What happened to America?


Sep 14, 2009
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\What happened to America?

In the 19 years of my existence I would agree with anyone that said I know little or nothing about America before 2005, when I was 15. But things I can perceive are good intentions, of which are lacking in the America I know. Talking and even looking at pictures I see and hear about a United America, filled with civility and kinship. But what did it in? Was it the fear tactics used by the infamous ‘Bush Administration’ or was it the dwindled economy?
From there let’s talk more on civility. Civility as many of you may know basically means that you show a form of politeness to your fellow people, however, it seems we’ve lost that all together in America as the homeless man on a cold New York corner could probably tell you. What happened to the mantras “together we stand united we fall” or “one for all, all for one,” both of which have been forgotten.
Popular on the agenda of the world, and democrats right now is the idea of Universal Health care. In my opinion what is wrong with it? It has worked in literally all industrialized countries, with the exception of course of the United States. It is time for many Americans to open their eyes and see the greater picture. I will leave you with a simple mantra that in my opinion is the new craze, “alone we stand, divided we fall.” Choke on that.
You asked "What happened?" IMHO. It is a combination of many things. The largest problem is people started selling out themselves and others. Not only politicians but the people themselves became complacent believing they could force one another into their own precepts and ideas. People became lazy and gave themselves over. Parents got so busy making that almighty dollar that they let society dictate what their children would be when they grew up. For many it became more important to have their children dressed in designer clothes, cell phones, computers and such than pay for basic necessities such as a home and spend time in that home with those children you helped bring into the world.

Many people never grew up themselves and yet they brought children into the world then skipped on the parental responsibility of taking care of those children and teaching them. It was easier for them to keep partying down and to let society take care of their brats and hope for the best.

While corporations expanded globally the people never looked into the future of what their retirement dollars would be actually paying for. They had no clue that those companies would expand into other countries and then turn around and dump them and their neighbors. In their own greed to get an extra buck added into their own 401k's and retirement accounts they missed what was happening and getting ready to head their way.

Fast food and convenience has been a major goal for many. How many people eat a whole meal that is prepared at home? Do you realize how much junk food most children are fed these days? Real food is very hard to come by. Surely you have heard that saying "You are what you eat". Can you raise a child on junk food and expect them to develop properly? I don't think you can. Chemical additives inhibit growth. The people near us that have the smartest children fed them real food and home schooled their children. The ones that let societies effective advertising help determine what their children would eat, be taught and wear has children that are now having the most problems.

That standing together depends on where you stand.
I'm not a religious person but I believe that the repeal and/or abandonment of Sunday Blues Laws have had as much do (or more) with the break down of civility as anything else.
\What happened to America?

In the 19 years of my existence I would agree with anyone that said I know little or nothing about America before 2005, when I was 15. But things I can perceive are good intentions, of which are lacking in the America I know. Talking and even looking at pictures I see and hear about a United America, filled with civility and kinship. But what did it in? Was it the fear tactics used by the infamous ‘Bush Administration’ or was it the dwindled economy?
From there let’s talk more on civility. Civility as many of you may know basically means that you show a form of politeness to your fellow people, however, it seems we’ve lost that all together in America as the homeless man on a cold New York corner could probably tell you. What happened to the mantras “together we stand united we fall” or “one for all, all for one,” both of which have been forgotten.
Popular on the agenda of the world, and democrats right now is the idea of Universal Health care. In my opinion what is wrong with it? It has worked in literally all industrialized countries, with the exception of course of the United States. It is time for many Americans to open their eyes and see the greater picture. I will leave you with a simple mantra that in my opinion is the new craze, “alone we stand, divided we fall.” Choke on that.

About 50 years ago there was a tv show called "I love Lucy" I was the most popular show for several years. It was also one of the first live sit coms. They got the bright idea to inject taped applause into the audio feed after every "joke" in the script. Some of the jokes were funny..some were not. What they discovered was that like yawning..there is a reflex that occurs in human beings that makes them tend to laugh when they hear laughter. It probably goes back to the days in the cave when if you didn't laugh at the leaders jokes you got whacked with the leaders club.:lol:

Since the invention of canned laughter the american public has been trained to laugh with the tv funny or not...believe in the tv be it intelligent or stupid. The sellers of sugar coated cereal have won. Pay attention to the woman with the child at the grocery store. Pay attention to the child. The child makes many of the buying decisions.

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typical dumocrat,, first sentence attack bush second sentence as for civillity. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I don't know how they grow em so dumb,,
\What happened to America?

In the 19 years of my existence I would agree with anyone that said I know little or nothing about America before 2005, when I was 15. But things I can perceive are good intentions, of which are lacking in the America I know. Talking and even looking at pictures I see and hear about a United America, filled with civility and kinship. But what did it in? Was it the fear tactics used by the infamous ‘Bush Administration’ or was it the dwindled economy?
From there let’s talk more on civility. Civility as many of you may know basically means that you show a form of politeness to your fellow people, however, it seems we’ve lost that all together in America as the homeless man on a cold New York corner could probably tell you. What happened to the mantras “together we stand united we fall” or “one for all, all for one,” both of which have been forgotten.
Popular on the agenda of the world, and democrats right now is the idea of Universal Health care. In my opinion what is wrong with it? It has worked in literally all industrialized countries, with the exception of course of the United States. It is time for many Americans to open their eyes and see the greater picture. I will leave you with a simple mantra that in my opinion is the new craze, “alone we stand, divided we fall.” Choke on that.

