What does it say about republicans when the top polling candidate has nothing to talk about...

Jeb Bush aides used private domain for public business
By Eric Bradner and Alexandra Jaffe, CNN

Washington (CNN)Republicans who are lambasting Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email address on a private server have found themselves on a minefield, each facing questions about their own transparency.

The closest parallel among Clinton's likely 2016 challengers: Jeb Bush.

The former Florida governor was quick to criticize Clinton this week amid reports that she'd never used a government email during her four years as secretary of state.

Like Clinton, though, Bush had set up his own home server with a private address during his time in office. He still uses it, giving it out at events and asking supporters to email him comments and concerns. And, like Clinton, several of his top aides had email addresses connected Bush's server, too.

There are some key differences between how Clinton and Bush used their emails.

Clinton was the secretary of state, privy to classified information and involved in high-stakes diplomatic efforts; Bush was the chief executive of a state and not involved in foreign policy -- unless he discussed it over email with his brother, then-President George W. Bush. Clinton exclusively used her personal email; Bush also sometimes used a state address.

Bush has released hundreds of thousands of emails from the personal account he used during his eight years as governor in the name of transparency -- and after public records requests for those emails. A Bush aide told NBC News that a number of his staffers and his general counsel's office decided which emails to release.


<img alt="Jeb Bush releases 275,000 emails" class="media__image" src="http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/da...ush-2016-vision-speech-00013708-large-169.jpg">


    Jeb Bush releases 275,000 emails
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Jeb Bush releases 275,000 emails 01:08
But a CNN review of those emails turned up evidence a number of his official aides and family members also had email addresses housed at Jeb.org — and used them to conduct both official and political business — raising questions about how transparent that email dump ultimately was.

Bush staffers used 'jeb.org' email addresses

A July 16, 2003 email from Bush's deputy chief of staff, Alan Levine, suggests the jeb.org email addresses were meant to be used for personal business.

In response to an email from Florida state Sen. Mike Fasano, Levine wrote, "use my personal email for non policy stuff. [email protected]."

Another email, dated August 3, 2000, from then-Gov. Bush to "[email protected]" — presumably the address used by Sally Bradshaw, then Sally Harrell and Bush's chief of staff, backs that up. Bush forwarded Bradshaw a complimentary email from a supporter excited over his brother's election as president and offering their "69 GTO JUDGE Convertible" for a ride to events, adding his own comment: "Political," to the forward.


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Jeb Bush aides used private domain for public business
By Eric Bradner and Alexandra Jaffe, CNN

Washington (CNN)Republicans who are lambasting Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email address on a private server have found themselves on a minefield, each facing questions about their own transparency.

The closest parallel among Clinton's likely 2016 challengers: Jeb Bush.

The former Florida governor was quick to criticize Clinton this week amid reports that she'd never used a government email during her four years as secretary of state.

Like Clinton, though, Bush had set up his own home server with a private address during his time in office. He still uses it, giving it out at events and asking supporters to email him comments and concerns. And, like Clinton, several of his top aides had email addresses connected Bush's server, too.

There are some key differences between how Clinton and Bush used their emails.

Clinton was the secretary of state, privy to classified information and involved in high-stakes diplomatic efforts; Bush was the chief executive of a state and not involved in foreign policy -- unless he discussed it over email with his brother, then-President George W. Bush. Clinton exclusively used her personal email; Bush also sometimes used a state address.

Bush has released hundreds of thousands of emails from the personal account he used during his eight years as governor in the name of transparency -- and after public records requests for those emails. A Bush aide told NBC News that a number of his staffers and his general counsel's office decided which emails to release.


<img alt="Jeb Bush releases 275,000 emails" class="media__image" src="http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/da...ush-2016-vision-speech-00013708-large-169.jpg">


    Jeb Bush releases 275,000 emails
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Jeb Bush releases 275,000 emails 01:08
But a CNN review of those emails turned up evidence a number of his official aides and family members also had email addresses housed at Jeb.org — and used them to conduct both official and political business — raising questions about how transparent that email dump ultimately was.

Bush staffers used 'jeb.org' email addresses

A July 16, 2003 email from Bush's deputy chief of staff, Alan Levine, suggests the jeb.org email addresses were meant to be used for personal business.

In response to an email from Florida state Sen. Mike Fasano, Levine wrote, "use my personal email for non policy stuff. [email protected]."

Another email, dated August 3, 2000, from then-Gov. Bush to "[email protected]" — presumably the address used by Sally Bradshaw, then Sally Harrell and Bush's chief of staff, backs that up. Bush forwarded Bradshaw a complimentary email from a supporter excited over his brother's election as president and offering their "69 GTO JUDGE Convertible" for a ride to events, adding his own comment: "Political," to the forward.
If your point is that more is better, then judging from the pork you post, Hillary's ample ass should be in her seventh year of reign.

Sleaze in a way that no Bush ever was, or ever likely, will be. Still a dingbat kid.
I believe the 3 former navy seals and special forces guys who say they were told to "stand down" in the benghazi attack more than i believe an unhinged loser like rdean

call me crazy

If anyone had been sent to the embassy they also would have been killed and the bitching would be 'why send more people to die'?

Its a non-issue. Sorry to pop your bubble but the world is a dangerous place and there is no superman, only humans.
I believe the 3 former navy seals and special forces guys who say they were told to "stand down" in the benghazi attack more than i believe an unhinged loser like rdean

call me crazy

If anyone had been sent to the embassy they also would have been killed and the bitching would be 'why send more people to die'?

Its a non-issue. Sorry to pop your bubble but the world is a dangerous place and there is no superman, only humans.

sorry to burst your bubble but nothing in your boring meme has anyting to do with whether or not there was a benghazi cover-up; or if the matter is settled. it's a "non-issue" to the same self-deceiving idiots that call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress", and would believe all benghazi documents have been turned over
as for the world being a dangerous place, having spent time in baghad i'm aware of that

why dont you post soemthing that isnt idiotic tripe?
there is no scandal there

the right just lies about everything and have for years now

none of their fake scandals have born fruit yet they PRETEND they have
Isn't that the truth. They are positive the Clintons have been convicted of ...... something. It's connected to White Water or Travel gate or the suicide of Vince Foster or, or, well, something.
I believe the 3 former navy seals and special forces guys who say they were told to "stand down" in the benghazi attack more than i believe an unhinged loser like rdean

call me crazy

If anyone had been sent to the embassy they also would have been killed and the bitching would be 'why send more people to die'?

Its a non-issue. Sorry to pop your bubble but the world is a dangerous place and there is no superman, only humans.

sorry to burst your bubble but nothing in your boring meme has anyting to do with whether or not there was a benghazi cover-up; or if the matter is settled. it's a "non-issue" to the same self-deceiving idiots that call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress", and would believe all benghazi documents have been turned over
as for the world being a dangerous place, having spent time in baghad i'm aware of that

why dont you post soemthing that isnt idiotic tripe?

The committee is hardly about Benghazi anymore anyway, it's just a negative publicity machine against Hillary Clinton. Almost all the questions are directed at her and a lot of the times it's about completely unrelated things. The committee hasn't investigated anything directly involving the incident in Libya for months now.

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