire a local lawyer, and sue to get your money back. That is crap.

And they aren’t alone.

The woman worked for years to save her money, and buy a business. She had a deal, and it went down the tubes because the cops seized her money. Now, say what you want about the intelligence, or stupidity of driving across the country with a million in cash. But it isn’t illegal, if it is unwise. Not everyone trusts banks. And she paid taxes on her money, providing years of tax returns to the court as proof.

If you are victorious in court, an outcome no one is certain will occur, you don’t get anything but your property. No legal fees, no interest, nothing.

All because the cop thinks the money “might” be from a criminal activity. Nonsense. It is unconstitutional. It is immoral. It is just wrong. I’ve been waiting through many Presidents for this to end, and none of them lift a finger to end this practice. Perhaps Biden will. If you want the money, seize it when you charge the baddie for a crime. If he’s innocent, or found not guilty, pay them the money back, and interest. The maximum allowed interest by law.
Most of the time they take stuff for no reason. Especially cash.

It's because the vast majority of them have criminal minds.
At the very least, if a person goes to court and is successful in proving the money is rightfully theirs, they should have their court costs paid by the police department that took it. By rights, they should receive puntitive damages as well, but that will never happen.
What would I like to see him do? Or the Ear Whisperer? STOP the imports of trophy hunted animals like lions, giraffes, etc. Trump passed it because his sons love killing things then hanging their heads on their walls. WRONG. Leave the damn animals alone.

other than that....Biden can go fuck himself.
What I would like to see from the Biden admin.
Yeah, civil asset forfeiture has been a long-running gag for years. It's manipulated consistently.

Just as an aside, something I think we'll be seeing quite a bit of starting this year after things start to open back up is that a lot of people's assets will start to be seized as a consequence of so many falling behind after government forced them into the situation. And it's highly doubtful much will be reported on it. Basically the media is in the back pocket of the political aggressors in the first place, so they aren't gonna say anything about it when it starts happening. They'll pawn it off as market recovery or some dumb crap like that to run interference for the financial entities doing the seizing.
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At the very least, if a person goes to court and is successful in proving the money is rightfully theirs, they should have their court costs paid by the police department that took it. By rights, they should receive puntitive damages as well, but that will never happen.

This is where I totally agree and the person that win the case should have their money given back, their court costs paid and also awarded ten times the amount taken from them, so that woman would have gotten ten million back and that would cause LEO to think twice!
I know very little about property seizures. I understand that it might be a great tool in combatting cartels and such, but it is ridiculous to use the same criteria for everyone.
"...equivalent to treating dandruff by decapitation" - Frank Zappa

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