At times in this nations history there has been radical change, like an earthquake on the political landscape. At those times civility is sometimes set aside for something else.

The homeless person you eluded to, it's hard to determine the circumstances there.

I'm not sure what 'fear tactics' you are talking about in regard to Bush.

Health Care is a serious issue and if anyone in America has problems in this regard I suggest you take it up with your State Government. That is where you should "Change" things.
The military industrial complex and big pharma/Agriculture took over.....
About 50 years before the poster was even born.
Idiocy like I love Lucy and all of the other crap kept the sheep from thinking.

Dope them up, tell them lies, and keep them entertained.
I wonder how many flag waving nitwits on this site will be glued to the idiot box for football this season ?
Then you have NASCAR.. Sport of the illiterate.
In the middle we have Idols and Survivors and whatever else the media is ordered to come up with.
The military industrial complex and big pharma/Agriculture took over.....
About 50 years before the poster was even born.
Idiocy like I love Lucy and all of the other crap kept the sheep from thinking.

Dope them up, tell them lies, and keep them entertained.
I wonder how many flag waving nitwits on this site will be glued to the idiot box for football this season ?
Then you have NASCAR.. Sport of the illiterate.
In the middle we have Idols and Survivors and whatever else the media is ordered to come up with.

I Love Lucy...

So, I think you are barking up the wrong tree.

\What happened to America?

In the 19 years of my existence I would agree with anyone that said I know little or nothing about America before 2005, when I was 15. But things I can perceive are good intentions, of which are lacking in the America I know. Talking and even looking at pictures I see and hear about a United America, filled with civility and kinship. But what did it in? Was it the fear tactics used by the infamous ‘Bush Administration’ or was it the dwindled economy?
From there let’s talk more on civility. Civility as many of you may know basically means that you show a form of politeness to your fellow people, however, it seems we’ve lost that all together in America as the homeless man on a cold New York corner could probably tell you. What happened to the mantras “together we stand united we fall” or “one for all, all for one,” both of which have been forgotten.
Popular on the agenda of the world, and democrats right now is the idea of Universal Health care. In my opinion what is wrong with it? It has worked in literally all industrialized countries, with the exception of course of the United States. It is time for many Americans to open their eyes and see the greater picture. I will leave you with a simple mantra that in my opinion is the new craze, “alone we stand, divided we fall.” Choke on that.

First, Politeness well get you places rudeness won't.

Good intentions lacking? I disagree, We are always among the first in aid and generosity.

Civility and Kinship are based on Trust and Respect. Diversity is good. Hi-Jacking other Peoples Resources are not. That man on the corner has options. He knows them well.

We all need to learn to stand as an Individual before we are of value to the group.

We need affordable health care. Applying something that is seriously corrupted Universally will only serve to expand the problem. We are Broke.

James Madison said it well, even if he was just repeating it. You need to swallow this, and I pray You don't choke on it.

"Because we hold it for a fundamental and undeniable truth, "that religion or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence." The Religion then of every man must be left to the conviction and conscience of every man; and it is the right of every man to exercise it as these may dictate. This right is in its nature an unalienable right. It is unalienable, because the opinions of men, depending only on the evidence contemplated by their own minds cannot follow the dictates of other men: It is unalienable also, because what is here a right towards men, is a duty towards the Creator. It is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homage and such only as he believes to be acceptable to him. This duty is precedent, both in order of time and in degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society. Before any man can be considerd as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governour of the Universe: And if a member of Civil Society, do it with a saving of his allegiance to the Universal Sovereign. We maintain therefore that in matters of Religion, no man's right is abridged by the institution of Civil Society and that Religion is wholly exempt from its cognizance. True it is, that no other rule exists, by which any question which may divide a Society, can be ultimately determined, but the will of the majority; but it is also true that the majority may trespass on the rights of the minority.

Because Religion be exempt from the authority of the Society at large, still less can it be subject to that of the Legislative Body. The latter are but the creatures and vicegerents of the former. Their jurisdiction is both derivative and limited: it is limited with regard to the co-ordinate departments, more necessarily is it limited with regard to the constituents. The preservation of a free Government requires not merely, that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained; but more especially that neither of them be suffered to overleap the great Barrier which defends the rights of the people. The Rulers who are guilty of such an encroachment, exceed the commission from which they derive their authority, and are Tyrants. The People who submit to it are governed by laws made neither by themselves nor by an authority derived from them, and are slaves." -James Madison

Religious Freedom Page: Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, James Madison (1785)
The military industrial complex and big pharma/Agriculture took over.....
About 50 years before the poster was even born.
Idiocy like I love Lucy and all of the other crap kept the sheep from thinking.

