Debate Now What does MAGA mean ? Specifically ?

MAGA would be synonymous with MAPA. “ Make America Polluted Again“ if the heads of the American Petroleum Institute (API) and eight companies: Cheniere Energy, Chesapeake Energy, Chevron, Continental Resources, EQT Corporation, ExxonMobil, Occidental Petroleum, and Venture Global LNG. give Trump one billion dollars to undo Federal regulation of the fossil fuel industry.

Yes, and the state EPA's are chopped liver. I worked for an oil company that was subjected to a state EPA that was very overbearing and very unreasonable.

But hey, believe what you want.
/—-/ How does confiscation money from one group help another group? The top 1% already pay the bulk of taxes and they provide the jobs.
You need to walk away from your class envy mindset.

What does MAGA say about this specifically.

I agree with many of your comments, but where are they articulated in the MAGA handbook ?
MAGA means Law and Order....
MAGA means progressives win and we will never have to find out what a four times indicted; one time convicted felon can do to convert America into an autocracy.

MAGA means progressives win and we will never have to find out what a four times indicted; one time convicted felon can do to convert America into an autocracy.

MAGA won twice they stole one win... they won't get that chance in 24....
People just need to practice saying, "President Trump" that way they can stop crying sooner rather than later.
I can say "President Trump", but for some reason, I always add "sucks donkey dicks" to the utterance and start laughing.
The Democrat groupies, however, are eager to destroy America so they use MAGA as an insult.

They hate America!

So much so, that they said back in 2020 - "If Trump wins! I am leaving the country!"

In 2024, those same people said that back in 2020, they threaten to leave the country if Trump wins!

We'll see if they keep their (broken) promise .....
Yes, Trump haters should pack their bags right now and leave.
As I said, back in 2020...there was many that said: "If Trump wins! I will leave the country!"

It's the same people in 2024, that have said it in 2020. And those people should leave the country WHEN Trump does win in 2024!

I like to see if those same folks keep their (broken) promise!

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