Dope them up, tell them lies, and keep them entertained.
I wonder how many flag waving nitwits on this site will be glued to the idiot box for football this season ?
Then you have NASCAR.. Sport of the illiterate.
In the middle we have Idols and Survivors and whatever else the media is ordered to come up with.

Wow, A real Ray of Sunshine. Everybody but You is responsible.
Ah 2+2=5 if it's okay with you that is. Lets Give Everybody Trophies, Competition is bad. It's not what you do that counts, it's your intention.

It's the Bullshit We buy and sell and Trade, rather than Honesty.
The military industrial complex and big pharma/Agriculture took over.....
About 50 years before the poster was even born.
Idiocy like I love Lucy and all of the other crap kept the sheep from thinking.

Dope them up, tell them lies, and keep them entertained.
I wonder how many flag waving nitwits on this site will be glued to the idiot box for football this season ?
Then you have NASCAR.. Sport of the illiterate.
In the middle we have Idols and Survivors and whatever else the media is ordered to come up with.

Wow, A real Ray of Sunshine. Everybody but You is responsible.
Ah 2+2=5 if it's okay with you that is. Lets Give Everybody Trophies, Competition is bad. It's not what you do that counts, it's your intention.

It's the Bullshit We buy and sell and Trade, rather than Honesty.
Maybe Doug can be more detailed in what he is saying here.

Responsibility belongs on each individual but also if corporates and leaders are not held to that same responsibility level the people do not have much to look forward to. One small crack in the dam left unchecked will eventually expand and the dam will fail.
To understand what happened to the untied States, you must go back the the years and events leading to, during, and following the failed Confederation War for Independence...
\What happened to America?

In the 19 years of my existence I would agree with anyone that said I know little or nothing about America before 2005, when I was 15. But things I can perceive are good intentions, of which are lacking in the America I know. Talking and even looking at pictures I see and hear about a United America, filled with civility and kinship. But what did it in? Was it the fear tactics used by the infamous ‘Bush Administration’ or was it the dwindled economy?
From there let’s talk more on civility. Civility as many of you may know basically means that you show a form of politeness to your fellow people, however, it seems we’ve lost that all together in America as the homeless man on a cold New York corner could probably tell you. What happened to the mantras “together we stand united we fall” or “one for all, all for one,” both of which have been forgotten.
Popular on the agenda of the world, and democrats right now is the idea of Universal Health care. In my opinion what is wrong with it? It has worked in literally all industrialized countries, with the exception of course of the United States. It is time for many Americans to open their eyes and see the greater picture. I will leave you with a simple mantra that in my opinion is the new craze, “alone we stand, divided we fall.” Choke on that.

You mean popular is the universal healthcare agenda that uses fear as a tactic?

Go do your homework, young 'un. And trying disengaging your ass from your head and all that leftwing propaganda you seem to be suckling on.
The military industrial complex and big pharma/Agriculture took over.....
About 50 years before the poster was even born.
Idiocy like I love Lucy and all of the other crap kept the sheep from thinking.

Dope them up, tell them lies, and keep them entertained.
I wonder how many flag waving nitwits on this site will be glued to the idiot box for football this season ?
Then you have NASCAR.. Sport of the illiterate.
In the middle we have Idols and Survivors and whatever else the media is ordered to come up with.

STFU retard. Military industrial complex ...:lol:

Take the blue pill. The yellow xanax is weaker.:cool:
To understand what happened to the untied States, you must go back the the years and events leading to, during, and following the failed Confederation War for Independence...

Nah .. leftwingnutism spells it all ....:eusa_whistle:

You're a retard. That only spells half of it. The correct answer is falseleftrightbullshitandcorruptppoliticiansputtingtheirownpowerandagendasbeforethePeopleandtheRepublic

Shit, I've yet to see a good president in the WhiteHouse
\What happened to America?

In the 19 years of my existence I would agree with anyone that said I know little or nothing about America before 2005, when I was 15. But things I can perceive are good intentions, of which are lacking in the America I know. Talking and even looking at pictures I see and hear about a United America, filled with civility and kinship. But what did it in? Was it the fear tactics used by the infamous ‘Bush Administration’ or was it the dwindled economy?
From there let’s talk more on civility. Civility as many of you may know basically means that you show a form of politeness to your fellow people, however, it seems we’ve lost that all together in America as the homeless man on a cold New York corner could probably tell you. What happened to the mantras “together we stand united we fall” or “one for all, all for one,” both of which have been forgotten.
Popular on the agenda of the world, and democrats right now is the idea of Universal Health care. In my opinion what is wrong with it? It has worked in literally all industrialized countries, with the exception of course of the United States. It is time for many Americans to open their eyes and see the greater picture. I will leave you with a simple mantra that in my opinion is the new craze, “alone we stand, divided we fall.” Choke on that.
What happened to America? The desire by many for ochlocracy, and their ignorance as to why it's not a good idea. Those who designed the Constitution were wise enough to design protection of the minority from the majority.
Wait, so I Love Lucy is a front for Colt Firearms, Alliant Techsystems, and Boeing?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2m1Nubw8XJw]YouTube - I love Lucy Vitameatavegamin[/ame]

That must be what's wrong with America! :lol:
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